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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/28/21 in all areas
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Nope :-) Still and really proud of it today. So proud, that I remembered about all you folks that helped along the way. Thank you all7 points
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Thank you all.. Been a really long time since I came for a visit. My quit is going great, and with the exception of the global chaos that's going, most things are going well. Most of my health issues have slowed down to a dull roar. I am actually feeling a significant difference in my breathing and how much breathe I have, and I will never take that for granted again. I wish you all health and happiness. Peace, Rory4 points
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well I woke up this morning to find that I aged another year, 62 still very mobile, and I have all my faculties my eyes could be better but I am told by my doctors and nurses that as i get y Blood sugar down and my weight down and my cholesterol down keep my quit and walk several miles a day mu eyes will improve. Just wish I could spend much more of it hunting.3 points
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G’day NOPE .....Not One Puff Ever.... (replace Ever with Min,Hour, Day as required)3 points
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2 points
I think people that really want to quit smoking find it easier than those that need to quit or those that think that they should quit but don't really want to. The first time I quit smoking, almost 5 years ago, I had upcoming major surgery and was told that I had to be quit for at least 2 months prior to surgery. The surgeon said that smokers don't heal as well and the risks were too high. I quit cold turkey and it was horrible but I stuck it out. Even though I didn't really want to quit, in time, I didn't even think about smoking anymore. I know that while you're in the thick of it, it's hard to believe that it will happen for you, but it will! There is a price to pay for that freedom though. You have to go through the tough days in the beginning.2 points
G’day Happy birthday! Are you looking forward to the next one 63 Now. That’s 21 for the 3rd time!2 points
Hi @RoryPlog, good to "see" you. Hope you're doing well. Congratulations on over three years quit!2 points
2 points
I too J smoked over 50 years ... I stopped smoking at the start because of a health warning from my GP....that quite frankly scared the hell out of me ...getting news that my lungs were in poor shape I would have expected.... But ...amputation of both feet .....youv,e got to be kiddin me ... After a few months of being here ...I watched the 3 documentaries... That when I started quitting not just stopping .....it was my light bulb moment .... Everyone ,s light bulb moment is different and at different stages .... But in time it always happens .... Your,s will too....as long as you don't pick up another cigerette...2 points
Thanks Everyone! @jillar What you said about comparing quitting smoking to other things that I have had to give up because I'm getting too old to do them anymore, makes sense. Health wise I can't afford to keep smoking anymore. There are many things I can't do anymore because of my age. I will keep that in mind. You said something else a week or so ago about someone you knew that passed from causes related to smoking. And that they died wearing a nicotine patch. That stuck in my mind, because it puts this addiction into the proper prospective, (reality). @Boo I understand what you are saying about there being a lot of work to continuously supplying myself with a fix of nicotine. And you are certainly correct! But for some reason, after 50 yrs. of doing that, it doesn't seem like work to me. It's just something I normally did. I will keep what you say in mind also. When I am happy to be get rid of that Ball and Chain you speak of, I will be truly Quit!2 points
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