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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/21/21 in all areas
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G’day NOPE .....Not One Puff Ever.... (replace Ever with Min,Hour, Day as required)8 points
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NOPE!!! Not today!!! I'm up cleaning and tripped the alarm system by mistake. I'm moved so damn fast I shocked myself. It had to be 30 seconds or less. I got the crockpot going with some beef chuck short ribs. Have a great Sunday guys!!!8 points
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Yay Kate, all your hard work paid off! I hope you're planning something good to celebrate your accomplishment Congratulations you old pharte and welcome to the lido deck4 points
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Woke up feeling great again this morning, organized my Meds, made breakfast for my mom and I and got t work. work going so well I decided to buy my crew steak and shrimp for lunch and then it happened ! After eating all full and content instead of wanting a nap it was a smoke, I couple see it smell it taste it and really, really want it. Thank god I do not have anything stashed. My BPM have went fro 72 to 90 and the want is strong, , very strong. I thought it would have passed by now, I pulled out all my old tricks sucking on a sugar free Carmel, sipping on a coffee and here i am attempting to write my way out. It seems to be working, man that was almost an hour, haven't had a crave like that since the first week. Not sure if I should finish my steak? I don't think it was the food, more like the satisfaction of a job well done and the conversation of a top notch crew the situation put me back where it was normal to celebrate with a smoke. OK heart rate is slowing back down, the want is almost all the way gone 1/2 a cup of coffee to go. WHOOO HOOO I think I could use some of those endorphins we were talking about earlier OK candy it is.3 points
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It's a sad situation at any time but so sorry that you have to watch a dear friend die early in your quit. It's very stressful and stress is a big trigger for most people. Be strong and hang in there, Linda! KTQ3 points
Run with it Steven and if you fall picked your self up and start running again. Don't give your self time to validate the fall, just get up and run with it again. It is hard, we all know that and the ones that win are the ones that never give up. So focus straight ahead and pick up momentum as you go, you will succeed Steven!3 points
Congratulations on 1 year smoke free, @Kate18 You have done great. Celebrate big today!3 points
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Every statement you've made here shows a maturity in attitude toward your quit, which will serve you well in the long run! Carry on AceWhite.3 points
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G’day NOPE .....Not One Puff Ever.... (replace Ever with Min,Hour, Day as required)3 points
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@JH63 and @Linda, you HAVE to get through these tough days in order to get past them! I had just as hard a time as you guys and I promise you if you just trust us that it gets better you'll see that it does! Don't give up on yourselves.3 points
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