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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/23/20 in all areas
Dear S. (aka Power House @Sazerac), Today its your 7 year aniversary - congratulations!! I admire you for your determination and hunger for knowledge. I know its been of tremendous help for so many readers on here. The effort you've put in teaching others and inviting them to come along is heartwarming to me. Your commitment has been amazing . And I hope today is about you! I miss you on here, your way with words, I whish you only good things. Qtrain is not the same without you. 7 years, hurray hurray!! Will be thinking of you today!9 points
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G’day NOPE .....Not One Puff Ever.... (replace Ever with Min Hour Day as required!)6 points
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Day four is awesome! I’m right behind you. I quit Tuesday at 9:30 am. Are you eating everything in sight?6 points
This year Sazerac suggested that instead of thinking about a cigarette, quitters should look for: Beauty. That light on that leaf, a color, a beautiful cloud here for a moment, the face of a loved one, a special picture or painting, listening to a song that you love, reading a favorite poem or passage in a book. You know your own beauty and how to find it. Use this to your advantage. Beauty is all around us and it only takes a little focus for the happy endorphins to rush around. This is good advice for all of us. Congratulations on seven Sally!6 points
This great, congratulations Saz, This calls for a sweet reward because you deserve it. I appreciate you.6 points
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Congratulations on seven years quit today saz and thank you for all you've done around here. Hope you're enjoying your break and making lots of lovely art5 points
That’s fantastic Linda! Pretty soon you will have a full week behind you, and those are the hardest days...you are doing so good...stick with it!5 points
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Three days must be a reason to celebrate I am 100% determined. Times may be tough but there’s NO reason to light up!4 points
Congratulations on 7 years smoke free, @Sazerac Thanks for all that you have done to help others in their quits. I hope you stop by this site soon, it isn't the same without you.4 points
Wow!!!! Look at you flyin Linda ....!!!! Your rocking this first week ....keep going ....we are all proud of you You and Christine are perfect Quit Buddies ....4 points
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Heeeere's Mona! Your 6 month quit is a Shining example for all who follow!4 points
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Thanks! I don’t know who thought of the “mod squad” but I love it; I used to watch that show ALL the time. I cracked up when I saw that in print.3 points
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Way to get it done Mona! You are on your way to a smoke free life. Congratulations!3 points
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Congratulations on six months quit Mona and thank you for all the support you offer the board2 points
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Sorry for your bad news .... Quitting smoking will help ....it helps in every aspect of your health....2 points
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