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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/08/21 in all areas

  1. G’day NOPE .....Not One Puff Ever.... (replace Ever with Min,Hour, Day as required)
    7 points
  2. It's still Monday where I'm at What the heck I’m pledging...
    7 points
  3. Congratulations Linda on getting past the hardest month of them all You're doing great, even if you don't think so at times
    6 points
  4. Maybe there are bumps in the road to keep us from falling asleep at the wheel.
    6 points
  5. @Linda Congratulations on one month smoke free. Remember this: The things in life that are difficult to achieve are much more valuable because they are difficult*. *Also remember that it won't always be so difficult.
    5 points
  6. Judi it is really difficult with the pandemic, I feel your pain the struggle is real. Get on here and post your feelings. There are a great bunch of people that are willing to listen and help with your journey. You are doing great 30 days is wonderful
    4 points
  7. Congratulations on being one month smoke free! You fought hard and you did it!
    4 points
  8. Huge Congratulations Linda..... You have fought for this day ....Reward yourself well....you have earned it .
    4 points
  9. Linda, hang tough. You can do this!
    4 points
  10. Sorry for being late here Linda ... Time Zones get in the way .... How are you doing now .....Coming here and getting it out means you really want to keep hold Of your precious quit ....your winning your battles .... We fight this addiction Day by Day ...Minute by Minute ....Keep Fighting !!!
    4 points
  11. @Judi I know where your coming from when you say your depressed. I am 64 and have smoked for 50 years. I have had problems with depression throughout my adult life. My doctor tells me that quitting smoking will help my depression and help with some other medical problems I'm having. I agree with him on the other medical problems, but the depression I don't know about. I have never been more depressed than I am at times when I've stopped smoking. There are days when I feel like I fell in a dark hole somewhere. I picked up the term Brain Fog somewhere along the way and that describes it. It's like I'm walking around in a fog. Nothing can get in or out of my head. The good news for me is that I'm not like that everyday. I have good days also, about half and half. More good news for both of us is that this is supposed to let up at some point. From things I've read and videos I've watched this depression is normal early in most people's quits. We just lost our best friend! This best friend wants to come back and finish us off! Hang in there with me and lets see what happens! I can tell you are a strong person and you can do this! Jeff
    3 points
  12. Oh Jillar when I lost my husband to cancer that song had just come out and he was a non smoker. And he did live his last 11 months like that. Wow that brings back memories.
    3 points
  13. I have lost a lot of people this year and I am bipolar so sometimes I get real depressed. I recently started tutoring again, so that will help me get out of my head. It's a volunteer program through the Burbank Central library and we have to do it on Zoom for right now. I have been sleeping a lot and take walks sometimes. I am glad you are still here, Linda. Hang in there. We are all in this together.
    3 points
  14. @Judi, I don't think you'll find too many people right now, both nonsmokers and smokers, who don't have some form of depression from this pandemic. Factor in the emotion explosion of quitting and it can be hard at times. Most of us are either extra irritable or cry more than normal when we first quit. My last couple of years also have been brutal. My car was totaled, my bunny died and my mother died and I needed to execute her trust. Then two months after she died I had respiratory failure and am now on oxygen still because I haven't been able to get any pulmonary rehab because of this pandemic. So I get it but I guess it was around April or May last year when I just woke up one morning and just decided I didn't want to be in a bad mood anymore. I was sick of it. If this pandemic was going to get me I wasn't going to spend my last year that way. And the funniest part is that it works! Shit is going to happen and it sucks but maybe we should live like the song says
    3 points
  15. I am feeling better today. The emotions are still seemed to be high. It usually take slot to upset me and I don't usually cry unless I'm really angry.Not sure why, I'm usually pretty tough skined been through to much crap and had to be to survive. But thanks for asking Jillar.Have had some family hardships and loss of a close friend, but I am normally the jump in and take control person.
    3 points
  16. Way to go Linda. You are awesome. Celebrate because you deserve it!
    3 points
  17. Yay Linda!! Congratulations on your first month as a non smoker!!!
    3 points
  18. Hi @Linda, how r u, buddy? I hope you are doing well.
    3 points
  19. Linda you DO NOT want to go through this first horrible month again right?! That should be incentive enough. Go online and pick yourself out something special for your one monthaversary. We had one member who bought a charm each month for her bracelet. That'll keep your mind busy
    3 points
  20. NOPE!! Nothing good comes from smoking!!!
    3 points
  21. Ok....THIS IS IT! Moving truck came Saturday and all my stuff is gone on its way to NC. Got my payoff statement from my bank for the mtg, checks have already been cut for all parties involved in the transaction by the atty, garbage has been placed at the curb, final walkthrough w buyers is at 10 am tomorrow, Feb 9th!! My 4th year quit anniversary is on Wednesday, Feb 10th. When I think back to how far I have come and how my life has changed (for the better!!!) since then.....it is mind-boggling....I am one lucky lady! Anyhoo, I will be running all day tomorrow and then driving half-way down to NC after the closing w my BF and little Panda! Packing my pc into a box right after I sign-off here so I will be missing in action for a few days (my laptop and tablets went on the moving truck).....so Carry on and KTQ! Be back soon!
    2 points
  22. Love this song Jillar
    2 points
  23. Oh Linda, I'm sorry to hear about your hardships. Don't worry about being the strong one right now. Emotions go wacky when we first quit so crying is normal for lots of us. You'll come out of this stronger than you've ever been and with a whole new sense of self worth
    2 points
  24. Way to Linda, congratulations and don't forget to reward yourself. Time to do the happy dance.
    2 points
  25. I missed this. Congratulations to you, Mona!
    2 points
  26. I thought it wasn't but today has been the worst I havehad days were ok I want a cigarette but was able to tell no you don't do it
    2 points
  27. Keep your mind busy other ways like playing games or watching funny videos to get your mind off smoking. We have a ton of fun social threads
    2 points
  28. Yes, water, candy and deep breathing. Enjoy how much deeper and clear your breaths are. You got this!
    2 points
  29. Water, candy, deep breathing. Anything but smoking.
    2 points
  30. Take some deep breaths. You are better and stronger than the addiction.
    2 points
  31. I wish I could like this 100x
    2 points
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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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