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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/12/21 in all areas

  1. G’day NOPE .....Not One Puff Ever.... (replace Ever with Min,Hour, Day as required)
    5 points
  2. Day 85 (I think) I still on the quit train. I have been quit lately. Have not really felt like talking or sharing. It has been challenging lately. Having major dental problems which come September I hoping to get some relief from. Currently fighting off a bad round of diverticulitis which has waylaid my exercising for a bit. Just to many things life throwing at me recently gah and bah! Life needs to knock it off. There have been times I have thought why did I even try to get healthy and quit smoking as things seem to keep coming at me. This has been a honest thought. But I know smoking will not help any of it and I know I far better off having quit. I staying on the quit train. But dang this has been a hard hard 3 months of life. Still going to keep looking forward (like all the way to 2022 lol) tomorrow I start slowly working my way back up to exercising and walking. I staying on the train but gee life a little break please am down 24 lbs now...I call that a combination of GERD, diverticulitis, exercise and eating better...I would not recommend that the way to go but it is what it is and 24lbs gone is rather nice. Stay strong people you can quit and you can stay quit despite this thing called life!
    4 points
  3. I feel ya Abby I love how exercising makes me feel but lately I am struggling to exercise. Having major dental problems that I will not get help for until September and just as I have gotten the GERD under control I now fighting off a bad round of diverticulitis.... exercise has been off the table as I try to recover. Tomorrow I start again with the walking...it will be slow but I determined to start again. I hope you soon find your way back to feeling better on all levels Abby. I cheering for you :)
    4 points
  4. Can someone tell me why the ticker double posts .. I was so proud I finally figured this out or thought I did lol . Thanks .
    4 points
  5. Hang in there, @Dianne! Sorry to hear you’ve been dealing with so much stuff. I can relate. I am on vacation and currently have a Diverticulitis flare up. I went to an Urgent Care Clinic, today, here in Washington, D. C., to get an Rx for antibiotics. I am hoping I will start to feel better after about 24 hours, when the meds kick in. Hoping you are on the mend, too.
    3 points
  6. It wasn't health concerns or the social stigma that motivated me to quit. I got tired of planning my every waking moment around smoking. Cigarettes were dominating my life. We took different routes to get there, but the destination was the same.
    3 points
  7. Sorry Abby- if it makes you feel better being in a rut is perfectly natural and I think its a viscous cycle. Exercising makes you feel good. For whatever reason when we don't exercise, the lack of that "feel good" only makes it easier to continue to not exercise. Good news is that "feel good" is still there waiting for you. Wishing you motivation!!
    3 points
  8. I either do smoke or don't smoke . I choose don't . Done with that . It's not one puff today that gets me the "ever " quit .
    3 points
  9. I've really fallen off the wagon folks . Avoidance is the signal . I Haven't been checking in . I feel the pain either from lack of excersise or a reaction to some dental work that has my body inflamed and I have been eating every wrong thing in my cupboard for the last month . Carbs come in soft foods and I'm suffering ! I was way more disciplined when I quit smoking . I feel like crap and feel so negative about my fall off the wagon so don't post here not wanting to bring others down here with me . I suppose like smoking they are excuses . Depression about the whole thing is winning and I'm whining but not wining . Lol that may be my next addiction however if I don't get my happy back . One small step at a time .. walking seems hard lately as well . Copd ? Asthma? Oh Lordy Lordy if I could only go back to forty ! To think I used to be quite an athelete and now walking is a struggle . P.u.s.h . Was a poem I once read . I going to change it up a bit and add to it to apply to my current exercise dilemma . It can also be applied to our Quits Push until something happens . Pedal until something happens . Persist until something happens . The games coming up may be motivational for me.
    3 points
  10. I think for smoking dreams they were pretty normal, but remember it was just a dream!!!
    3 points
  11. I had a smoking dream a couple years ago and remember thinking why I am I doing this? Realized it was a dream and woke up relieved. It has only happened that one time so perhaps they will subside. just remember thinking in my dream "why am I doing this"?
