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G’day NOPE .....Not One Puff Ever.... (replace Ever with Min,Hour, Day as required)8 points
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You didn't lose your Quit Jeff.... you know where it went ..it's not lost ... Carnt tell you how much this has made me sad..... I'm sure we will see you back at some stage .... I've never met a person who went back to Smoking and said they were gloriously happy ... They just smoke and wait it out till they have mustered up enough strength to try again .. Very sad indeed ...4 points
Hey hey hey Mac congratulations on one year cigarette-free! You made it, and you never have to smoke again!!! How does it feel not having to stand outside to get your fix?! Plane travel will be so chill going forward....Great going! Thanks for being an awesome companion on the . Enjoy freedom! And remember to reward yourself!4 points
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G’day NOPE .....Not One Puff Ever.... (replace Ever with Min,Hour, Day as required)3 points
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You didn't lose your quit Jeff, you threw it away .... willingly. That's what our addiction wants us to do ..... throw in the towel and feed it whenever it demands. You know, slavery to nicotine addiction. There's not one of us here that can instill in you the commitment required to successfully quit. That must come from you and you alone! You'll find that commitment one day. Keep looking for it and come back when you find it.3 points
Oh Jeff I just answered your message and now I'm reading this. I am so sad to here this. I had a hard time over the weekend. Jump back on your quit please for yourself3 points
Great job keeping that quit, Linda! It's hard now, and its going to stay hard until it eases up. It will ease up eventually. For me, 4 months was a lot better. Then 6. Then 9. Please try to occupy your mind with something that wipes it free of all thoughts including smoking. Puzzles, crochet, exercise, a movie...cooking...anything that consumes you except smoking. It will get better. It takes time...only God knows how much. You have to have the longer breath, so to speak. Be more tenacious and more determined than your addiction, and you will prevail. Hope your days get better soon.3 points
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Got my second dose of moderna last week and was expecting the fatigue,slight fever and headache for 24 hours but nothing like the first happened. Perhaps it was a dud. Who knows. I am 71 and had to wait till the pharmacies started up because arizona state sights were hard to schedule and it seems like very one was an essential worker these days. No problem once they opened up the pharmacies.2 points
Sorry to hear this. You can`t change what has happened in the past but you can change the ending yet to come. Think about this for a bit. Most all of us have tried to quit and have failed before it stuck. You know you don`t want to smoke and you will quit someday. just hope it`s sooner than later. best wishes.2 points
Thanks guys, so kind of you all . Will let you know how things go. I spoke to her, she says she has a massive scar running from her neck down to top of her legs,poor woman, but at least she’s alive2 points
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Sending my love to you and your Sister ....and praying for a speedy recovery.... And hoping she finds Freedom .❤2 points
I can grow a pair Here you go Lilly. These little guys got me through my quit. Little did I know that during my quit, I did grow a pair of balls. You will find that at the end of your journey, you are much different than when you started. You will become a stronger, confident person that is in control of your life.2 points
I hope you head back to the train. You had a great quit going. No excused except giving into your addiction.2 points
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That is sad. Life is never better with a cigarette in your mouth. Health and wealth are jeopardised. I hope you can gather the strength and commitment to start a new quit soon, before serious problems occur. Wishing you all the best .2 points
I don't recall smoking ever being a part of my dreams Last night was different- I somehow ended up with a couple brand new packs of my fav smokes in my hands I was freaking out- I wanted to smoke one really bad. I was making every excuse in the world to pack 'em and open 'em up Finally I threw them away- Didn't smoke one, but that was a stressful dream and pretty vivid Nice try small fry2 points
This is great to hear Lilley. Everyone has that one moment where it just clicks and you're ready mentally for this journey. I glad you have gotten that point. Now is where you put in the work to become a happier and healthier version of yourself as a non smoker. You can do this, just have faith in yourself and lean on us for support.2 points
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Good to see you Lilley ... Sounds like you have a very good reason to quit .... Knuckle down....and buckle up ....Let's get this done...once and for all..... Still only one Rule .....Don't Smoke Not Matter What ..2 points
So I have decided that tonight I will smoke my last cigarette and go to bed a non smoker. Things seem to be falling into place in my mind and tonight is definitely the night. I can't just bin what I have and get going - I'm someone who has to have a plan. What has brought me to this point is : The wonderful support in this thread. You all have invested time and effort and I need to put some time and effort into starting my quit It's shameful that I came back a year ago and I'm still flouncing around here as a smoker I can sit around like a Debbie Downer and complain about how hard this is to do, or I can grow a pair and just get on with it and love being a non smoker My left foot and ankle is getting blacker by the day. I have numbness, daily cramping and intense itching. It's clearly not serious as it's been going on for months but why wait until it's too late for health issues And the final reason is I really want this and I CAN do it2 points
Right on, John Q! Congrats on nearly a year! You already havee absolute freedom on your side. Never look back and reap the rewards! Great job!2 points
I'm sorry that you have not been able to quit again! You quit before for a long time! You said that you needed to find a reason to quit. Didn't you have reasons for quitting before? Aren't those reasons as valid now as they were before? I'll try to give you a few that might mean something to you. There are lots of other reasons to quit, but non as important as these! Smoking kills, on average, 1,200 Americans. Every day. More people die every year from smoking than from murder, AIDS, suicide, drugs, car crashes, and alcohol, Combined. Smoking causes heart disease, emphysema, acute myeloid leukemia, and cancer of the mouth, esophagus, larynx, lung, stomach, kidney, bladder, and pancreas. Smoking also causes reduced fertility, low birth weight in newborns, and cancer of the cervix. I got this warning off of a pack on Malboro reds. I keep it close, so I can read it if I need it! Big Tobacco was ordered by a federal court to put this on their product. But it really lets Big Tobacco off the hook. It takes the liability off them and puts it squarely on the user. Just saying! I hope that you will find your reason and come back here soon! Take Care! Jeff2 points
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