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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/03/20 in all areas

  1. G’day NOPE .....Not One Puff Ever.... (replace Ever with Min Hour Day as required!)
    7 points
  2. Congratulations guys!! Keep growing and learning...keep finding that strength inside yourself : Keeps these thoughts in your battle bag...this is how you win the war. We're all really proud of you guys. We love seeing people beat this terrible addiction. Keep fighting the good fight, guys! We've got your backs!
    6 points
  3. Did not sleep well last night, maybe about four hours. Not sure if it has anything to do with quitting smoking or not? well here's my second day of not smoking, we'll see how it goes. I usually break by day 3 if i even make past tis day. if the cravings get bad, one of my strategies is to come here and read some of the success stories and any literature on nicotine addiction/withdrawals. been reading allen carr's "easy way to stop smoking," the book gives me some confidence. after i finish it, i would like to find a couple more books on addiction. if anyone has any recommendations for any good books on addiction that helped them out,let me know. off to work.
    5 points
  4. 100 days smokeand nicotine free today. Happy day. Slightly scared I may have COPD. No symptoms other than I'm sure if I had to blow into a device to measure lung capacity the results would be dismal. But you know, hey ho, better to be free at any cost. Only smoked for 20 years but very heavily. Not sure if I want to see a doctor! Congrats to all other newbies by the way
    5 points
  5. Thank you Doreensfree and C9Jane, If it wasn’t for all of you and this board I would never have had the confidence to quit! To all the newbies: Hang in there! We can do this!
    5 points
  6. @johnny5If you're going to drink beer until there's a winner declared then you might end up like this!
    4 points
  7. I can totally relate to the 3 day thing Jswiss. That was my breakdown day too. The thing that finally got me over the hump was the realization that I was going to have to keep going through those 3 days of hell over and over and over unless I decided to keep going one more day. Eventually the days turned into weeks, at which point your quit becomes too valuable to just throw away. Keep your great quit going. You're worth it.
    4 points
  8. Congratulations on Day 2 JSwiss. I echo everything @Johnny5 said. I read Carr’s book and was active on the forum. Stay busy- hangout here, read old posts, play games- POST S.O.S if you’re about to smoke. All of these helped my quit- 3 years ago! Lots of support here. Take advantage of it!! NOPE!!
    4 points
  9. Congratulations on making it to day 2 smoke free, @Jswiss and welcome to QuitTrain. Insomnia can be common in the early days of your quit so this sounds normal. Reading about the experiences of quitters here is a great way to keep your quit strong. I am also a big fan of Allen Carr's book and I am glad you are reading it. Joel Spitzer makes videos that address quitting as well and a lot of his videos are on this site. Your early days can be tough but learning more about nicotine addiction (which you are doing) and reaching out for help on a support forum like this is what really helped me in my early days of my quit. Your are doing a great thing in quitting smoking and it is great to have you here.
    4 points
  10. Congrats on the new cell phone! On mine, the floppy goes somewhere in the base of the phone. Enjoy!
    4 points
  11. Sorry I don't want to be negative, I'm soooooo happy to be free and want to keep it going. Everyone who has quit from 1 second to 100 years ago celebrate your strength! I genuinely believe deciding to quit is the difficult bit
    4 points
  12. Feeling slightly more high-tech than I was this morning. I finally broke down and got a new cellphone this afternoon. Didn't really have an option. I needed to download an app for work and my phone was too old. It said something about "iOS is not supported" or some such thing...I don't know, I don't speak robot. Now, if I can figure out where to insert the floppy disk in this thing I'll be making good time down the old information superhighway.
    4 points
  13. "well here I am again just a little worse for the wear" You couldn't be more wrong Opah. Based upon your last quit date, you've been smoking for over a year since you relapsed. That means that you have twice the risk of coronary heart disease than if you had quit one year ago. Each time you write off a relapse with' "I'll just try again sometime soon" you do more irreparable damage to your health. One day, there will not be another chance. Time to make this quit count. Best wishes for success this time around.
    4 points
  14. I am right there with you johnny5, desperately trying to ignor the election. I wish I liked beer . Couldn't wait for this day to get here and so nervous for it to be over!
