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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/23/20 in all areas
5 points
NOPE Saw someone in a movie smoking and identified for a moment. Then thought to myself that this is a good moment to come to QT and pledge another day of nicotine-free.5 points
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Technically I am teleworking right now but really I'm just watching my favorite Christmas movie, A Christmas Story.4 points
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And don't forget to reach out to us here if you need some support or even just some company4 points
Going an entire day without craving a smoke or even imagining wanting to have a smoke...not thinking about it at all! 11 months ago I had upwards of 200 craves a day. NOPE!4 points
4 points
Oh believe me @Lust4Life your presence is missed when you're gone I've been worried about @BKP too, he's in the healthcare field and they're still getting hit hard in all parts of California4 points
NOPE - Not One Puff Ever. Please pledge not to smoke today. Life is better without cigarettes.3 points
Merry Christmas to all of my fellow Train riders. Hope you all find a bit of peace and joy this holiday season.3 points
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and @Sazerac? Need updates! @beazel too. @notsmokinjo worries me... All y’all regulars need to clear it w management before taking hiatus! Just sayin’. I’m often MIA but my presence, historically, is inconsistent.3 points
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Yes Nancy, I agree. You tree is beautiful and that fire looks so inviting. Have a Wonderful Christmas!2 points
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G’day NOPE .....Not One Puff Ever.... (replace Ever with Min,Hour, Day as required)2 points
For @Lust4Life, @BKP and all our other healthcare workers...2 points
Wow!!! Thanks Doreeen...and,thanks to everyone! I don’t stop by too often, and was surprised to see this! I remember early in the quit that milestones were a very important part of moving forward. The final reward is that it takes something like this to even remind me that I used to be a smoker! It’s such a distant memory. I owe all my success to the wonderful people on this board for keeping me focused! And, yes, we have another grandson due to make an appearance March 1st! The numbers are still a little off, 8 granddaughters and soon to be 2 grandsons, but everyone is happy and healthy so I would say the numbers are pretty great! I may be popping in a little more often in the weeks to come. Dec.30th I have to have rotator cuff surgery and the Doc says I will be off of work for 3months before I can return to light duty...then 6 months of PT! I’m not one who sits still very good, so this is going to be an extremely long 3 months! My wife already informed me that she is buying a roll of duct tape so she can tape my arm to my side so I don’t screw anything up...lol To all you newbies.... take your quit one day at a time... and if that gets hard to do...take it hour by hour...do whatever you need to do so that you can succeed. Remember...you are not quitting...you DID quit...keep it going!2 points
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Way to go Kate! No more standing out in the rain...no more stink stink...all that moola saved. Life is super without cigarettes! Great job!1 point
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Aww...Thanks Boo for the update on your little ass...es...... It's so nice to hear something positive these days ..... Your life sounds very peaceful and grounded ....I'll swap for that anyday .... Have fun ...animals love you ......with no strings attached ..... Maddie will have a great time with them as she gets bigger ....1 point
Update on the miniature donkey situation: Peanut and Shorty are home now. They came home yesterday morning and are getting acclimated with their new surroundings quickly. The family Boo has spent most of the day playing with the boys and just watching them go. Peanut is the runner of the two. He does kind of a cross between a gallop and a hop and he usually has his body turned almost sideways so he can look around to see if Shorty is following him. Shorty tags-a-long most of the time but is easily distracted. He enjoys pushing a yoga ball around and carrying an old bucket...Shorty is easily amused. Maddie is fascinated by the donkeys. Sugar Britches is over the moon about the new additions to the family. Cash is not enthused at all, he barked a bit but mostly acted kind of pouty about new animals getting some attention. We went out this morning to check on and feed the donkeys. Got Miss Maddie all bundled up to go out and tend to the animals. I enjoyed that. It was a return to simpler times. The world out there is kind of crazy right now, but we're keeping it simple here on our little piece of land.1 point
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Just gave up two hours of my life to watch Letters to Satan Claus and the only excuse I can find as to why I kept watching was to see if it got better1 point
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Earlier today, I saw some goofy chick on the Weather Channel standing on a rooftop in New York City. She was standing in snow above her knees. She said the skyline was beautiful. She also reminded people that outdoor dining is an option again in NYC. Outdoor dining...in a blizzard... I've heard of dining al fresco, but wouldn't this be more like dining el freezo ur ass off.1 point
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