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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/10/21 in all areas

  1. No work today, going to spend the day on the beach, beautiful Lake Huron and a some boating, with friends. It is almost 90 here so I am so looking forward to some fun in the sun. and oh yeah I won't forget the wine . Hope everyone has a great day
    8 points
  2. NOPE - Not One Puff Ever Please pledge to not smoke, even if it one day at a time. Life is better without cigarettes.
    7 points
  3. This is just my intake ...it may differ from others .. In my quit along the way ..I have seen many friends fall victim to the Nicotine trap,when they had good quits going...this used to effect me big style ... But what it did do was make my own quit stronger ..because I could see how easy it was to fall... I'm agreeing that this virus has probably had alot to do with this issue this year or so ... The great news is ...ML and Steven jumped right back in to thier seats ...
    7 points
  4. 7 points
  5. Congratulations Katgirl .... You smashed that month ...Don't forget your Reward for all your hard work. Thank you for your constant support to others ..
    6 points
  6. 6 points
  7. 6 points
  8. I’m not sure about the ripple effect either. A person smokes because he/she allowes and eventually provides. There's really no external effect or person or whatever responsible for that. The more I come to think of it, the more I see how I started jeopardizing my quit somewhere at the start of this year. I recognized that I felt isolated and lonely, I knew I had to go full on self care. I think I did a lot of things quite ok, considering circumstances. But, somewhere along the line, the thought “I can always grab a smoke, if things really fall apart” came in. And although I didn’t really held on to the thought (at least that’s what I uhm... thought haha), I wasn’t facing it either. What I should have done, was coming here way more often. It should have been my absolute no 1 priority to keep that quit, like it has been for so long. Regardless of personal and global circumstances, moons or stars.. bit I didn’t. And now I’m sorry and have to sit on the blisters, as we say here. so, don’t ripple effect me, don’t be like MLMR!! (Or at least not relaps-wise )
    6 points
  9. I'm still holding it together thankfully! The Covid pandemic has made everything hard, not just quitting smoking. Things are slightly more normal here now, we were allowed to meet for our ukulele class this morning however we all had to wear masks in the room and were not allowed to sing together! I found that hard, but at least I was with other people. The isolation can do your head in! There is live music this weekend with very limited numbers allowed in each venue, masks have to be worn and we all have to check in, in case there needs to be tracking of people if there is an outbreak. I am so grateful for these small freedoms as it means there is something to look forward to again. These events and the Quit Train have helped me enormously to maintain my quit so far....
    6 points
  10. Congratulations Katgirl! You are doing awesome!
    5 points
  11. Congratulations on your first month quit @Katgirl, you should be so proud of yourself. And you did it all while supporting others also I hope you have something special planned to celebrate
    5 points
  12. Lucky you, sounds amazing, have a great day
    5 points
  13. Yay!! Congratulations Katgirl That all important 1st month is done. Now you can put all the tools and strategies you learned in that first month to work for your 2nd month.
    5 points
  14. Double Congrats @Katgirl you are rockin this .
    5 points
  15. I didn't know ML. So recently three . I'm so sorry to hear this , but yes glad they are all back on the wagon They didn't cause each other to lose their quits in that ripple effect sense but definitely a rough time that all seemed to be around the same time . @Robbie we might soon be singing outdoors again too and so happy because it's been 15 months . I am too anxiously waiting. Enjoy I'm glad to hear you are getting back to it . Music really does help,. I think maybe we will be able to sing with masks on , but I know there are guidelines and rules . New lax of restrictions here starts today . It's been broken down into three stages this will be stage two. We've all definitely learned to appreciate the little things through this pandemic . It's been hard for sure . Thanks @MLMR thinking one can grab a smoke is dangerous , stinkin thinking I called it when I went there . Smoking has to completely take it off the table as an option . I had stinking thinking which led to romancing which led to one puff which led to losing eight years quit which led to COPD /asthma diagnosis , and it didn't end there . I'm confused is there another ML or this was you who recently smoked and got bk n the wagon , if so I'm so glad you didn't go on to relapse . @PeachFuzz l think I have never slept properly when it seems there is a full moon . Lack of sleep too can cause us to let our gaurd down . Hungry angry lonely and tired . If we think of those four things quite often a crave will pass when we recognize it's not a smoke we need , but nurturing ourselves in one of those ways . Halt . I'm not sure younfolks use that term here . As far as astrology tho I don't know much about that . @Doreensfree I agree and was the case for me . An eight year quit I gave away because I was confident in my long quit and took a puff . It did make me stronger . I have almost ten years now and this quit I haven't been so unwise to think I can't be trapped by a trigger again . I don't dwell on smoking but I do stay vigilant. @Mee depression is hard . Anxiety , panic all those things but I know again from personal experience and from knowing others with the same that quitting is still not impossible , maybe a bit harder , but harder makes us stronger too . I am proud of those who suffer those things and still keep coming back , still make their way through . Thanks everyone for your very very thought filled input and thoughtful responses . It's been a good discussion , hopefully others will still come to add . Different perspectives and observations are helpful . Keeping a light on for those to come home .
    5 points
  16. If you believe that we are affected by astrology some of you might know that we are currently smack bang in mercury retrograde at the moment, making life a little trickier to navigate. Covid brought HUGE challenges for everyone and still do. These factors are maybe 30% of the challenges we face right now, ultimately we still have free will and we are mostly in charge of our lives. Our thoughts, our decisions, our mindsets are controlled by US and nothing else.