    3 points
  15. Hey Jswiss pick up some sugar free hard candies, butterscotch and Ricola lemon mint throat drops worked great for me get a craving and suck a drop or butterscotch it really helps me
    3 points
  16. Welcome aboard the Quit Train jswiss! Yes, the sleep disorder you experienced is like a direct result of your quitting. Just one of the temporary quit symptoms we all go through when we quit. Power on and put these tough days behind you. That's the only path to freedom. There's a whole video library available to you here on a separate page. Lots of quit subjects covered there by Joel Spitzer. Lots of success stories here and also important is the support you'll get here. No one knows quitting like a fellow quitter!
    3 points
  17. Browsing QuitTrain's "Post a Song you Like" thread and drinking a few beers while both trying to follow and also trying to ignore tonight's US Presidential Election returns. Regardless of who wins, hopefully better days are ahead.
    3 points
  18. Thanks I will book an appointment. Thanks for all the inspiration guys
    3 points
  19. That's a serious enough symptom to warrant a visit to your dr. A lot of times it's just your lungs hard at work cleaning up the damage that's causing the shortness of breath but if not then the sooner you catch the COPD the better at keeping it in check. Plus it's just a good idea to have a checkup after quitting if for nothing more then the ego boost you get from everyone there congratulating you for quitting Congratulations on 100 days!
    3 points
  20. This was my entire first half of my quit! I redirected my smoking thoughts with chocolate Congratulations on trying again, Opah! You know the drill...stop putting the dang things in your mouth and lightning them on fire!
    3 points
  21. Way to go, Layla! Two months down and it gets easier every day from here on out! Aren't you glad you stuck it through...soon the hard parts will be a fading memory. Keep up the great work...your lungs love you now!!
    3 points
  22. First full day of work done, had some triggers but sadly I ate my way thru them, knew that could happen so I did bring some comfort food in my lunch. need to beef up my vitamins, I could very easily sleep the first couple weeks away and I just might do just that if my energy drags down to badly..
    3 points
  23. Ah now that'll be a whole new poll, how do you wipe your arse...for this one we wanna know, when you daintily dab, does one do so with the paper daintily folded, or scrunched into an uncouth ball of chaos.
    3 points
  24. Hey Everyone, I’m doing pretty good...today is my last day on the patch...I do get urges to smoke once in a while, but I don’t give in to them. I hope everyone is doing well!
    3 points
  25. Good days and bad days. I also had some surgery earlier last month, but slowly recovering. There is no way smoking will make anything different or better. I want to keep my quit.
    3 points
  26. Hi Newbies ... How are your Quits going ????? Come and tell us ...how you are feeling just now .... You noticing any changes ...Food tasting better ....your nose has woken up... Come and get a big pat on the back for all your hard work
    2 points
  27. Welcome jswiss, congrats on taking back your freedom! I found that being a part of a support board was instrumental in my being able to quit. Hopefully you'll find that to be true as well
    2 points
  28. It is nice to see you again, @Opah I'm sorry that you relapsed but you know you have support here. Quitting is very doable. It is time to quit for good and put the struggles of relapses behind you. Stick around, you can do this.
    2 points
  29. Yes !!!!.....Got to agree....Best to get checked out ..... There could be a number of reasons why you find breathing hard .... C.O.P.D .....Stopping smoking will stop this from worsening .... Let us know how you get on
    2 points
  30. Sad to read that you were smoking so much, but happy to see you're back on the wagon and hopefully for good this time!
    2 points
  31. Glad to see you back opah, let's get this done this time. Update your profile for your new quit date, maybe get yourself a ticker for your signature? And stick close...
    2 points
  32. 2 points
  33. I didn't see "Daintily Dab" so I couldn't vote.
    2 points
  34. Way to go Layla. Be on your guard ....have a plan in place to help you through any rough patches ... Hopefully there won't be any ..or at best only a few ... You can do it ...we know you can ....
    2 points
  35. It's going real good. I rarely get any serious cravings anymore but I still keep my guard up. I'm sure I'll come across some other triggers or cravings along the way but I'm ready. I'll take them head on like all the others and turn them aside. I am a non smoker now and will not ever smoke again. I am stronger than the addiction and deserve a happier and healthier life.
    2 points
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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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