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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/24/21 in all areas

  1. Thank you everyone. I made it through today. I was feeling uneasy earlier, but it passed. I am glad you're all here for me.
    6 points
  2. G’day NOPE .....Not One Puff Ever.... (replace Ever with Min,Hour, Day as required)
    5 points
  3. Nope works . I don't mean not one puff ever but just refusing to give in saying nope just for today I won't give in while this craving passes . Sometimes they come in waves , it's normal. You have not back tracked . You are still moving forward . They pass , I promise . Today will pass , tonight you'll be a winner and tomorrow is a new day Great job posting is right Let me tell me my true story today lol . I was craving today too . Not cigarettes yuk but ...... Twizzlers Whenever I go shopping I want junk and I know it's not good for me too . Calories = weight and weight means double the walk to get the calories off . Yes twizzlers are ok for some but not for MeV. One leads to the whole package . So , l was at Walmart ; had them in my cart ; went up to pay , and guess what ....?????? I put them in the " return to isle " basket . Put your craves and cigarette thoughts in the return to big T box car . It's the no thankyou I don't do that anymore car . Sit in the dome car it's the freedom car .. enjoy the view first class .
    5 points
  4. @Kris every moment that passes puts more distance between you and that last puff Distance is strength and it gets easier- believe me You got this!! We got you!! When it' gets difficult log in here to keep your head in the game Welcome aboard
    5 points
  5. I'm a pretty motivated person and love challenges. Some days, just like everyone, i'm just not feeling it and want to just do nothing. Funny how those days, when I push myself out the door to exercise anyways, become the best workouts. They make me the strongest. When I quit smoking, there were days when I just wanted to take a puff. Maybe even smoke just one. But I didn't- I pushed through. Funny how those days made my quit that much stronger today I see some resemblance- it's called dedication.
    5 points
  6. Hi! I’m Grace! I know it’s time to quit. I’m starting the video and reading a bunch of your the posts. I started smoking at 15, stopped for three years after I had my kids and then restarted. I also quit for 2 months at the start of Covid, but caved. I’m 47 now so it is time! I’ve been saying I’ll quit when things calm down in my life- but there is always something. I am so sick of feeling so tired, I’ve gained all the weight back that I had lost and I’m worried about my health. I just found out a friend of mine has early stage lung cancer, and while she was telling me I could hear her smoking on the phone. I have overcome other addictions, but this one has a firm grasp on me. I think if I can get through a few of the videos and start the Carr book it will get me to my quit date. Thanks for being here!
    4 points
  7. Thanks so much for the welcome and encouraging words. Had a great easy day! Went to the tattoo shop to get my ears pierced. They were running a special so the place was packed. Line around the building with smokers. Did not bother me at all, I got this. K
    4 points
  8. @Kris Welcome to the train!!! Congratulations on your quit! There is so much support here. You can do this!! Not easy at first but it does get easier as the days go by. Read, post, keep busy!!!!
    4 points
  9. Welcome aboard Kris. Good call on giving up the smokes. The challenging parts of quitting smoking are temporary. The benefits of quitting are permanent.
    4 points
  10. Hi @Graciegirlva Hi , welcome to quit train . We have couple newcomers today I noticed , that's great . Having someone to walk through the journey together is wonderful support . We are all in different stages of our quits and I found in my own journey that that was so helpful . I know you will too . Ya I know we always find excuses to smoke . I was the same . Always procrastinated ? Me too . The perfect time to quit is now . We will always have stress in our lives or reasons to procrastinate and put it off so good for you realizing this and taking the steps to quit . Smoking doesn't change life for the better that's for sure, and it doesn't calm stress like I once thought , in fact smoking just adds to the problem emotionally, financially and physically . I know everyone will walk the journey with you . You won't walk alone . Reach out whenever needed , There is always someone who is going through or has gone through similar struggles . It's why quit sites work . So cool two starting this journey !
    4 points
  11. Gday NOPE..... not one puff Ever
    3 points
  12. Day 67...been spring cleaning while I alone and have the chance to do so minus distractions. Came across a bag I had hurriedly filled in the event I ended up in the hospital and to take to the ER with me. This was back in April about 5 days before I quit smoking. I did not end up in the hospital but did end up with a lot of prescription meds. Anyhow the bag had the usual change of cloths, a book, bottle of water ect and....a full pack of cigarettes'....it was a bit tempting not because I actually wanted one. Just that I have been busy with the spring cleaning and the thought to take a break with a cig sounded welcoming....so of course I threw them out, because really all I really wanted was a break from the cleaning not a cig.... not to start that again and not to have to put myself ever again to go through quitting... ugh! So yes lately I find I have to give myself permission to take a break. When I smoked I gave myself lots of mini breaks.....now I have to learn to give myself breaks just for the sake of it. Also shaking my head at the tv show Below Deck (marathons playing in the background as I clean) I never noticed before (when I smoking and watching the show) but dang they smoke a lot on that show every break they get....oh I guess that makes it a theme...I on the break theme lol
    3 points
  13. @Steven Drojensky I posted this in my thought for the day but I want to make sure you read this and believe in yourself!!!! To that one soul reading this I know you're tired you're fed up your close to breaking but there's strength within you even when you feel weak keep fighting!!!! You have got this!!!!!
    3 points
  14. Welcome aboard .. The Rewards you get from Quitting are endless..... Read all the posts on the Main Smoking Discussion Board...that are pinned with green .. There are some great tips and loads of info to get you started ... I read Allen Carr too.....it changed the way I saw smoking ...and how it was doing the exact Opposite to what I thought was the reason I smoked .. Quitting with friends is a great way to kick the addiction for good ... You can do it ...believe in yourself ...
