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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/10/21 in all areas

  1. G’day NOPE .....Not One Puff Ever.... (replace Ever with Min,Hour, Day as required)
    8 points
  2. I grilled New York strips, but other cuts can be used. Marinated the meat(olive oil, balsamic vinegar, garlic, and oregano). Right before removing the steaks from the grill, I put a bit of mozzarella and a seasoned tomato slice on until the cheese started to melt. It looked something like this(without the basil on top because we didn't have any at the house)...
    5 points
  3. Hi I'm at the laundromat doing Laundry. I'm pledging NOPE bc I no longer want to be selfish. Smoking is a family affair!
    4 points
  4. @ItsDeb Just wanted to let you know that I am still here and taking it a day at a time. Today was full of cravings, but I fought them off one by one. I hope that you are feeling better and still on track with your quit! Jeff
    4 points
  5. Yay Jeff! I am feeling better thank you. Each day is a win and I'm glad we're still going strong!!
    3 points
  6. Basking in the glorious glow of my self-proclaimed king of all things grilling title. Grilled up caprese steaks this evening. I had never even eaten a caprese steak before much less prepared one. They turned out good...damn fine eating.
    3 points
  7. Quit buddies are so important, at least they were for me You guys should REALLY look into making yourself a ticker for your signature. Aren't you at all curious at all the money and cigarettes NOT smoked you've saved in just a week quit? I was and I still love mine
    2 points
  8. Lol at you two ...flying along .....lovin the quit buddy...helping each other along is nice to see Well Done
    2 points
  9. Wow!!!.... If you can cook like that ...I knew I loved you ,for all your talents ,not just your body !!!! That looks delicious
    2 points
  10. I am gearing up for my 5th day of running my garage sale (w BF's help)! Closing in on $1k in things sold! People who come out when it's cold are serious buyers.....lucky for me! Hope to meet and exceed my goal tomorrow!!!
    2 points
  11. What is a caprese steak, Boo?
    2 points
  12. Great to see you Babs .... Good to hear you are in a better place in your life ...and still enjoying being smoke free ❤
    2 points
  13. Thanks for the snow pics, Mac. We don't see that much down here in Raleigh, NC. I bet you are glad that you no longer smoke and have to go out in that weather for smoke breaks.
    2 points
  14. I'm watching The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. She's smoking, and I'm hit with nostalgia. Why do they have her smoking? Why, with all the knowledge of how vile smoking is to the human body, do actors still smoke in movies? Any ideas? Surely the American public is not as convinced that smoking is "cool" anymore. I thought about the scene I just watched where she is smoking while she heats up a cup of noodles in the microwave. If she were not smoking, the scene would lack a certain recklessness or rebellion that it has with the smoking. Is that it?
    1 point
  15. 8- put on someone's head to give a haircut
    1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. I suspect it's a bit of product placement by the tobacco companies to cling on to some semblance of relevance in American culture. The messaging is increasingly falling on deaf ears as more people view smoking realistically. Unfortunately, the merchants of death are going to continue trying to sell their poison via any medium available. Here is an overview of a report on smoking in movies that the CDC did in 2019... https://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/data_statistics/fact_sheets/youth_data/movies/index.htm#:~:text=6 of every 10 PG,2019 [n%3D34].
    1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. Well done @ItsDeb, I'll stay in and have a long distance beer with you
    1 point
  23. Playing cards with friends, drinking beer. They go outside to smoke and I stay indoors with my life savor candy cane
    1 point
  24. Yay Jeff!! I'm glad you're still on board with me! We've so got this!!
    1 point
  25. Welcome aboard prichy, man that's a long quit you gave up but given the current circumstances we're in I can understand. Our addiction will look for any way in! I think you must have forgotten that one is never enough for a nicotine addict as you're seeing now. I credit a lot of my success on being surrounded with fellow quitters who knew what I was going through at any time in my quit. I stayed glued to the forum and made such good bonds with people that letting them down by relapsing was the last thing I wanted to do. My suggestion to you is stick close, go back to basics and NOPE each day. Its a promise to yourself that just for today you will not smoke. So now that you're here I hope you start your quit right away. We're here for you pretty much 24/7 so reach out if you need to.