    3 points
  12. I never experienced any peer pressure, nor was asked to hold cigarettes by my friends that smoked (guess that means they were real friends). I just thought it looked cool to blow smoke out of your mouth. The head rush when I first managed to inhale without coughing sealed the deal
    2 points
  13. Hi! @Dianne I’m so sorry about all of the issues you are having. I feel for you. @jillar is right though. Staying quit will promote faster and better healing. You will get through all of this and be the better for it!! Keep your chin up and yes, start exercising! It lifts your spirits tremendously! Really glad that you are still on the train and thank you for checking in!!!
    2 points
  14. Well, being healthier is the main reason to quit smoking for most people. For me, I have always been a bit rebellious, so the social stigma attached to smoking did not bother me.
    2 points
  15. It’s almost all about diseases . Almost nothing about the social aspect, which for me anyway, turned into the major motivation after the health reason. No longer having to sneak off or be banished to a remote spot to smoke if there was a smoking area at all.
    2 points
  16. Happiness is not the absence of problems. It the ability to deal with them
    2 points
  17. I haven’t had anyone offer me a cigarette since I quit. However I am accosted by strangers bumming for one every time I am out and about. But that was pretty normal beforehand. It doesn’t bother me. Though I am extremely proud to say, “No, I don’t smoke.” It makes me feel good and so very happy when I hear myself say those words.
    1 point
  18. Doing math work with a grin on my face. Got a call this morning from a man who recently bought a warehouse at auction. There were a bunch of cylinders in there (Oxygen, Acetylene, Argon, Nitrogen). He had no use for them and just wanted them out of the way. Told us if we were willing to pick them up, we could have them free of charge. We picked up over $10,000 dollars worth of cylinders. Even with the retests and new valves, we're still coming out over $8,000 dollars to the good. There is pride in working hard and earning your keep...but that easy money is pretty damn sweet.
    1 point
  19. Hi @Dianne, thank you for the update. I'm sorry you're having those issues. Its hard to believe right now but quitting and staying quit will actually help you heal faster Congratulations on losing that weight too, that is awesome for being so newly quit. And I love how you're finding the good in your bad situations
    1 point
  20. Nope! I am retired, so, except for Sunday, why should I care what day it is?
    1 point
  21. I had a very vivid dream last night that I was smoking cigarettes! I also was aware in the dream that I had quit, so I felt terribly disappointed in myself. Very interesting experience. I was so very relieved when I woke up and found that it wasn't real! Phew!!
    1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. NOPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    1 point
  24. Turn your processor off every now and again, Let the world solve its own problems for a bit. Load up on Loving happy memories, run, swim, jog swing, play or just relax. step back and shift your self into low gear. There will always be world problems to solve, but one day you are going to look up and your kids will be grown that restraunt you always said "we need to go to" is now closed or the one you really wanted to say I love you to is gone. Your Emotional, Mental and physical health should be #1 on your list
    1 point
  25. Thanks, Ace! One thing I will do is visit my son-in-law’s grave at Arlington. He was killed in action , in Afghanistan, in 2010. Watched pro athletes exercise today. First Wimbledon, then soccer, and tonight basketball.
    1 point
  26. Its ok if you fall down and lose your spark just make sure that when you get back up you rise as the whole damm fire
    1 point
  27. The bigger man will apologize.
    1 point
  28. Good info, though nothing I didn’t already know. I guess anything that reinforces my resolve to keep my quit is beneficial.
    1 point
  29. A walk down a country road is good for body heart and soul
    1 point
  30. @Robbie, there used to be threads about smoking all the time in the past as @jillar already pointed out. Now that you posted one, it does seem odd that there hasn't been one for some time. It's normal - I dreamed as well a few times and it is a relief to find it was a dream Early in the quit, dreams can be quite vivid (and I'm sure there's a thread explaining that).
    1 point
  31. Amazing!! Here in this fabulous forum for life? You betcha!!! A definite Godsend!
    1 point
  32. Thank you Abby. Side note I will eventually figure out how to properly use these boards I concentrating on the safe and sane thing right now. I could not of quit had I not found this place. For me this place has been a Godsend. The educational side of it. The experience of so many who have and are going through this, Absolutely invaluable to my quit and sanity! I have been able to borrow on that strength, courage and knowledge. I needed a place where I could say out loud....I not well and want to be. I going to be a life member here. To hold onto this and keep it. Today's good news for me was I only needed the inhaler they gave me once yesterday...once! That so much better than the every 4 hours I was doing.
    1 point
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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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