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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/04/21 in all areas
hello all! since I quit over eight years ago, a lot has happened in my life. I’ve gotten divorced, I’ve endured my son‘s not talking to me for a few years which now we have re-connected, I bought a new house, I dealt with some health issues which are now resolved hopefully for good. I’ve had some issues dealing with relationships and ups and downs in life, financial struggles....and then Covid hit and since then my life has really been turned upside down and tested my strength as many of us have. But in all of this ....not one puff ever!! no matter what that is all. miss you guys !! stay vigilant!! Babs xoxoxo7 points
Hi everyone! I'm looking forward to a very successful NOPE commitment. I'm currently on day 3 after 40+years of smoking. I have COPD, asthma, bronchitis and am just done taking meds so I can breathe enough to smoke. How ridiculous is that? But I've been doing it for years. Hubby still smokes but not in the house. Today is the hardest day so far. The coughing is annoying as hell and starting to give me a headache. I can and will do this. One day at a time. Congrats to all the success stories on here!7 points
G’day NOPE .....Not One Puff Ever.... (replace Ever with Min,Hour, Day as required)7 points
7 points
Welcome aboard the Quit Train Deb. Grab a seat and stay awhile. Don't ever forget that. You control your own destiny. Congratulations on making a great decision for yourself.6 points
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Big Congrats Martian5 ON BEING 3 YEARS quit... Hope you are celebrating ...5 points
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Hello and Welcome... I was a 52 year Smoker....Quitting is so doable .... Get yourself familiar with the board .... Read and Watch everything .... Knowledge will be your weapon .... Fight the Monster .... We can get you to Freedom ....you just need the desire to get there ....5 points
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Welcome Deb. You are doing a great thing in quitting smoking. It is truly a life changing journey. Stick close to this site, read up on nicotine addiction, and reach out for help here if needed. It is good to have you here.5 points
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Welcome Deb, You have just made two of the best decisions of your life. First you became a non smoker and kicked that nasty habit to the curb. Secondly, you got on the quit train. This is where you want to be for knowledge and support. So, grab a seat and enjoy the ride to a happier and healthier version of yourself.5 points
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Welcome, Deb!! I also quit after smoking for 40 years, and if I can do it, you can, too! Quitting is uncomfortable, even miserable sometimes, but it will not kill you. Cry, scream, rant, rave, take multiple showers a day (you can't smoke in the shower!) walk, run, dance, sing, just do anything but smoke!! And the good news is...when you get through all those withdrawal symptoms...you will find a whole new world! Be patient and kind to yourself...you can do this!5 points
Hello all, my name is Patricia and I'm currently working on my 2nd longest quit of 9 months cold turkey. My mantra is NOPE and ODAAT. Catch ya later and Have a great day!!4 points
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Welcome Deb, great to see you on the train, dig those heels in and believe in yourself, you can do this.4 points
Welcome Deb. I was a 42 year smoking addict and only found success quitting after finding this forum. Here, you will find plenty of information, support, humor and friendship. At day 3, you almost have the nicotine out of your system and will find you just have to power through the craves. You can do this!4 points
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Upwards and Onwards JH.... Just a reminder ...we have a full page of games and fun things ....to help Pass the time ... Also funny animals ...listen to songs ...post funny things .... Quitting doesn't have to be doom and gloom ...it can be lots of fun ... You can do it ...4 points
HI People, Day three is done! It was better than yesterday, but not as good as day one. @MarylandQuitter I understand what you are saying. I've always been a person who thinks about the glass being half empty, not have full. This goes for everything in my life not just quitting smoking. It's a wonder I have been able to do the things in my life that I have, considering my negative attitude. I was thinking today about all the people I know who have quit smoking, and how many people I associate with, both family and friends who smoke. The number is zero! I see other people who smoke when I'm out, but I don't know one other smoker. My bother quit smoking four years ago, but he started using snuff as a replacement. I won't do that! I'll keep going and try to think more positively about what I am doing for myself. Take Care! Jeff4 points
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Welcome aboard our train full of quitters deb, and congrats on day 3. The nicotine is just about out of your system now so it goes to figure it wants more. Just hang in there though because it will get much better before you know it. I also have asthma and COPD and quit after 35 years and I tell you that I credit all the support I received from fellow quitters as the reason I'm quit four years later Stick close, check out all our various forums and reach out if you need some support or just want to vent. We have members from all over the world so there's usually someone here around the clock4 points
Hi Deb!! You can do it. As they say, I can you can Bravo for quitting cold turkey!! Keep up good work3 points
HI! Just Deb, Welcome to the train. You will find a lot of help here! I can relate to the health problems you're talking about. We can do this with a total commitment not to smoke! Jeff3 points
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Hey Babs! That's good news for the new quitters. I don't even think about smoking but I'm very aware that I'm a former smoker and all it takes is one puff!3 points
Congrats, Deb! Welcome to our support group. So glad that you decided to quit and there was no better time than 3 days ago. Stay active and post as often as you like. We're open 24/7 and somebody is always on the board if you need anything.3 points
We also have tickers for our signatures that will show you the time, money saved and cigarettes NOT smoked since you quit. I loved logging on each morning and watching mine grow. And once you start showing those numbers to your hubby he may just quit too3 points
Welcome to our site, Patricia, and congratulations on nine months smoke free. That is awesome.2 points
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Thanks, Jillar! Happy to hear of your success. I'll definitely be on this board a lot. Glad to have found you all!2 points
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JH I was no more or less addicted to nicotine than you are .. Yes I do have a nice quit ...but I was day one just like you .... You have to make that strong decision .Never Smoke Again Ever ....and stick to it .... The longer your quit ,the more stronger you are ... Everyone sitting on the Train has been where you are .... Be determined to get to your Freedom ...and you WILL get there ......2 points
First time i tried to quit cigarettes i thought it was like quitting some bigger harmful drug . I thought about cigarettes like heroin . Because it was that hard to quit for me in the beginning . The cravings and firing inside my brain for cigarettes was so strong My head was more like trying to control my heroin addiction , lol I had to stop it and somehow i did stop it . What a relief these days Take your addiction a little bit more seriously Thanks2 points
JH63, You are approaching this quit from a place of weakness instead of from a place of authority. You can without a single fail, quit smoking and stay quit for the rest of your life. Instead of saying "I have decide to start my New Year with a new quit attempt", how about "I've made a decision to quit smoking and I pledge to never, ever take another puff of nicotine." Be bold. Speak with intent. You are now accountable to all of us here at the support group. As long as you think that nicotine has a death grip on you - you're admitting defeat. Although it's true that nicotine is very addictive, it has no power over your mind or body. Please lay out your plan to quit smoking so I can take a look at it and perhaps add my two cents. Thanks!2 points
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