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Double digits now Kate and just two short months away from the lido deck! Congratulations, I'm really happy to see you succeed and I hope you have a very Merry Christmas6 points
G’day NOPE .....Not One Puff Ever.... (replace Ever with Min,Hour, Day as required)5 points
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Spent quality time with the wife and daughter. Played fetch with the dog. Played a bit of kickball with the donkeys. Took a long walk in the woods. I have this entire week off from work so we loaded up and went for a hike. It's the simple things that matter most.4 points
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Update on the miniature donkey situation: Peanut and Shorty are home now. They came home yesterday morning and are getting acclimated with their new surroundings quickly. The family Boo has spent most of the day playing with the boys and just watching them go. Peanut is the runner of the two. He does kind of a cross between a gallop and a hop and he usually has his body turned almost sideways so he can look around to see if Shorty is following him. Shorty tags-a-long most of the time but is easily distracted. He enjoys pushing a yoga ball around and carrying an old bucket...Shorty is easily amused. Maddie is fascinated by the donkeys. Sugar Britches is over the moon about the new additions to the family. Cash is not enthused at all, he barked a bit but mostly acted kind of pouty about new animals getting some attention. We went out this morning to check on and feed the donkeys. Got Miss Maddie all bundled up to go out and tend to the animals. I enjoyed that. It was a return to simpler times. The world out there is kind of crazy right now, but we're keeping it simple here on our little piece of land.4 points
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Great stuff! so happy for you. 10 Months is certainly something to dance about...3 points
I love knitted projects! I plan to learn that next. I love crochet but I want a different texture for some things. I will post a (better quality) finished photo of it when I am finished.3 points
Okay, MLMR. That is brilliant. I love it! Now I have only started last night so I've only got a couple pieces of the backpiece finished, but it is from this pattern. I've had to reduce all the stitches of the pattern to 64% because I used a size 4. (I'm on a budget so what had to work had to work...) Excuse the bad quality of the photo. I gave up my smartphone a while ago and switched to a flip phone (intentionally), so I'm using my webcam.3 points
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Hey Fluffy.... I didn't even know how to be a adult without smoking ..started at 11 yrs old quit at 62 ... I had to learn everything different ..... I completely had to change my breakfast routine ....it soon becomes the Norm .... I had to completely change my days.... i had mixed feelings ...as I was trying to hang on to my two feet from being amputated ....due to smoking ,I had a very good reason to give it my best shot .... if I've made you second guess whether you should quit ....I've done my job ..3 points
Well there's no one size fits all when it comes to quitting so I hope that works for you. I was an all or nothing person myself. And I kept my quit to myself for the first day or two then told my husband but didn't tell anyone else for almost three weeks just to make sure I could stick it out.3 points
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OMG, is it really 10 months?! Double digits! Thank you, guys, I really appreciate it. So much! Although my banner says 9 months and 29 days. Hmmm, how is that. Anyway, thanks! And I've saved an insane amount of money! All of it now in stocks!2 points
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I watched "A Recipe for Seduction" last night. Sugar Britches was trying to explain it to me and I couldn't quite wrap my head around it. "It's a Lifetime Network short movie that's being made by Kentucky Fried Chicken" she said. "Do what now?" I responded. "It's a love triangle where a woman is engaged to a rich guy but falls in love with Colonel Sanders" she explained..."Colonel Sanders is being played by Mario Lopez." "That guy from Saved by the Bell?" I asked. If you enjoy the kind of show that is so bad it's good, you just might like this one. It was unintentionally funny.2 points
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For those of you who quit, did you ever feel like the mornings were a little it more difficult because you had to relearn how to be nonsmoking? Like you had to put your brain together to figure out how to function properly? If smoking was part of your morning routine then you probably had to relearn how to be normal. My thought is "I don't exactly NEED a cigarette this morning to function, and if I did, it would probably make it much worse, because then I would just want to go to back to sleep or have a hard time taking care of this ridiculous mess that was left for me today." Since I don't "need" it I'm not going to. I've been exhausted to the point of nearly passing out every day so I am guessing smoking has had partly something to do with that. I'm sitting with a cup of black tea this morning (coffee gives me heart palpitations) and spacing out a LOT. I am about to make breakfast tostadas because breakfast seems like a perfectly normal thing to do. Nicotine and tea alone used to be breakfast for me. If we're not doing that, we might as well do tostadas. Then I start wondering if I had, for so long and partly due to depression, replaced taking care of myself with nicotine. Like all of basic human needs were replaced with a poisonous little smoking stick that makes a person dizzy and tired. What kind of bunk is that? That's very counterproductive. Now, I'm still not committed until after the holidays but I am "practicing" and see where it's going and so far the "practicing" is sort of leading the way, unless I make it to three days, then it won't be practicing. It just will be. I didn't even honestly plan on practicing either, but I partly blame Doreensfree and you others on here that gave me so much encouragement. You guys did this to me. I have my quit cardigan that I'm crocheting on hand to sit down and take a break every once in a while, but I have to use a timer because sometimes my "15 minutes" turns into 3 hours, which is good for the cardigan, and good for me, but bad for the floors and the washing. I'm sorry. I needed to rant really badly. I am probably going to rant a lot today. Ya'll ever go through something similar?2 points
That's brilliant ....I,m a knitter .. That pattern is great....would love to see it finished !!!2 points
I agree with Jill....quitting gives you a inner strength ,you didn't know you had ... That's one thing we all feel the same on the Train .... Quitting helps in every aspect of your life ....you have to trust us Fluffy ..... You can have it too Sweetheart....2 points
The beautiful thing most of us realize after quitting is the renewed self worth we get BY quitting....2 points
Not really. I wasn't practicing and I wasn't worried about outside interference. I didn't tell anyone in case I failed. Unbeknownst to me my husband was telling people as they kept coming over and congratulating me on quitting. Its amazing really how happy the people in your life get by you quitting and I didn't realize just how much smoking affected the people closest to me until I quit....2 points
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In all honesty, because I think if I downright say I'm going to and force myself to stick through it, I'll have a lot of anxiety about it, and then I'll have a greater chance of relapsing. If I call it practicing and just do what I need to do and don't put so much pressure on myself then I am less likely to screw it up. I have a tendency to be a perfectionist in some regard to the extent that I drive myself crazy. So the less pressure I put on myself the more likely I am to succeed.2 points
I don't know why you would do this to yourself. In my opinion you're putting yourself through constant withdrawals for nothing since it's only "practice".2 points
G’day NOPE .....Not One Puff Ever.... (replace Ever with Min,Hour, Day as required)2 points
Aww...Thanks Boo for the update on your little ass...es...... It's so nice to hear something positive these days ..... Your life sounds very peaceful and grounded ....I'll swap for that anyday .... Have fun ...animals love you ......with no strings attached ..... Maddie will have a great time with them as she gets bigger ....2 points
Congratulations on 3 months, Steven! Staying off the smokes through COVID is not easy. The fact that you are doing it and handling your depression too show that you have strength and resilience to stay the course. Way to go, Sir. Keep up the great work and honor yourself for being good to you. Woohoo!2 points
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I think those are actually really similar.. You probably didn't want anyone on the outside to know to avoid outward interference and mine is more internal.1 point
1 point
Congratulations on 11 months smoke free, @Angeleek You are doing great!1 point
1 point
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