    3 points
  15. Welcome Gracie girl! You will be ever so thankful that you have joined this forum! It’s the best! Be sure to holler out if you have a question, need someone to chat with or if you need help in saying NOPE today!
    3 points
  16. Try chewing regular Gum ....it kept my mouth busy .... Did some jigsaws to keep my hands busy ....and Yes Jillars air cigerette.... There is a million things you can do Steven ...and just one you carnt .... Coming here and getting it out helps ...keep coming ...
    3 points
  17. Stay busy, busy, busy @Steven Drojensky! I’ve had to drive myself to the point of exhaustion before! Hoping you keep your quit because why would we ever keep putting ourselves through those horrible first days of withdrawal.
    3 points
  18. Good on you for posting Steven, you sure don't want to keep doing those first couple of weeks over again! Have you tried distracting yourself with our Social threads? Maybe play a game or two or watch some funny videos? Sometimes just sucking on a candy works good too. I was stuck on soft peppermint puffs my whole first year lol. And of course there's always my JAC if all else fails! Hang tough, you got this!
    3 points
  19. Welcome @Kris, Congratulations on four days quit! The first few days/weeks/months might suck but once past them you never have to repeat them again! We can offer you all the support to help you past them. We have members in all phases of quitting from newbies in their first year quit to old phartes who've been quit for over a year. We also have tons of great info about our addiction as well as a video library if that's more your thing.
    3 points
  20. Welcome to the Quit Train Graciegirlva. Commit to the quit. The only regret you will have is that you didn't do it earlier.
    3 points
  21. Hello and welcome Kris Congratulations in taking your life back ,from this horrible addiction... Go to the Main Discussion Smoking Board ,check out all the great info posts,they are pinned with green . There are lots of tips to help you along ... You can do it ...and we will help you in your journey .......Freedom ...
    3 points
  22. Hi Kris , I'm glad you are here . Yes it certainly is hard in the beginning but remember getting through the hard days lead to better days . They will pass if you don't smoke . The key is to starve addiction , don't feed it , no matter how hard it gets . Cravings will pass and days will get better . A lot of what's to come is dealing with associations to smoking . Nicotine is out of our system quite quickly . Every season of the year has different associations . Do give yourself patience and time and every day you don't smoke and get through the hard stuff , go to bed grateful because you've earned this wonderful freedom you are about to receive. Tips .. oranges help with cravings or lemons ; even holding a glass of cold water or a cup of hot tea in your hand and having it available to sip on can help . Hang in there , you can do this . If you need help , go to SOS as well , or come to the non smoking lounge , play some of the games there . It's great distraction and it will help you through and we can get to know you better . Congrats on making one of the the best decisions of your life.
    3 points
  23. I know I said I want this topic focused on COPD and not me but you guys were all so kind in telling me I shouldn't be embarrassed to go out in public that I wanted you to know I took it all to heart. I also discovered oxy glasses! They're glasses that can be fitted with a prescription lens and have a cannula built into them! So no more oxygen hose across my face I really think this may be a game changer for me and part of my researching it further is thanks to all of you P.S. anyone still on the fence about quitting, this could be your future problem too.........
    3 points
  24. NOPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    3 points
  25. Quit date 6/20/21, getting harder as time passes!
    2 points
  26. You are on your way Kris, congratulations! It does get better as the days go by, you will just have to trust us all on this one. All the best.
    2 points
  27. Welcome Graciegirlva. You are so right there is always something. There is no better time than now to quit to take back your freedom, health and money from this addiction. You can do this you really can. I so sorry about your friend yet so glad you joined here with us!
    2 points
  28. Welcome abroad the train Kris. How awesome you found your way here and to quit this horrible addiction. First weeks are tough but we all are proof you too can do it. Read and watch the videos they very enlightening and to be honest keeping busy also helps and what better way to keep yourself busy then learning how to fight this addiction. Again welcome and congrats on your quit!
    2 points
  29. Good for you posting the SOS. Don't give in to the crave!!! Yoh have to keep yourself busy. I have been there and you do not want to keep going through hell week. You can do this I have faith in you. Reach out and vent on here if you need to!!! Just don't smoke!!!
    2 points
  30. Oh that's good, sounds like you have a bunch of stuff to keep your mind occupied.
    2 points
  31. Thanks Jill. We have a lot of ginger candy around the house, so I will use those today. I will check out some of the games today and I have to tutor on Zoom today.
    2 points
  32. Welcome aboard graciegirl and congratulations on quitting! Its good to see you already taking advantage of our video forum. A lot of members have found them extremely helpful
    2 points
  33. This is wonderful news @jillar. Thank you for sharing this information . I know it will help others , maybe here on quit train maybe someone just looking in . I hope this opens new opportunities and a continuous beam of light that gives you even more hope , more energy and more confidence in the days to come . Keep sharing your story , keep reaching out to others . Share this journey you are on . Never be ashamed you have COPD . I like to look at it this way its copd not COPD but that's me and copd . I understand we are all different and that's ok too . You can get stronger , maybe your lungs won't , I don't know , but you can . Copd doesn't change a thing about the beautiful person you are and since my time here that's what I see in you , not an oxygen tank at all . I hope this turns out well for you . It will be life changing and I'm so happy for you . I am in tears of joy for you actually and I have just known you such a short amount of time . I cannot even imagine how you feel right now . All the very best to you .
    2 points
  34. @jillar, so happy to hear this :). Hope you feel comfortable enough to do most of the things you enjoy doing. Made my day so I can only imagine what it must have meant to you.
    2 points
  35. Saturday morning I had a pleasant ride- 26 miles and close to 3200' of elevation gain to the top of this mountain
    2 points
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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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