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G’day NOPE .....Not One Puff Ever.... (replace Ever with Min,Hour, Day as required)10 points
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Congratulations on four months quit today Linda, that's fantastic! I love reading your positive thoughts thread and your support of others. I hope you celebrate you today7 points
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Thank you all for the encouragement in this journey, you all know I've had my struggles along the way.would not have made it this far without all of you.7 points
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WooHoo!!! Way to go Linda! I’m so thankful you are here with us too! You are the most positive and uplifting person I’ve come into contact with on here and I appreciate you!6 points
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G’day NOPE .....Not One Puff Ever.... (replace Ever with Min,Hour, Day as required)3 points
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I agree, it's totally normal to be obsessed with quitting. Which is why this forum is so important. People who have never smoked don't really understand it. And those still smoking don't want to hear it. Folks here having gone through the same experience are the only ones who can relate. Congratulations on 31 days. You should get a ticker. It's kind of cool to see the number of cigs not smoked and the money saved.3 points
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Every single event in your life, especially the difficult lessons ,have made you smarter,stronger and wiser than you were yesterday be thankful2 points
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Can't seem to get my ticker to stick! Followed these steps and keeps disappearing... Oh, it's worked after all! Wow...over $700 saved already....mind blowing!!!2 points
Well half way thru my day today and all seems well except for be tired. Been out turning some wrench with my guys, and staying busy, but just ate a meal and feel it is time for a nap. Yesterdays emotional dump seems more like a dream now than reality. I do remember my first time quitting after several years, before then I could stop basically when I wanted without any issues, but allways ended up smoking again down the line. The first real time I had the emotional ups and downs, My wife was not understanding and it was tough, so close to a year and feeling strong I decided just one ten another and a couple weeks another and once I bought the first pack that was it. Back then it seemed like there was a lot more of us quitting and making plans to getting on the lido deck. This time around it wasn't so tough but I did have the Tools to work with and you marvelous supporters, and Jill. she knows me really well and I trust in her advice. I am listening more and BSing less and also hanging very close to the forum Well I got to get and get moving or I will end up napping and that wouldn't be a g good thing. A little bit later2 points
Congratulations @Robbie on getting through the hardest month of them all You are doing great and I hope celebrate your accomplishment in some way special2 points
We get it !!!! We have been there .....I was on the forum 24/7.my sleeping pattern was trashed for a while So I spent my time reading and Learning ,and staying close to get me through the tough times ... Thankfully it does get better as time goes on ..the addiction weakens .... We have all been where you are ...it's totally normal ....2 points
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@Robbie, when I was newly quit I seemed obsessed with it too. I thought of it all day long, woke up thinking about it, went through all the phases of grief from losing it... And there's a lot more of us who were the same so you're totally normal. We're getting "clean" from our addiction so you feeling that way is totally normal and won't last forever2 points
Thanks for your support folks, the people I personally know who have quit smoking don't seem to have had such a mental battle like I have or maybe they just didn't talk about it. I was talking with someone yesterday and he told me that I was "obsessed with nicotine!". Well, yes I'm sure I am as it's been a daily part of my life for more than forty years now...always making sure that I didn't run out or had enough for the day etc. etc. In more recent years I was smoking 'rubbish' cigarettes because of the outrageous prices here in Australia or switching brands to try to keep the cost down. I sure don't miss any of that! I like the comment from you stzr500 that I'm 'in the middle of the soup' right now, as that is how I feel, not very stable at all. I have to stay on guard as one slip could undo all my hard work. I also find that my friends are really bored with my attempts to stop smoking, so this forum is vital to me now more than ever. Thanks so much everyone!2 points
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Congrats on one month behind you , one month won , one month no smoking . You rock!2 points
Ohhhh....I just love these!!! Happy Anniversary Robbie on your amazing quit!2 points
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