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G’day NOPE .....Not One Puff Ever.... (replace Ever with Min,Hour, Day as required)9 points
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I go with what the Pig lover is stating -- do a self-assessment. You may be surprised at what you find and will be encouraged. Also maybe time for some positive thinking (even if forced) is recommended!!!!4 points
Happy Saturday everyone!!!! Hope everyone is doing well as can be. I’m doing good, holding my own. Have a wonderful Easter!Keep your quit!!!4 points
stop focusing on reasons to smoke -thats pretty unhealthy thinking You can't reach a destination driving in reverse You've made it quite a distance down the road. If you quit your quit you'll regret it4 points
You and only you are in control of your quit now Linda. We can give information about nicotine addiction and the quitting process, as we've seen it during our own quits, but in the end you alone will determine what happens with your quit. Lately, it seems you have been questioning whether quitting is worth it for you? Maybe it's time you sit yourself down and ask/answer (honestly) these questions: (Left Side of Page)1. What do I think lighting up a smoke will do for me both short term and longer term? (Right side of page) 2. Why did I quit in the first place 3 months ago? Has that reason changed or has my desire to achieve that goal changed in these past 3 months? (Right side of page) 3. List as many benefits from quitting smoking that you have noticed in your life in these past 3 months. (Left side of page) 4. List things you think you have lost since quitting smoking. Maybe if you do an audit on the pros and cons of quitting, and where you see yourself in the process right now, it will help you to prioritize what it is you really want and whether or not you are on the right path for achieving those short term life goals. Just a suggestion because sometimes, we can't see the forest for the trees, as they say. Writing it out on paper can sometimes help us focus on what's most important to us.4 points
Dr Fauci banned window licking, but I know of this one underground club......4 points
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Linda, I am sorry you are having a hard time. However, time for some tough love. You have to stop trying to quit and just QUIT! Make up your mind that you are a never-again-smoker and figure out how to move on with your life. There is absolutely no circumstance where it is okay to smoke. Not hurt feelings, not depression, not anger, not weight gain, not a zombie invasion. And it is rude to throw out an SOS to people who care and come back a day later saying you just did not feel social. If you don't like this response, remember just to take what you want and leave the rest.3 points
I have not smoked,but it has not been easy. Thank you all for the kind words and encouragement. Sorry I did not mean to be rude just not feeling very social today.3 points
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G’day NOPE .....Not One Puff Ever.... (replace Ever with Min,Hour, Day as required)3 points
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The mental game is probably the hardest part of the entire quit process @Gus, we've all had to deal with it to one extreme or another. Mine lasted quite a while and I found what helped me was the Social forums. We have a great assortment of silly games to help keep your mind busy and still stay close to your support. We have joke threads, music threads, we even have a fun thread for our @Mac#23 one year anniversary tomorrow. Looking up stuff to add to any of those forums is a great way to pass time and busy the brain. And if none of that works then maybe just go to bed early and put an end to the day. I know I did on many occasions. And tomorrow was almost always better Happy Easter to you too2 points
You don't want to smoke, Linda. Take it from me. I would've had 6 months by now if I hadn't of relapsed. It will taste terrible and you'll feel worse than you do now. Please try to keep your quit. Things get better I will tell you that.2 points
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I've yet to see a Happy Relapser Linda ... You would regret losing your wonderful quit ....3 months is a quit to be proud of ... Imagine what that crap would taste like ...how sick you would feel.. Putting back all those poisons back you have fought hard to get rid of ... We can only give you the tools ...the work has to be yours and how bad you want it ...2 points
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I had to Google it too..... It seems we have it here ..but I've never seen it .....looks very More...ish ....2 points
G’day Did you think I’d learn! Goggled it yep all pretty cool. Then theres a link to the diference between a moon pie and a woopie pie. WT.....it all went pretty fast south at that turn I’ll tell you. I’m getting more and more educated by the day!2 points
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You could also do something that you never smoked doing. That will help get your mind off the crave. I used to take a short drive in my car and as soon as I got in the car I forgot about smoking since I never smoked in it.2 points
Thanks Everyone! I don't think I could have stayed smoke free this long without you! I can't lie, I'm still having some problems. But I am trying to work my way through them.2 points
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Here I am another Saturday at work, started a 6am this morning and will get off at 415pm. no work tomorrow Easter. I think The wife and I will take a drive to the Beach and ride our bikes down the coast, Have breakfast and then rode from Santa Monica down to Venice, walk and shop have lunch and end up Back at Santa Monica some where around dinner time have some surf and turf. Got to be careful and stay on the Bike paths, Can't ride bikes on the streets its illegal could get the Bikes confiscated and end up in Jail. WHAT, why w is it illegal , its illegal where you live also. No want to Bet ? As far as I know, It has always been illegal to peddle your Butt on the street.1 point
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I'm happy to report that after a MINOR distraction caused by the window cleaner, the windows are finally nice and clean1 point
Note to self: if my hood ornament ever starts singing along with me, check myself into the nearest psych ward.....1 point
I'm thinking since we have a change of leadership, things are moving better. We have three vaccines (Moderna, Johnson and Johnson and Pfizer) in use now. Our healthcare workers, fire and police, people with extreme health issues and 50-70 year olds. Hang in there reci. Things have got to get better!1 point
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