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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/10/21 in all areas
7 points
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G’day NOPE .....Not One Puff Ever.... (replace Ever with Min,Hour, Day as required)6 points
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Some folks age like a fine wine. Bakon ages like bread. Happy Birthday FartKnocker.5 points
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Welcome Barb and congratulations on twenty plus days smoke free. It can be tough but it is very doable as the people on this site can attest. Stick around. There is a lot of support and knowledge you can gain here that can help you quit smoking for good.4 points
Barb63 you are awesome!!! Believe it or not the hardest part is over & you are winning!! Now is when determination needs to kick in- know that each days distance between you and that last puff will be easier. Gradually you will never think of smoking again. Welcome aboard the train4 points
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Still holding the fort up I see Bacon, Oink oink. Happy birthday!4 points
Welcome on Board and you are certainly in the best place, I need to share a story with you if I may, I suffer very badly with anxiety and depression and have done for many years, 4 years ago was my worst breakdown ever, long story I am sure you don't want to know but half way through my breakdown I decided that it was time to give up the cigs yet again, I'd had enough of them controlling my life, and that is what it is about really, nicotine takes control and makes us think all these things that you are describing and we believe it and listen to it. I used to read all the wonderful advice that the lovelies on here gave each time my quit failed, and thought to myself I will never feel like that, never feel like I've got my stick quit. But do you know something you do get to that point, you do reach a point where you realise that YOU WILL never go back to smoking again, I managed it when my life was at its lowest point, and you will manage it as well. Just don't listen to the nicotine demon instead listen to the voice that is saying its time to love yourself again.4 points
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So this was the start of my quit over a year ago. It’s been a long road but I finally know in my heart and soul that I’ll never take one puff ever. NOPE. I truly know the meaning of those words. This forum is made up of awesome people that make it bearable when things seem unbearable during our quit. You are all special- and I don’t mean special education type special. I commit to stay because I know that my quit is still fragile no matter how confident I feel. Hopefully at least one person can learn from my F up of a relapse and how it took 7 years to find my quit again4 points
Hello everyone, I just did a search of forums for quitting smoking and found this. I tried a Facebook group from day 1 to day 7 but it only made me feel worse constantly talking about wanting to stay off cigarettes and focusing on it so much so I left the group. Now I am on day 22 and its a roller coaster from one day to the next. A few days it seems easy to dismiss wanting one and then there are days when the want is so strong I think I will go outside and buy one from somebody passing. I am 63, smoked for 40 years, was diagnosed on March 16 with early stage COPD and on March 17 I put the Patch on and that was it.3 points
3 points
Welcome on Board my lovely, you are definitely in the right place, focus on a minute at a time if you have too, be kind to yourself, what you are doing is a wonderful thing. So much wonderful information is here, wonderful people, who will be with you every single step of the way. If you need to reach out and vent, rant, share a celebratory moment then please do, we are all here, it definitely feels like home XX3 points
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G’day NOPE .....Not One Puff Ever.... (replace Ever with Min,Hour, Day as required)3 points
We have a daily NOPE thread ..... This is a great way to start your day ....it's a promise not to smoke for the next 24 hours .... This can be a great tool in your quit .... If you want to know anything ..just ask ...there is always someone to help ....3 points
The threads pinned at the top of the "Quit Smoking Discussions" section is a good place to start. Great deal of valuable information in there.3 points
Welcome aboard Barb. The ups and downs of the early days of the quit level out with time. Congratulations on giving up the smokes. Quitting is one of the best things you can do for yourself.3 points
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JH .... Do you feel stinky enough to jump back on the Train .???? You carnt be enjoying those cancer sticks ....!!!! This might help !!!!3 points
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You've got that focus that is required for a successful life long quit this time AceWhite! I've been around here for a bit and there's certain posts that people make where you just know they 'get it'! You've done the heavy lifting of the early quit. Now it's just remaining on guard for weak moments and unexpected cravings. Your brain just needs more time now to learn how to be really comfortable as a nonsmoker and to forget all those triggers you used to have as a smoker. It will happen naturally given time. Good job man!3 points
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2 points
Hi Barb, welcome to quit train! Congratulations on 22 days quit, you've got the hardest part behind you believe it or not You'll find as much support as you need/want here from people all over the world so there's almost always someone here 24/7! We also have a great Social forum for those times when you just want to give your mind a break from the constant thoughts of cigarettes so be sure to check it out. It's a great distraction and helped me immensely I smoked 35 years and quit when my breathing got bad from what I was told was chronic asthma. Then I got a bad respiratory illness that resulted in respiratory failure last January and have been on oxygen ever since. So if you are already diagnosed with COPD it is something to take seriously so you don't end up like me...... Stick close and be sure to shout out if you need some extra support2 points
I'm so happy and proud of you Jackie ... Your coming back and helping the newbies is so welcomed .... Alot of the old faces have moved on ....but we have some great new ones ....2 points
Thank you! It feels great to finally be able to say I bloody got there, I did it, and it feels absolutely wonderful. I remember each and every one who helped me on my ummm how many times did I try a lot I know, but you all supported me so much. If I can give back the support to anyone who needs it, would be wonderful, paying it forward xx2 points
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Hey @Robbie! One of our members, MLMR, had issues with depression and anxiety yet managed to successfully quit and kept the log of her journey in one ongoing thread. Right from her joining us to her successful 1 year celebration and beyond. Check it out by clicking on the title below! It may give you some insights as to how you might best proceed. Not only can you be successful in quitting but you can also achieve positive growth as a person by quitting. There will be benefits to quitting you haven't even imagined at this point but it doesn't come easy. It will be so worth it though2 points
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