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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/07/21 in all areas
9 points
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G’day NOPE .....Not One Puff Ever.... (replace Ever with Min,Hour, Day as required)8 points
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G’day NOPE .....Not One Puff Ever.... (replace Ever with Min,Hour, Day as required)6 points
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G’day Swelling’s gone down and the nerves back again. Can raise my eyebrow now and wink again. Got a good black eye and an ugly plucked scar. Who cares! I’m back ! Chris4 points
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30 days ! Lets celebrate, I tell you what 30 is tomorrow correct? When I get to the Ranch at about 10am I will get up on the Hill look towards Michigan and yell out to you my best WOOOOOHOOO ! OK the real Me Now3 points
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Ok I know crap happens, but it seems like lately its all at once. Feel like I'm being put to the test like here is some more bad news can ya handle this???? Oh ya and don't smoke.well I'm about at my wits end with it. I realize there is always stuff going to happen.I was up at 5 am and got dressed and actually drove to the gas station to buy cigarettes. Then I'm like what the hell are you doing. It was 1 degrees out side snowy and crappy The insanity of it all. I did turn around and come home without cigarettes. Knowing the bad news was not going turn into good news after I smoked that cigarette. My daily rant for Sunday3 points
I'm doing deliveries for a new local food delivery service here in Buffalo3 points
And that is what it is all about! You are getting stronger than that crave. I hope you are celebrating and proud of yourself. Way to go Linda. Keep that beautiful quit going.3 points
HUGE turning point for you Linda, you should be super proud of yourself for realizing smoking would do absolutely nothing to you improve the situation3 points
Big WELL DONE for not caving into those horrible stinky cancer sticks, you sure would have felt ten times more stress after smoking them, and they would have tasted like sh*t, not at all like you remember them. I get what you did though, as I did this myself early in my quit, except I walked to the shop, which gave me plenty of time to come to my senses on the way there, by the time I got to the shop, and the shopkeeper was about to give me my usual brand, I said No Thanks, I.ll just take the sweets. It felt good. Good job on turning that car round. Proud of you.3 points
I have often asked myself the same thing. Why fight so hard to quit? I've already done my body irreversible damage. To me that's junkie thinking and we can't afford to think that way. It's just making an excuse to keep smoking and giving our bodies that nicotine it craves. It's a trick. I will admit that I get short of breath when I push myself physically. I am always cold. My toes are always sore from lack of circulation, even thou I don't have sugar. My mouth is sore and irritated a lot of the time. The good news is that every health issue I mentioned above has gotten better every time I have stopped smoking for any length of time. I don't have lung cancer or mouth cancer that I know about. I've never been told that I have COPD, but I might have it to some degree. I'm continuing to work on this quitting process because I know that my health will only get worse if I keep smoking. I have a sign on a cabinet in the kitchen, just above where I always kept my cigs and lighter. It says "Do You Want to Smoke or Breath". That's what it comes down to for me. Lets not let that junkie thinking trick us into giving up our quit! Jeff3 points
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Linda you DO NOT want to go through this first horrible month again right?! That should be incentive enough. Go online and pick yourself out something special for your one monthaversary. We had one member who bought a charm each month for her bracelet. That'll keep your mind busy2 points
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Wendy, You've come to the right place. You'll get support, advice & a strong network of like-minded people who are doing what you are, from New starters to Veterans. Stay close to the QT forum.. Good Luck2 points
Yes, well done Linda. It took great will power to turn around and go home without buying smokes. Especially when you were right there. I commend you on a huge step in the right direction. I would have to say this should solidify in your mind that you truly are a non smoker now. Congratulations2 points
Welcome aboard Wendy, You have just joined the best support group when it comes to quitting smoking. All that is required of you is not smoke. There are plenty of articles and videos to watch to give insight about quitting. Take in all that you can because knowledge is power. Plus, we are here to help throughout your entire journey. Remember you are worth it.2 points
Welcome aboard wendy and congratulations on deciding to quit! You'll find all the support you could want or need here along with a ton of information about our addiction so be sure to check out all our various forums.2 points
Well. Done Linda, stay focussed and determined and it will carry you forward. Don’t lose hope. Life WIlL get better. you got to ride the storm out.2 points
That's a common question: have I already done too much damage? Is it even worth it to quit at this point? We have to acknowledge the damage we did to ourselves as smokers. What's done is done. Rather than an excuse to continue smoking, this should provide more impetus to quit. The body has an amazing ability to heal itself. The mind will adjust and adapt to new lifestyle choices. Positive changes begin the moment we stop abusing ourselves with cigarettes. If you find yourself stuck in a hole, the first thing you do is stop digging. That's the spirit Linda. Know that you're doing the right thing. Keep the faith. March on.2 points
Sitting here at my desk scribbling cryptic notes on pieces of paper I will refer to later for my end of shift pass down. Trying to pass the time in a dignified fusion, counting the minutes till the prior shift goes home. for at that time I will be free to crank my computer music up and start to feel unburdened or encumbered . Seeing that the first aid room is off limits to me now and running around in my underwear singing at the top of my lungs would probably end up as bad as the Bubble bath did, I must reframe. I must amuse my self, I cant seem to find my go to make me smile U-tube video it a blond skinny UK kid waking up claiming out his window, he now has a happy face shirt and good morning sunshine is play, he is strutting down the walk and his Nana and grandpa are setting there with signs the say nana and grandpa then his friends and x-girls friends it ends with them handing him an envelope the says just to stand in your light, No, I didn't think anyone other than me would know it. Maybe if I locked the door this time the bubble bath would work ?2 points
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