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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/29/20 in all areas
G’day NOPE .....Not One Puff Ever.... (replace Ever with Min,Hour, Day as req7 points
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7 points
Thank you guys so much!!! Still going strong—cravings are less than last month, but I’ve been having smoking dreams the past week or so, but still holding strong and excited to start the New Year smokefree!!! Thanks again for all of your support and Happy Holidays to you all and a very Happy New Year!!!6 points
6 points
Fluffyduck, you spoke before about having anxiety. I think that people with anxiety tend to be overthinkeres (I am one). We continually get stuck on the "what if" of situations and replay them over and over in our minds. Unfortunately, that only keeps us in the unsettling moment and leads to constant tension. As you travel your journey, you will become stronger and gain confidence in your decisions. Once I had the power to quit, I found that power spilled over in all aspects of my life. Just like changing your thoughts toward a crave, you can change your overthinking thoughts. Keep that wonderful quit going. You are getting stronger!6 points
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You know, I have had never had a punching pillow. I've had a few screaming-into pillows and more recently the-write-a-letter-and-flush-it-down-the-toilet pillows, but maybe I could use a good punching pillow. I ended up just going back to bed and saying I'm not doing today and I think if I do that just for today it will be fine. I don't have anything big that has to be done today anyway. But come to think of it @Mee you're right and while I don't consider myself a really anxious person except during severely traumatic situations (which I was in last week) and during withdrawals, it did occur to me that I hadn't taken my progesterone cream this morning that might have something to do with it so I will need to do that. That stuff is amazing. I will practice some positive thinking too.4 points
Fluffy.... Our brains can be are worst enemy's..... We carnt control what suddenly pops up in our minds...it's what you do with those thoughts that matter . Life throws us some curve balls ...we have to remember smoking would change any of that at all.... Even people who have never smoked have curve balls too.... When a negative thought pops up ....change it for a positive one .....keep practicing.....4 points
Get yourself a pillow like @Doreensfree did and punch it pretending its them! All these emotions are normal and as you get farther into your quit you'll see your self esteem go up as well. Once you know your own self worth you won't allow people like that to bring you down.4 points
4 points
Hello Everyone, I’m just checking in and I know it’s been awhile but I’m 22 days smoke free! Wow! I can’t believe it. Mints have been my best friend but I honestly don’t get cravings anymore and I just think I made this a habit now Hope you all had a great holiday and are looking forward to this bright new year like I am! Wishing you all well in 2021!!! Thanks again for all of your support on this journey. Happy Holidays! - K.Smooth4 points
^^ what Jill says, plus updating can be a great way to keep yourself accountable and commited.4 points
Way to go ksmooth!. So glad you quit is going well. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you too.3 points
Hi k.smooth, congratulations on 22 days quit! I'm really happy for you and glad you're not getting cravings anymore, even better! Just remember though that they can sneak up on you at any given time so if that happens and you need us we'll be here Happy New Year to you too3 points
Fluffy.... Those that stay close here....are the ones most likely to succeed..... Talking and taking part is the way the Train runs smoothly....don't forget you are already helping someone else who may follow .... Your doing great..... I was on the forum 24/7 .....3 points
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k.smooth... Great to see you ..... You sound grounded in your fabulous Quit ..... Congratulations..... But I agree with Jill.....be careful ..be ready in case a crave comes from nowhere..... Always be on your guard ...2 points
Just updating that I made it through Day 2. I only plan on updating up to Day 3, I promise. It makes me feel better. Not really feeling much in the way of withdrawals. Also feel much, much cleaner. Ate entire bowl of Lucky Charms after dinner, proudly, and determined that the marshmallows in the name brand are much more vibrant than the marshmallows in the off brands.2 points
I wasn't going to do it but I am trying to gain 17 lbs and I found out today I'm also supposed to be doing strength training. 20 leg raises 5 upward downward dog 10 knee-in extensions 20 side leg raises 10 air bike crunches 10 crunches three sets2 points
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Learn to Embrace The Suck and ... well ... as weird as it sounds: Enjoy TheSuck™. 'Cause there's quite a lot of Suckage in your future, right? Do this and it's all Easy Peasy Lemon Breezy. EZPZ2 points
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Started a planned program today. 10 Lunges 10 Lunge Step-Ups 10 Squats 10 Slow Climbers 3 Sets1 point
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I am doing alright for the third day (I've been up since 6:30 AM doing chores) except that I was cleaning the bathroom until my brain immediately switched from "Let's clean the sink" to "Remember these old ancient feelings we haven't paid attention to in a really long time and were over? well they're all back now" and then I'd get like a glimpse or a flash or something and I'd have that old feeling connected to that event. And then there's other times that I've noticed from previous withdrawals (though not for extended periods of time) where I'd be working on something quietly to myself and then all of a sudden I start remembering horrible things said to me as far back as 15 years ago and becoming furious and angry while thinking of 1,000 responses that I should have said or how much I'd like to tell that person off. Most of the time I apologized for me being wrong for no reason when I was in the right most of the time or my apology was unneccessary but out of courtesy or wanting to make amends, and then I had to accept their "It's ok" even though no, you know what, no it's not ok, you were actually in the wrong and you didn't apologize at all. then i'm like FINE that's great I apologized again for no reason and you still think you're off scott free im still angry So how do you manage the anger thing?1 point
G’day NOPE .....Not One Puff Ever.... (replace Ever with Min,Hour, Day as required)1 point
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Hip hooray, Layla! 4 months already!! You've made it thru the holidays and now will bring in the new year as a non-smoker! You are awesome!!1 point
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