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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/02/21 in all areas
G’day NOPE .....Not One Puff Ever.... (replace Ever with Min,Hour, Day as required)6 points
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Man finding good entertainment in a pandemic is hard. Thought since @Mac#23 was in the restaurant business maybe he'd like this guy but I'm kind of second guessing it now....5 points
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I am going to practice and practice until I can do this4 points
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Well shit, I thought I had the entertainment all booked and then one of the boy band members fell ill (pun intended)4 points
I'm happy to report that after a MINOR distraction caused by the window cleaner, the windows are finally nice and clean3 points
Unfortunately after the last incident, we are no longer welcome to dock in that port... We should be ok though as long as we wait until high tide...3 points
Three months -- Fantastic job!!!! Keep it going it really starts to get real now and you will really start to realize all those benefits!!3 points
There's that word again: "can't." When you quit telling yourself you can't and get busy figuring out how, you realize some of those mountains were merely molehills.3 points
Oh Lilly, as long as you concentrate on the "what ifs" and all the excuses why you can't quit, you will never quit. We will always welcome you back. We want you to experience the freedom of not being chained to smoking. We have all been where you are. You can quit.3 points
You can quit again, smoking is a choice. You either choose to smoke or you don't. I just hope you choose to quit before you get a serious smoking related disease.....3 points
Thank you Lilley for the update .... Your post is a good reminder of why we can never ..Just have One ....!!!! I hope you can soon find the strength to quit again ...as you know ,nothing good ever comes from Smoking .. We will be here ...when you are ready to rid yourself of this killer addiction ... Your seat will always be here ....I hope it won't be long .... As for Ray...smoking is a choice .. See you soon ...3 points
Thanks Everyone! I don't think I could have stayed smoke free this long without you! I can't lie, I'm still having some problems. But I am trying to work my way through them.3 points
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Is it just me getting older. or it is all over ? Holidays ? I just found out Sunday is Easter, and that was only because it shuts down the DC and I have to take care of getting my guys paid. But I have noticed Christmas, Thanks giving, New years Halloween Just don't mean crap to me. seems I have been sprogged, Maybe Holidays are just for those how have kids, younger kids, I mean isn't their excitement what gets us going, ramps every thing up. Kids are like superchargers of life. without them its like driving a Desoto 4 banger, no style, no adrenaline rush just getting from A to b. AHH I hear you what about my Grand kids, ya they are either at the teen age or New bourns, so that age of the superchargers isn't represented. I guess this is when if you let it life starts to slow down, get quite and stale. The fact is our bodies do reflect our age, we break don't bend any more, moderate exertion brings aches and pains our Medicine cabinets actually have medications in them. Damn do you hear that ? the whine? this is where my Grandfather would put his 2 cents in with some thing like You know Boy If you are Board, or feeling down it is because you want to be, otherwise you would get off of your butt and go do something. Or my Dads Dog poop therapy you board go pick up the dog poop. believe me when you have 4 full grown Germen Sheppard's there is a lot of poop to pick up ! I just now figured it out, it's he Magic that is gone the wonder in their eyes, the I know the Easter bunny is real because he pooped on the porch when he left the baskets., It's their belief in the magic when you don't believe any more the magic can not happen Could I Missing out simply because I am to old to believe ant more ? Is this me flat on my back with no magic left in my heart?2 points
Note to self: if my hood ornament ever starts singing along with me, check myself into the nearest psych ward.....2 points
Yes the struggle can be real and at times hard but as you have seen it is doable. I too had this struggle at the three month mark and really thought I might not make it but I looked at all the success I had with quitting and how much better it was getting. I came to this forum a lot at that time to read everything I could and plowed on with my quit. As stated above there are the terrible three's -- go to that link and you will see you are not alone. For me right after that three month mark (a goal I thought I would never make) it really dawned on me that this quit thing was really working and things were getting better for me. You can do this and in the next few days when you hit that mark do something really special for yourself and sit back and see how far you have come. Keep Strong -- You can do this!!!!!2 points
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Try and turn all your negative thought into positive ones ... Eg...Wow.!!!.....I've done something I never thought I would do ....Not smoke for 3 whole months .. How Wonderful am I .... Remember every smoker deep down would love to be where you are ... Reward yourselves ...the both of you ...with all the money you have saved2 points
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Congrats, @JH63! Three months already!! Celebrate your milestone and KTQ!2 points
Here's another point of view on the threes: http://ffn.yuku.com/topic/12531/The-Terrible-3s?page=12 points
3 months is tough. You might find yourself between identifying still very clearly as a smoker. Still aware of how your daily routine went when you smoked. But; you're already starting to identify as a nonsmoker and that's the tough part. You aren't sure who that is ... this nonsmoking person. The routine is not yet a comfortable one for you. By continuing on now with your quit, this strange new you will soon enough become the new normal, improved, Linda and you'll even wonder how and why you smoked for so long. It's there Linda; right in front of you and you have fought for this 3 months now. Letting go now is not an option - it just isn't!2 points
There's something about the three's that get a lot of us Linda, three hours, three days, three weeks, three months. We even have a few threads about it here. But once you're past it you will start feeling much better, trust us on this2 points
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We've been working all day trying to stock up on fish but they're just not biting......2 points
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