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G’day NOPE .....Not One Puff Ever.... (replace Ever with Min,Hour, Day as required)7 points
Maybe Thursday the 28th --- Anyways a big NOPE!!!!! from me. (and I can't really say anything about the day, when I woke up this morning for the life of me I couldn't tell you what day it was)7 points
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Hi Linda, It sounds like you're handling things pretty well. You're human above all else, and those who love and care about us will not take the lashings personally. Enjoy the rest of your day being smoke free.3 points
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This is a great video and song IMHO. Have to admit that I thought the chick with Dave Grohl was kinda hot in the first few seconds of the video. Turned out to be the drummer Taylor Hawkins in drag.3 points
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Been doing fairly ok, thinking I've got this and bam the little nicotine monster sneaks in!!! I was even crabby to a friend tonight.I'm usually pretty easy going.Not liking this side of me. It will get better I hope. Just a little rant !!!! Thanks I told my friend I was on the phone ill call you tomorrow when the real Linda is back lol2 points
Don't be hard on yourself @Linda, we all have those days whether we've just quit or been quit for years. I snapped at my sister today Like IQ4me said, our real friends and family won't hold it against us. You just keep moving forward, you're doing great2 points
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Better late than never. Great job @Angeleek! Welcome to the tribe!2 points
I would have to sneak around and smoke. Go walk down to the main street, smoke 2-3 cigarettes in a row or more. Come home smelling like smoke. I wasn't enjoying it anymore and it was slow suicide because of my COPD. I am glad that this forum exists and I need to utilize it more. Anyway, congrats again. 2 weeks is a huge deal.2 points
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I was just googling ''How to stop smoking'' and then I realized..what am I doing, and I put down my last ciigarette, with still 7 cigarettes left in my pocket. The reason is, I keep postponing the date evry time, and it feels as if Im never going to find the right day to stop. Is this an Ok way to stop? And what is my next important steps? Thanks for your support!!1 point
You are doing great Linda. It will get better each day. You are going to love the non-smoking person you have become.1 point
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Doglover, I quit smoking exactly because it was a pain in the ass. Figuring out where I could smoke just got to be too much trouble. Can't smoke anywhere! I never smoked in my house, and then I got a new car and did not want to smoke in it. And of course no smoking on work campus or at restaurants. 25 feet from door of stores or public buildings. I wish I had a more noble inspiration like my health, but that is my truth. Luckily, even though my motives were not noble, the rewards have been the same! Just keep on keeping on!1 point
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Thanks everyone for the support and encouragement. It really does make quitting with others.....can I say a better experience? i really find it interesting how much I have in common with a lot of you regarding smoking. More along the line of the stupid rituals i used to do just to smoke. I was thinking once we get past this virus, and get to fly again not having to go through security outside to smoke on lay overs. What a pain in the ass. Anyway, i can think of all kinds of examples. Ok, cheers.1 point
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I agree...crush those cancer sticks and flush them away .... Listen to some soothing music .... Deep breathing .... Come here and read ....watch the funny animals thread ...anything but don't smoke ...1 point
My sleep pattern was also messed up for a while ... It soon settled down ...our bodies are so messed up .... We fed it toxins for years Decades....be patient ...it will settle.....1 point
Hey @Hollyleaf, the first few days/weeks/months may be tough but unfortunately we have to go through them to get past them. Handy in there, throw out any cigarettes you have. You can do this1 point
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Welcome, and congratulations for choosing a wonderful gift for yourself and all your loved ones. If we can do it, you can too!1 point
Hi and welcome aboard .... Getting on this Train was the best first thing you have done to stop smoking .... Why put more Nicotine in your body....just to take it out again ... So the Best time is Right now !!!.... Spend time looking around the board ... Try our Main Smoking Thread ... There is tons of useful info there ..and great videos to watch ... We have some newbies ..doing really well ..so you can ride along with them ... Don't over think this ... just do it1 point
Hi Annien, YES it's a GREAT way to quit! I had known for a while that I needed to quit too and just decided one day to not buy anymore. That was almost five years ago now The only REALLY important step to take is to not smoke! But as far as tips and clues go, I recommend getting yourself some sweets to suck on as our bodies seem to crave that when we first quit. Also listen to your body, it's going to go right to work to start cleaning the years of damage we did by smoking so if it's craving something, give it what it wants. And if your body needs rest, rest. We also have great articles and videos about our addiction so be sure to look at all our various forums. The stuff we feel helps the most has been pinned to the top of the forum pages. Again, congratulations on choosing to quit, you won't regret it1 point
Right now is always the best time to stop. Throw away the last seven. I threw away 2 unopened cartons plus 5 packs! I’m not telling you it’s easy, it’s not...but it’s doable. Don’t wait until your doctor tells you your main artery is 100% blocked and you need a stent. And you have a spot on your lung. STOP NOW. Good luck and stick close by and read read read.1 point
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Big Congrats BKP on your fantastic 5 years free . I hope you are celebrating today your awesome achievement. I got to agree with Doreen haha...1 point
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