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G’day NOPE .....Not One Puff Ever.... (replace Ever with Min,Hour, Day as required)7 points
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Missed a few days, but they were all without smoking . Never fear if nope is here . Post , don't smoke . It's nope for me . Hope you all are doing well .5 points
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@Gus & @PeachFuzz I'm pretty sure that once you have built a solid quit, you won't even think about going for a smoke to cope with life's issues and problems. We ALL used smoking as a crutch; a brief escape from stress/problems. The really crazy part of that is we actually thought it helped in some way All that was really going on there was getting a shot of dopamine along with a jolt of adrenaline as well as relieving our addiction stress. That and a time out to think things over. That's a great example of just how diabolical this addiction is. Reversing that is part of the quit education we get along our journey. Thinking about having a smoke now that I've been quit for years is completely foreign to me. That idea doesn't even enter my mind now. I've reprogramed my thinking and repeated my new coping strategies often enough now and that's the difference right there. Time and repetition and working our new strategies that work for you. Keep moving forward with patience and commitment and you'll both make it to where you want to be3 points
Week 1 done! That's fabulous. Job one is quitting for now. Everything else can be addressed later and here's something you will realize down the road ...... once you know you can quit smoking for good, you'll know you can do anything else you set your mind to3 points
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@Robbie Great going! WooHoo! I also have that feeling you were describing. I likened it to a constant state of low tension. Like just being on the verge of a low level anxiety attack. It went away after a couple of days though. All I can say is stay busy. Busy, busy, busy. My problem with that is that I’m 55 and after the second busy I am tired. LOL But napping works as well as being busy. Just not very healthy to do to much of. Good luck and I was just wondering about you yesterday. So glad to see that you are still with us.2 points
A shout out to everyone who is trying right now!!!! trying to do the right thing trying to stay open trying to keep going trying to hold on trying to let go trying to find their flow trying to stay afloat trying to meet each new day trying to find their balance trying to love themselves trying new things and new ways I see you I'm there too we're in this together2 points
Hi everyone, I'm going ok in my new smoke free life! I'm working on a few dates to reach as personal milestones i.e. out lasting my longest quit, reaching my birthday etc. etc. Those short term goals seem to work for me. I don't have really strong cravings or urges for cigarettes now (thank goodness!), but I have noticed just a sense of uneasiness or that feeling that something is not quite right with me! I imagine that this feeling could hang around for quite a while and it comes from the places where a cigarette used to be. I also have this feeling when I see someone smoking in the street. Luckily it doesn't bother me too much, but it's interesting to observe what is going on during these early quit days. Ready to take on day 38!2 points
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Thank you! I’m feeling much better today! I am also dealing with so many personal issues. I’m having to learn how to cope in a whole new way. Evidently, smoking was my coping mechanism and I am a complete moron who is unable to control her emotions without it. HaHa But I am wading through and will prevail. I KNOW that I couldn’t survive another quit and will not allow myself to take up the burden of smoking again.2 points
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Hang in there my friend. We need to keep strong Gus and just keep on keeping on. I've got your back and I'm praying for you and us. I'm having to deal with a host of personal things right now, but lighting up is never, ever the solution. Look what happened to me after a 12 year relapse and I've got to go through all this crap again. I actually feel its harder this time but we have a funny way of only remembering the good, so it's hard to say. I just know that I'm never going through this crap again. Strongs to you.2 points
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This is a HUGE step forward Robbie!!! And guess what? The things you noticed that day will last a lifetime as long as you don't smoke. Sure, there will still be some down days as your quit journey continues but as long as you keep focused on the positives you're seeing after quitting, the more you're going to enjoy them. Each one is a small thing but put together, they will make a huge positive difference in your future1 point
Hi @Robbie, I think short goals is a fantastic idea and one most of us used as well. Its so much easier mentally to just stay quit today and then tomorrow do it again. That's why we do the daily NOPE. Its just for today we promise not one puff1 point
Your friend sounds like an amazing and beautiful person! I’m glad that you were able to spend time with her and I’m so proud of you for not giving in to the nicotine demon.1 point
@jillarThanks ,she is truly one beyond amazing person, that's what make it so hard for me1 point
@reciprocity, I haven't heard any theories about robots who bleed blue taking over towns so probably not1 point
Watching The World's End on Syfy and can't decide whether its really stupid or just really weird.........1 point
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9 Ssshhhhhhh... I've been hiding in plain sight hoping covid wouldn't see me.... so far so good1 point
Yea @PeachFuzz, congrats on eight days quit! Everything you're experiencing is normal and won't last forever so take it in stride because the only way past it is through..............And don't worry about any weight gain, that's for down the road when your quit is secure1 point
“Pay it forward” Express your quit. Your first, second, third, the sticky. Every battle, every loss, every win. Victory!!! Each and every expression on this site has impressed upon me an affirmation, a warning, guidance, and encouragement to stay on the train. I would be drowning in all kinds of anti-self mental states without the input of other passengers. I am so thankful I found this forum and that I have found my quit.1 point
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missed the hassle and dont know who the person was who sent them out publicly.... I did receive a bunch of selfies from Ginger, Horney Toad, Babbles, DD, and really most of the chicks. (I never shared with anyone but Jimmy while riding the bus and occasionally that idiot who drives the trains) I would send them back with comments and seemed like we all got along. Horney toad even resent them back with better poses. I can continue the service if any of the chicks or piggy would like honest feed back to how they look. Remember your background and lighting when taking the photos. No filters either or its just a waste of time.1 point
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