    1 point
  26. 1 point
  27. Hi babs, its always so nice to "see" you
    1 point
  28. Hey Babs! That's good news for the new quitters. I don't even think about smoking but I'm very aware that I'm a former smoker and all it takes is one puff!
    1 point
  29. Someone brought me a cigarette. I explained I was quitting yesterday but they did it anyway to be nice, and I tried to hand it back and I said "I donʻt need it" and then they said "Just hang onto it." They wouldnʻt take it back. FORTUNATELY, my 11YO was right next to me after they left, and said "Please donʻt! PLEASE donʻt!" so which snapped me a little bit out of a near out of body experience where I canʻt really think all that well. I put it out of sight so they could have it back. Iʻm trying and Iʻm hanging on but realistically even if I flushed it down the toilet, there would be more around in a few hours and life will always be that way so I canʻt really get mad about it. You still have to be around people who smoke, so accessibility is never really over, it will probably always be offered and I will always have to resist, and I know that the mind has to be trained with self-discipline. I know in 48 hours if I stick with it I really wonʻt care that much and Iʻll feel normal ALL of the time and not just only after a cigarette. I know the temptation will be gone but it really does make me feel crazy. I know if I want to get sick and dizzy and tired then I might as well drink a half a jug milk and spin around in circles for 2-3 minutes. I know all of these things and yet my brain keeps trying to convince me that if I do it wonʻt big a deal and I can start over. AND I KNOW ITʻS A LIE
    1 point
  30. Crabs in a bucket. You get a group of crabs trapped in a bucket and the crabs that try to escape will be pulled back in by the other crabs. If the crabs pulling the others back into the bucket expended that energy in trying to escape, they could all bust loose. Instead, many crabs resign themselves to being trapped and don't want any of the other crabs to experience freedom from the bucket. Don't let the crabs get you down.
    1 point
  31. PFFFT. A cigarette in hand is not a problem, right? Sarge ... for some weird reason ... still has his last cigarette. It's in a little case ... and all dried out and nasty ... and the paper's turning yellow, even. It's a few months shy of a decade old right now. Smoking will always be there. There will always be folks smoking around you. Hell Mrs. Sarge kept smoking for damned near 3 years after TheQuit™ before she, too, quit. There were always packs o' smokes and ashtrays and lighters and all the paraphernalia layin' around. You've gotta learn to say "no" regardless of what's layin' around or onhand/close-by. You have to handle cigarettes and tobacco being around you and just bein' able to say: "Nope ... not for me ..." and move on with life. ** On another note: You need to fix your thinking. You did not "slip". A slip is unintentional. You damned well meant to smoke and knew what you were doin' when you did it. Be honest with yourself. It wasn't a "slip". It was ******* ON PURPOSE, with full knowledge, intent, and awareness of the repurcussions. If you can't admit this ... you can't quit. Take some ******* responsibility, right?
    1 point
  32. G’day Whats with smokers not wanting you to be quit. Gets me. I had a so called friend who continued to offer me cigs. (What part of NO don’t you understand!) I was feeling strong and had to make a stand and took one. No I don’t need a light! I proceeded to pull it apart in front of him. Dropped the tobacco out of it and torn it too pieces. When he asked “what I was doing “ I simply told him “I don’t smoke” He never offered me another. Yes I shock like a leaf. Couldn’t believe myself ....but did it felt good. You betta believe it felt damn good.
    1 point
  33. I smoked 3-4 packs a day for forty years. The two questions I had were, will I EVER lose the craving/ obsession to smoke? It was a constant clanging in my brain. I had close to six months off nicotine when I realized I hadn’t thought of smoking for a couple of days.It got progressively better after that. I also wanted to know WHEN that would happen. Everyone gave me the same answer. It’s different for everyone, but trust that it will happen. Stay close to the board, play the silly games, and wait it out. Find out how to make hummus. Slather it on veggies rather than the eating donuts. And, start walking and drink lots of water right now. Be kind to yourself, as well as you can. It is so worth it. One of my biggest motivators was being around for my then 12 year old son. I also wanted him to have a non smoking parent. Kids tend to follow in parents’ footsteps, I think. Not everyone gets a “do-over”.
    1 point
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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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