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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/04/20 in all areas
5 points
G’day NOPE .....Not One Puff Ever.... (replace Ever with Min Hour Day as required5 points
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Hip hooray, Mac!! Turn off the politics, and turn up your favorite song!! I hope you do reward yourself...even something small; a moment to remember how awesome you are for finally putting yourself first. I hope you have a good 7 month day!! Congratulations5 points
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Where did that last month go!!! Congrats Mac on 7 months quit.4 points
Another month down already mac! Congratulations! I hope you celebrate yourself today, you've earned it4 points
Did not sleep well last night, maybe about four hours. Not sure if it has anything to do with quitting smoking or not? well here's my second day of not smoking, we'll see how it goes. I usually break by day 3 if i even make past tis day. if the cravings get bad, one of my strategies is to come here and read some of the success stories and any literature on nicotine addiction/withdrawals. been reading allen carr's "easy way to stop smoking," the book gives me some confidence. after i finish it, i would like to find a couple more books on addiction. if anyone has any recommendations for any good books on addiction that helped them out,let me know. off to work.3 points
J, it isn't the nicotine that ruins your lungs, the nicotine keeps you hooked and addicted. Sucking crap into your lungs is not healthy any way you look at it. You can believe what you are doing is safer, but will unfortunately find out differnt down the line.3 points
Out of all that rolls out of my mouth here Jswiss this will be the one most important thing I say Confidence has two edges and the nicotine edge can lure you into a I have control, I am confident I can smoke just one. Yes sir I have been there and I have lost my quit because of this very thing Confidence, overconfidence, even arrogance, I was better, i knew more, I listened to all the warnings and shrugged them off. So please if I can offer just one piece of advise it would be never believe you can smoke just one, it is a lie a trap a road back to your addiction. Sorry about signing the blues here, you are doing great, you should be proud and confidence is a good thing just beware of the second edge.3 points
Great job @Mac#23 You are doing great in your quit as well as inspiring others in theirs. Awesome.3 points
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Welcome aboard Jswiss. You've done one of the best things you can do for yourself by quitting smoking. Good call. Physical exercise and deep breathing exercises helped get me through the worst of the cravings during the early days of my quit. Stay the course and enjoy the ride.3 points
Dude, you either smoke or you don't smoke. You can tell yourself whatever you want, but you're not doing yourself any favors by "cutting back".3 points
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I voted, and I,m a scruncher for sure. You need a good bunch for a good hard wipe, plus you never know how much will be waiting down there!!!!! and or the consistency !3 points
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thanks all of you. i appreciate the support. it really helps. i feel pretty confident about everything so far. chewing gum, peppermint tea, carbonated water with lemon, and exercise are my crutches right now for nicotine cravings. trying not to over do it on sugar..3 points
2 points
Your whole post screams ..Junkie Thinking .... Your a Nicotine Addict ....just as we were ,before we decided to kick Nicotine forever.... NRT...delivers a small amount of nicotine without all the harmful poisons.....in a small time limit... Smoking was considered harmless too......but it ended up killing more people than in two world wars ... Who knows what will be discovered about Vaping years down the line .... We have loads of info here on the Main Board ...which covers most subject's.... Maybe you should start there ..2 points
The short answer is No they don't because people who quit completely only go through the withdrawals once. Those that just cut back remain in a constant state of withdrawal. That is the honest truth from someone who has tried it. Do yourself a favor and just quit.....2 points
How interesting..... Watching my husband suffer and finally pass away with Emphysema..... I'm sure he would have been happy knowing it wasn't the smoking that distroyed his lungs ... You seem to be very educated on this subject .... What exactly is it you want help with .... We help people who want to quit smoking cigarettes.....that what we do ... We support quitters who use NRT.....2 points
Why put anything in your lungs ???? Why swop one addiction for another .?????......... I have friends die while vaping .... Education ....you need to read up on this subject .... knowledge is power ... We are all different ...I didn't have a cough at all ,and I smoked 52 years ...2 points
Welcome aboard J. Yes !!!!Losing sleep does happen ,in the beginning .... I was in the board 24/7 at the beginning... Remember to be patient ....our bodies are very confused at the start of a quit ..... Knowledge of this horrible addiction ,will help you get through ....knowing why you feel this way .. There is so much information here .... Stay close ....we will help you along your way .... You can do it ....you just need the desire to want it bad enough ....2 points
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After the folders took an early and strong lead in thr polls, the scrunches have clawed then back to a 1 point lead...this is a close race..with victory to close to be called. Every vote does count. Make sure to get your votes in before polls close on Sunday.2 points
Welcome Aboard Tjump..... Congratulations on your great quit .... Looking forward to getting to know you better .... Read and get comfortable here .....2 points
Welcome aboard Jswiss, You have made the right decision to quit smoking. I had troubles sleeping in the early stages of my quit as well but it eventually got better. I sleep 7-8 hours a night now. If you start to get some crazy cravings the just pop on here and watch some videos, read some articles, play so games or post an SOS in the SoS forum and someone will chat with to talk you through it. We are all here to support you 100%2 points
Welcome Jswiss. Two days quit is awesome. This forum is a great place for support during your quit journey. Stay close, educate yourself, play some games and get to know us. The first week is the toughest as you rid your body of the nicotine. Know that you are stronger than the craves and can keep pushing forward. You can do this!2 points
Hey Jswiss pick up some sugar free hard candies, butterscotch and Ricola lemon mint throat drops worked great for me get a craving and suck a drop or butterscotch it really helps me2 points
Welcome aboard the Quit Train jswiss! Yes, the sleep disorder you experienced is like a direct result of your quitting. Just one of the temporary quit symptoms we all go through when we quit. Power on and put these tough days behind you. That's the only path to freedom. There's a whole video library available to you here on a separate page. Lots of quit subjects covered there by Joel Spitzer. Lots of success stories here and also important is the support you'll get here. No one knows quitting like a fellow quitter!2 points
Welcome jswiss, congrats on taking back your freedom! I found that being a part of a support board was instrumental in my being able to quit. Hopefully you'll find that to be true as well2 points
I can totally relate to the 3 day thing Jswiss. That was my breakdown day too. The thing that finally got me over the hump was the realization that I was going to have to keep going through those 3 days of hell over and over and over unless I decided to keep going one more day. Eventually the days turned into weeks, at which point your quit becomes too valuable to just throw away. Keep your great quit going. You're worth it.2 points
2 points
Congratulations on Day 2 JSwiss. I echo everything @Johnny5 said. I read Carr’s book and was active on the forum. Stay busy- hangout here, read old posts, play games- POST S.O.S if you’re about to smoke. All of these helped my quit- 3 years ago! Lots of support here. Take advantage of it!! NOPE!!2 points
Congratulations on making it to day 2 smoke free, @Jswiss and welcome to QuitTrain. Insomnia can be common in the early days of your quit so this sounds normal. Reading about the experiences of quitters here is a great way to keep your quit strong. I am also a big fan of Allen Carr's book and I am glad you are reading it. Joel Spitzer makes videos that address quitting as well and a lot of his videos are on this site. Your early days can be tough but learning more about nicotine addiction (which you are doing) and reaching out for help on a support forum like this is what really helped me in my early days of my quit. Your are doing a great thing in quitting smoking and it is great to have you here.2 points
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