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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/20/20 in all areas
G’day NOPE .....Not One Puff Ever.... (replace Ever with Min,Hour, Day as required)6 points
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Fluffy.... Watch the two Documentaries above this main board .... They were my light bulb moment !!!! I went from struggling in my early quit ....To rejoicing it ,and hating the Tabacco Industry .... It sure opened my eyes ...to why I was kept booked for 52 years .... What have you got to lose ...Nothing ...but can gain so much ...3 points
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Update on the miniature donkey situation: Peanut and Shorty are home now. They came home yesterday morning and are getting acclimated with their new surroundings quickly. The family Boo has spent most of the day playing with the boys and just watching them go. Peanut is the runner of the two. He does kind of a cross between a gallop and a hop and he usually has his body turned almost sideways so he can look around to see if Shorty is following him. Shorty tags-a-long most of the time but is easily distracted. He enjoys pushing a yoga ball around and carrying an old bucket...Shorty is easily amused. Maddie is fascinated by the donkeys. Sugar Britches is over the moon about the new additions to the family. Cash is not enthused at all, he barked a bit but mostly acted kind of pouty about new animals getting some attention. We went out this morning to check on and feed the donkeys. Got Miss Maddie all bundled up to go out and tend to the animals. I enjoyed that. It was a return to simpler times. The world out there is kind of crazy right now, but we're keeping it simple here on our little piece of land.2 points
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Yes Fluffy ....Hope they help you ,as much as they did me .... A Quit cardigan .....I love it ....It will be a great reminder stitch by stitch .... Your stronger than you think ...sometimes we tend to over think .... Don,t let that Nico Monster get inside your head ...Tell it to get lost !!!!!2 points
Thank you Doreen! Are you talking about the Tobacco Wars? I had watched the first one but I didn't watch the next two. I did move on last night to learning about coping with complex trauma and addiction from FindingFreedomMedia that have given me a lot more understanding. I didn't suffer a lot of trauma as a child but had intense trauma for years during adulthood. From what I gather, people with C-PTSD move onto addictions to cope with trauma and once they start doing well they have a tendency to sabotage their own quit and intentionally relapse due to either fear of disappointment or fear of change; as that the evil they already know is tends to be the one they're more comfortable with. I realized that sounds exactly what I go through and it's already helping me understand quite a bit. I will add the second Tobacco Wars to my list tonight and watch it. I got a bunch of yarn for today and I intend to make a "quit" cardigan so I will need something to watch. I'm seeing quitting less of a burden today and more of me taking back control and hopefully bring some healing.2 points
I missed it too!! How exciting Angeleek!!! We're ready to have you in the one year club! We are so proud of your hard work, it pays off! I hope you remembered your reward...maybe we dancing shoes because you're on your way to your lido deck party!2 points
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Just gave up two hours of my life to watch Letters to Satan Claus and the only excuse I can find as to why I kept watching was to see if it got better2 points
Your excuses as to why you can't quit will always come before your quit....unless you just quit! All these difficult things will always pop up in your life and you will have to power through them. SMOKING does not make these situations better. Most of us spent too many years making excuses and thinking the bad things were not going to happen. Many of us have suffered health issues due to our smoking and some are not longer here. You can be free of your addiction but you have to commit to quitting.2 points
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8. Save it (I still have a birthday card that my parents gave me years ago...I love the verse in it)1 point
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Having a glass of white ...been for a covit test today ..Negative ....Cheer,s....1 point
Congratulations angeleek, this is great . You're one month away from a full year. Keep it up and don't forget to reward yourself1 point
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This is one of my favorites --- Actual link to Christmas Cannon by TSO -----1 point
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