    5 points
  17. Yes, I do have one month smoke fee today! I’m not sure why, but it almost seems too easy. Maybe because I had gradually cut down, or was really ready psychologically? My large family is my reason for doing this. I want as much time with them, as God will give me. None of us knows how much time we have left, but we can improve our odds, in that department, by living a healthier lifestyle. Look at me! I quit smoking, and I am working out daily. I have even managed to shed some weight, which can be a problem with a lot of quitters. I will admit that vanity is why I started working out. I wanted to assure that I would at least look as good as I did, before I quit, after quitting. Not the best motivation, I suppose, but it worked for me. Thanks for the well wishes, and a big thank you to whoever started this group. I know that checking in everyday, and participating, is a big reason for my success, so far. So, one day at a time……. Thanks again, friends! KAT
    4 points
  18. Gday NOPE....... for me
    4 points
  19. Just what the Doctor ordered. Friends, sun & fun - enjoy!
    4 points
  20. @Abby yeah, i think Frying Pan Doreen is referring to me
    4 points
  21. Cut the coffee for a while Steve, it's a trigger for sure. Lots of orange juice for the next couple of days, in a sippy bottle, especially when you have a hand to mouth craving. Healthy snacks, grapes are good and 2 litres of water a day. Valerian sleeping caps are great and natural (non habit forming) It's a new day. The past is the past. I have full faith in you and know that you want a better life for yourself and your loved one's. You now know more than ever, that going back is never an option xx
    4 points
  22. Please introduce yourself . My name is Abby , fairly new to quit train but have been for quit for some time . I smoked 28 years and was up to two packs a day . Eh I am Canadian . People here from around the world with one common goal . Love to know where you all are from . I never thought I could quit . I came upon joining a quit site as a last resort when I was deathly sick ( a do or die situation ) and after several failed attempts to quit decided to just do it , no more trying . I was scared , had little hope , depressed and didn't know where to start . Everyone helped me , welcomed me and voila I'm still here . I would say the experience is a good one . I owe my quit to the help and support of fellow ex smokers like those here at quit train . I attribute my quit to their patience , understanding , to their keeping me on track and on the rails , to keeping me distracted through games and humour , teaching me through education and videos , testimonies and a much needed kick in the butt too when needed . Sometimes things hurt , oh yeah , that truth sometimes hurts , but sometime it was the whistle I needed to hear . With that , and the education I learned researching about addiction on my own ; learning from those who went before me and those who devote their lives to helping others quit like Joel Spitzer videos , books written by many , the administrators and founders of such sites it was a complete recipie . From there it was daily practise . I am grateful I put the work into making it all come together . It wasn't easy , but something worth having sometimes doesn't come as a hand out . I learned that when I took my first easy eight year quit for granted and blew it away with one puff . Quitting smoking changed my life . It was all worth it . Every crave , every struggle . Glad you are here , glad I'm here too , glad we are all here . That's it from me. Anyone else want to share ? Newcomers , elders ? Ps . Likes music , loves being smoke free , dislikes shrimp .
    3 points
  23. Big congratulations on the one month. If vanity is part of the reason who cares? The day you stopped you already looked better. keep up the good work and the road will get easier but it seems to me you got the guts for this. Best wishes. Stay close if stress does come on. Help is here.
    3 points
  24. Not ashamed to say ...shedding a tear .
    3 points
  25. Have a great day Linda!
    3 points
  26. Actually, the gardens here are all the wife's doing. She's the green thumb talent. I just keep her well fed
    3 points
  27. I don't feel it is a ripple effect either. I do feel we have been all living a dreadful year. Being isolated and discouraged brings depression. When we are depressed, we look down on ourselves. When we are down our strength weakens. I do believe this community is essential but have also found myself distracted from the forum. I think continuing our friendships and helping others helps each of us stay vigilant. It took me too many years to find freedom and I know that I never want to be a smoker again. Many people here helped me through very dark days and helped me to believe in myself. All of us are valuable and stronger than we realize. Come here and reach out when you feel weak. We are here to hold each other up.
    3 points
  28. Congratulations @Katgirl! WooHoo!! Time sure has flown by since you’ve joined us here! A month already!
    2 points
  29. Ok just got home had a wonderful time,this girl did not take her sunscreen!! Have a nice sunburn,did not forget the important stuff,the wine lol It was great to get out and see friends. Came off the lake a little earlier than we planned wind was picking up and rain was coming.That's ok enough to get a good sunburn. Almost forgot what is was like to see people having fun since covid!!! Back to life!!!
    2 points
  30. AFFIRMATION FOR ANXIETY This is only temporary I am in control I can take things one step at a time I've made it through before and I'll make it through again Anxiety does not define me
    2 points
  31. G’day NOPE .....Not One Puff Ever.... (replace Ever with Min,Hour, Day as required)
    2 points
  32. A chef and a gardener. There's no end to your talents Sir
    2 points
  33. Well done Nana20, what a wonderful milestone!
    2 points
  34. Congrats, @Nana20! Great way to celebrate! KTQ!!
    2 points
  35. Weird morning for me. Woke up a bit anxious with my heart beating faster than normal, and felt a bit lightheaded. Being an RN, I took an extra dose of my Beta Blocker to slow my heart, and when I felt a bit better, I did my morning workout, rather than skip it. Because I took the med, I couldn’t get quite to my target heart rate, but I did get close. Had I skipped my morning workout, I would have felt like I let myself down. I’m not sure if being so driven is always a good thing, but I feel fine, now.
    2 points
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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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