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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/03/20 in all areas

  1. 8 points
  2. G’day NOPE .....Not One Puff Ever.... (replace Ever with Min Hour Day as required!)
    5 points
  3. G’day NOPE .....Not One Puff Ever.... (replace Ever with Min Hour Day as required!)
    4 points
  4. You've already taken the first step Chris, deciding to quit! Coming here for knowledge and support is also another huge step forward. You will need both of those things once you quit. It's amazing the effect hanging out with other quitter's has on your own quit. Read all you can here, as others have suggested. Understanding how nicotine addiction works to keep us smoking is key to fighting that and staying off the smokes for good. Hope you stick around and follow through with your wish to free yourself. You couldn't have come to a better place
    4 points
  5. Walking IS a great idea. I will try that. Congrats on being 7 weeks smoke free! I cannot wait until I can say that!
    3 points
  6. I walked a lot! And took a lot of showers (you can't smoke in the shower) An important thing I learned is that you still need to take breaks....just walk instead of smoke! And if you feel a panic attack coming on: Breathe in slowly through your nose for a count of four. Hold your breath for a count of four. Exhale slowly through your mouth for a count of four. Hold for a count of four. Repeat 3-5 times, visualizing each number as you count.
    3 points
  7. Seeking education about nicotine addiction and support from other quitters is a great way to start. I had a number of short quit attempts until I found a quit smoking online support group similar to this. Stick around and read about the addiction. Reach out if you need help. Also, I will not get into whether or not you "love smoking." I'll just say that I thought I loved it too but once I started seeing benefits to quitting, I began to realize that I just kept craving that next nicotine fix because I was addicted to it, like Doreen said above. I thought I found smoking enjoyable back then but I definitely find nothing appealing about it now. It is great that you want to quit. Quitting is very doable, as the other members of this board can attest. Quitting for good is a truly great thing.
    3 points
  8. Welcome Cris .. You think you love smoking ,because your a Nicotine addict ...it's that simple ... Congratulations on wanting to free yourself ... Where do you start .... On our Main Smoking Discussion Board..you will find threads pinned with a green square .. This will lead you to tons of information .... The good news ..you are no more addicted to we all were ...Freedom is in your Reach ... You just need to want it badly enough .!!!!!
    3 points
  9. Welcome aboard our train full of quitters Chris and good on you for taking back your freedom The very first step to stopping is to quit putting a cigarette in your mouth and lighting it. It really is that simple. Most of us, if not all, at some point thought we really loved to smoke but as you go along with your quit you'll see all the great benefits in NOT having to go smoke and it really is life changing. You will love your new life, trust me. We have a great group here as well as a ton of good reading and a whole video section about our addiction so check out some of those too. You can do it Chris so believe in yourself
    3 points
  10. I felt that way too BEFORE I quit. I even went so far as saying that smoking was my legacy because I grew up surrounded by smokers but the truth is that we hold all the power. All we really need is self discipline and for me my support board. Once I joined a forum of people who had or were successfully quitting I knew that I was in good company. No one knows better than we do what we go through when quitting. The journey is different for everyone but there's always someone amongst all of us who can relate to whatever you're going through at the moment
    3 points
  11. You can do anything you want ...we have had folks take up all kinds of hobbies ... We have had some learn to knit ,jigsaws,puzzles...Oh the world is yours ... As been mentioned ...walking ....exercises......I learnt QI Gong ....Go to... you tube ... It's a great gentle way to relax ,and good for your well being .... The longer your quit ,the more energetic you become ... I am doing more now ,than never did as a smoker .
    3 points
  12. You need to find something to take your mind off it. Try going for a walk, doing a large jigsaw puzzle, learning something new like a new language. Plus, alter or change up your normal routines so as to trick your mind and help lessen someone of the cravings. You can do this if you really want to because you are stronger than the addiction.
    3 points
  13. Hello! Thanks so much for sharing! I am ready to take this on! What did you do to take up your time while not smoking? That is one of the things that I am nervous about. thank you!
    3 points
  14. Lost track I am assuming about 80 days now....NODE!
    3 points
  15. Watchin me boys in the footy finals....first time in a decade
    3 points
  16. A bit of exercise goes a long way in helping when you have a craving for a cigarette. It doesn't need to be anything intense, just a brisk walk will do. Physical exercise will keep the weight gain at bay and calm your mind during those challenging times early in a quit...two birds with one stone. Welcome to the forum and congratulations on quitting smoking.
