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G’day NOPE .....Not One Puff Ever.... (replace Ever with Min,Hour, Day as required)7 points
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When a train goes through A tunnel and it gets dark You don't throw away The ticket and jump off You sit and trust The engineer Stay on the train to FREEDOM!!!!4 points
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Yes I have had strong feelings like that too Barb63, I cried almost non-stop for the first three days of this quit. I also felt like I may have a breakdown at times, but I'm feeling more 'stable' now thankfully. I'm eight days off the cigarettes. You are doing so well and to not have a cough or breathlessness anymore must be a huge boost to your confidence! I'm not coughing now, but still short of breath at times, really hoping that improves. Sometimes I get an urge to smoke and it's a bit like someone punching me in the stomach, but I have to stay strong as I really can't go back to smoking. Sounds like it would be a very bad move for you too! All the best Barb.3 points
The human body has amazing capabilities once you stop suffocating it. Continue to breath in only fresh air. That's all your lungs want and need!3 points
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Nice to meet you Robbie . Without the Patch when I tried to stop in the past I felt like I was having a nervous breakdown, I would cry and actually felt if I didn't get a cigarette I would fall over the edge. With the Patch I don't . I guess those feelings were from the physical withdraw. I can't even imagine how I would last going through both the physical and mental withdraw the same time. The mental need and addiction is bad enough.3 points
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Welcome Robbie, My name is Craig and It's just strange as to why I checked in tonight. Call it intuition or just being at the right place at the right time. Well to start things off I am off the cigs for quite some time now. Years to be exact but I will not give the time frame only because you need to focus on now and today and each minute. I recognize a few familiar names here and it's great to see them here still also. I can so relate with you as far as the depression goes. OMG it was so bad for me it dropped me to my knees some days. Just prayed to God to get me through this, I am not what you would call a every sunday church goer, actually not even close. But I have faith in my own way and it's very personal. I'm here to just relate as other here have also, it's a rollercoaster ride that will take you to the brink of hell then let you breath a little before it grabs a hold of you again. Addiction is a demon all of it's own nature, if it was easy nobody would be smoking, chew, snuff or vaping, knowing how bad it is for you. I have seen a man sitting at a bar with oxygen and light up..no joke. Oxygen caught fire and burned the left side of his face. McAllister was his last name a friend of my cousin, died a bit later a couple of years but the cigs did him in, 48yrs old. Now tell me that's not being addicted to the most extreme. Anyway the best advice I can give you is be patient with yourself, cry if you need to, yell if you need to, dance in circles if you need to, I use to walk out in the rain and just let it hit my face and cry. Just remember nobody knows when you cry in the rain. I'm not going to lie to you quitting smoking after 30 years was by far the hardest thing in my life I ever did. Just have faith in yourself and ride each bad minute or second out cause it will get better I promise. I will not give you a time frame on that either cause every quit is unique to that individual and personal. You can NEVER compare your quit to someone else. Don't question shouldn't I feel better by now, Why do I still have cravings ? My favorite one...When will this madness end ?? It will end when your body and brain are back in sync again. It will happen though..before you know it , it will be one good minute a day, then 5 good minutes, then 10, then a half hour and so on and so on. A few set backs along the way..of course why wouldn't there be, just be patient with yourself it will get better. Just need to learn new coping skills and believe it or not fun skills where I just plain ole enjoyed a smoke. It was both of them for me as many others are also. The best thing is realizing you are not alone on this, that is why this forum is here. It's a GOD sent for sure. I had anxiety and depression which go hand and hand from one extreme to the other. I do crave once and a while yet but it is so quick it's like a blink of an eye. I just think to myself ... really you can't think of anything better to think of than a smoke ? Get the h.. out of here. Move on to another thought just like that. Keep at it and you will be there one day. Another true and honest point I have to say is, I was so screwed up when I quit smoking that I am so afraid of where I was I don't EVER want that feeling again. That alone keeps me from ever lighting up again. If there ever was being at the brink of hell emotionally I was there ! Well I think I rambled on enough here, very sorry I can't keep checking in every day. This is a great place to get the help and courage you need to keep your quit. Those were very dark days in my life which I am glad I weathered the storm as you can also. Change isn't easy nor adjusting and learning new coping skills but they will all fall in place in time, be patient. I'm not going to say good luck on your quit, I am going to say, you got this and you can do it take the set backs in stride and don't be to hard on yourself. Believe in yourself and it doesn't hurt to ask for help ... Good Lord is there 24/7. Take Care. Sorry shows my quit time anyway..lol. You got this !!2 points
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But God, that quickly? I heard some people have that cough for years. We are fortunate.2 points
@Robbie, your shortness of breath should improve as your lungs start getting cleaned of all the gunk caused by smoking. You're doing great2 points
Our bodies truly are Amazing Machines ... The Healing starts the minute you stub out that last cigerette....2 points
The last few months especially I was coughing constantly. Shortness of breadth. 3RD day it all went away, just like you. How is that possible?2 points
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Hope it arrives promptly and unscathed, Doreen! You have been waiting for this a long time, no? I have been promised delivery of our new sofa and loveseat tomorrow...btwn 10:15 am - 12:15 pm...can't wait!! Right now, only have two wooden rocking chairs in living room.1 point
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We can't always Choose the music Life plays for us But we can choose How we dance to it1 point
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Hi Robbie welcome aboard and congratulations on taking your life back! What I've seen with members here who suffer from depression is that quitting helped them immensely. It wasn't right away because we all have to go through the early doldrums of quitting. Some cry more, some are sad, some are more irritable like I was. But with time quit it all got much better1 point
Just saw that newbie @AceWhite changed his avatar to an image from The Big Lebowski. I love that movie. Stay strong in your quit Sir. And here is some Big Lebowski. The Dude Abides.1 point
I have to agree with all the posts that gradual decline does not work. For the last few years I smoked I was constantly getting down to just a few a day. better than a pack a day but not quitting or even getting close. Actually it was my doctor who suggested that method. I always thought that if only I could be forced not to smoke for a few days I could make the move to quit. Careful what you wish for and every cloud does have a silver lining. Make a long story short, I came down with a viral pneumonia and spent 3 days in ICU and another 5 in the hospital. It was just time to put up or shut up in my mind. I had run out of excuses. I just wish I had done it sooner. Other people use different methods to quit than CT and I support that but you have to get the cig out of your mouth. I wish you all the best.1 point
Gradual decline doesn't work. All it eventually does is help you feel better about smoking. Cold turkey is not the only way to quit. You can quit using the patch, Chantix and even nicotine gum. These a tried and true quit methods. So, decide whether you want to quit and become a non smoker. If so then get on the train.1 point
Oh I've tried this method quite a few times in my 52 year Smoking Career.... Knowing you only have a certain few cigs a day ...mind blowing... Clock watching ...watching the minutes go by ..ever so slowly ,waiting for that precious hand on the clock to click on the minute you can finally light up ,and ease those cravings ...not wanting the cigerette to ever end ,cos you know you have to do it all again ....and again ... My advice ...don't bother with all that torture ....put them down and promise never to smoke again ..1 point
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