    3 points
  17. Thank you! I am already on meds so hopefully those will help! I made a batch of trail mix to munch on and bought some healthy snacks too. I am so glad I found this forum! You are so very encouraging! Thank you!
    3 points
  18. Don't worry about the weight gain right now, you will have plenty of time to lose any extra pounds you gain and you can also control a lot of that just by picking healthier snacks right? As far as your anxiety and depression, most who suffer from that have found that quitting actually helped it and they feel much better now But in the beginning while your body is adjusting to no nicotine you may feel a bit more anxious or depressed from losing your "friend (smoking)" so if it's too hard give your Dr a call. They can a lot of times prescribe something temporary to help you until you start to feel better. And it's awesome to have everyone congratulate you on quitting
    3 points
  19. Hello all. I'm looking for advice on how to take the first step to stop, even though I still love to smoke. This is hard for me, but I know it's needed. All input is so very much appreciated.
    2 points
  20. Welcome Chris You've taken the first step by coming here. Stay with us on the Tain it really will help in aiding your quit. Keep posting.
    2 points
  21. Thank you all. I'm really glad I've joined you this group. I need all of your wisdom, shit it's hard. I am going to try. Thank you, thank you all.
    2 points
  22. Thats an awesome idea! Im on day three of my Chantix. I just have all these things running thru my mind of what I will do when that last cigarette is gone. I am trying to focus on the positive!
    2 points
  23. Congratulations Michelle @idontsmoke !!! It's wonderful to celebrate 4 months anniversary with my Quit Partner!
    2 points
  24. Congratulations @idontsmoke! You got this licked now!!! You never have to smoke again!!! No more standing outside in the rain wishing you didn't look like a dunce and smell like an ashtray! Woohoo!
    2 points
  25. Congratulations @idontsmoke You are doing great!
    2 points
  26. Congratulations Michelle, you're doing great and should be super proud of yourself!
    2 points
  27. Welcome Amyen, I smoked for over 40 years and quit 7 years ago using Chantix. If I can do it, you can, too!
    2 points
  28. Yaaa Michelle..4 Months have flown by ... Great you have a quit buddy who is watching your back... Come and tell us how it's going !!!!!
    2 points
  29. Welcome aboard Amyen glad to have you along on this journey. I did not use NRT but I know of many who did (those that were successful followed the complete plan) so it can work. I too was worried about weight gain and I did gain weight but my doctor was ok with me gaining weight (I was overweight at the time) because she felt that the benefits of quitting would outweigh any weight gain. Once I had quit for awhile I did more walking and to this day I still walk quite a bit and that helped control the weight. After about 9 months I began to loose weight and I have now lost all the gained weight and a little more. I was also worried about the coffee thing so I quit drinking coffee at the same time and really have only had 1 cup of coffee since I quit. Anyway come back here often there is a lot of people here ready to help. And do not forget the daily NOPE -- it really helped me, and I know others, get through the quit. The journey may be hard a times but it is so worth it!!!!!!!
    2 points
  30. Don't concentrate on the idea of gaining weight. I used that as an excuse to put quitting off for many years. Concentrate on the fact that you will be gaining life. Not onlly will you be extending your life, but you will find yourself taking a more active part in life. That makes it easier to shed any unwanted quitting pounds!
    2 points
  31. We call quitting a journey ....most put on some extra pounds ... But once your comfortable in your quit ,then usually it shifts to your weight ... We do have a healthy eating thread ...to help you along ... But healthy snacks can be a good place to start... Jillar has also have you sound advice about depression...we have had quite a few successful quits with members who are sufferer,s.... Read some old threads too....there is tons of great information.... Upwards and Onwards ...
    2 points
  32. Those are awesome ideas! I am so afraid I will gain weight too. I am already overweight. I also deal with anxiety and depression. My smoking has been like a security blanket. Does that make sense?? But I realize it is definitely time to quit!
    2 points
  33. Thank you so much! I agree with taking the Chantix as prescribed. I think you take it for three months total. I can do this!!! I have wanted to become a non smoker for years and after talking to my son who has lived in Taipei for the last 4 years and hearing how happy he was with his life made me realize its time to quit. I want to be around for him! The worst part will be the mornings when I have my coffee. I think I will have to eliminate coffee for a while.
    2 points
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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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