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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/01/20 in all areas
G’day NOPE .....Not One Puff Ever.... (replace Ever with Min Hour Day as required!)6 points
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Congratulations on your fourth month smoke free! We're so glad to have you and your awesome support here. Have a great day and celebrate you!5 points
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Hi Pedro! So glad you have decided to quit and include us on your journey. Everyone here is ready to lift you up and help you across that finish line. Quitting seems like a monumental task but is just a matter of committing to not smoking. When those craves come, you learn to redirect those thoughts. Take the time to educate yourself and hang around and get to know us. You can do this!5 points
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Welcome aboard Pedro, I sounds like you made up your mind to quit smoking. Don't let that junkie thinking persuade you to second guess your choice to quit. It is a choice to be a happier and healthier version of yourself after all. To truly accomplish this endeavor to quit smoking requires 100% commitment. So, read all the articles and watch all the videos available to you on this site. Knowledge is power and will help you with your quit. Just grab a seat and enjoy the ride.5 points
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Welcome aboard Pedro. Good call on giving up the smokes. You are an addict. You're going to want a smoke from time-to-time. There's a saying around here: "A crave is not a command." There will be times when you want to smoke but resist the urge because you've made a commitment to yourself. Those are the moments where quits are built. A bit of momentary discomfort for a lifetime of freedom is a good deal.4 points
Congratulations on 4 months smoke free, @JohnQ Keep up the great work and thanks for all the support that you provide others here.4 points
4 points
I probably "quit" for a day between 50-100 times before I pledged to really quit. There's nothing wrong with not smoking for a day, but in the grand scheme of things it won't make a difference in the big picture of life. It is only by breaking the shackles of this addiction that you'll achieve true freedom, improved health, and a real sense of accomplishment. Look at all the educational material here, learn from other's experiences, and make the commitment to quit once and for all. It's doable and worth any short term discomfort.4 points
Hello Pedro, Your presence here indicates that you have a desire to quit. Take this desire 1 step further: Educate yourself about the Nicotine addiction. It is essential to understand the addiction to enable you to kick this nasty addiction for good. Stay on the forum and keep posting. Welcome aboard the Quittrain, destination FREEDOM!4 points
4 points
Who knows how far this thread will go. I decided tomorrow I'll try a smoke free day. And I'll keep posting important info about it on this thread. This is my quittrain thread. Feel free to comment. tomorrow is first day of october. I can say for now that my mind is rebelling against the idea of not having cigarettes around (as I have none now with me). sSO this is something. a mind feeling the lack of the object.3 points
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Way to go JohnQ. Time for a sweet reward for this great accomplishment of 4 months smoke free.3 points
I agree with @jillar once you put that last cigarette out, you really have quit, at least until you light up again. Why not start your quit now? It is good to take it one day at a time but quitting for good is very doable. Focus on making it through tomorrow, or the next hour, or the next minute, etc. With time smoke free, you will see that you are much better without cigarettes. As far as your mind rebelling against the idea of not having cigarettes around, that is the mind of nicotine addiction. The key is to rid yourself of nicotine and you will adjust physically and emotionally with time to being a nonsmoker. Any early struggles are worth it long term.3 points
Good decision Pedro and did you know that your quit starts the minute you put out your last cigarette and since you don't have any cigs left why not just start now?3 points
Hi Pedro....Welcome aboard .... How far will this go ???.....all the way to Freedom if that's where you want to be ... First ...Great decision to quit and take your life back ... Knowledge ...you need to totally understand this addiction...arm yourself to fight ... We have tons of great info here .... Watch all the videos too...they cover most subjects.... We have some great Newbies here to travel along with ... Looking forward to travelling along side you ,in your journey ...3 points
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You're doing great JohnQ! Big congragulations on 4 months smoke free!!!2 points
Welcome Amyen123! So glad you found us and have decided to quit smoking. We are here to help you on your journey. Hang around and read the information here, play some games and get to know us all. You can do this!2 points
Thank you sooooo much to all of you for being so supportive! I am so glad I found this forum!!!!2 points
Welcome, and congratulations on the best decision you'll ever make. I didn't quit using an NRT, but many on this board have and I'm sure they will have lots of information to share. The best armor to wear during a quit is knowledge. Know your enemy, nicotine. There is a wealth of knowledge here (the green tacks at the top of the main board) and whyquit.com2 points
Hey JohnQ, good for you!! 4 months is something to be proud of!! Keep climbing that rope, friend and you'll be on the lido deck before you know it. Reward yourself today, take some time to enjoy your new found freedom Congratulations, I hope you feel proud!2 points
@notsmokinjo Yes i was going through a really tough time .That was one of the reasons i smoked a lot My studies are over now . I got my bachelors degree in commerce . After that i joined an accounting course , its going on now .Its an online course from an institution and they are conducting the classes online through the Zoom software . I learned a lot of things about accounting from the past few weeks of classes and i am really happy . The classes will the there for at least 6 more months . I am planning to get SAP certified by the end of the course . Its again not an easy task . I hope i can finish the course without getting infected from Covid - 19 That is another thing that is causing a lot of stress these days . Its everywhere in my town . Waiting for a vaccine since the last few months . The stress is always there in life , but i do not depend on smoking to relieve any of those .It comes and goes . Thanks for the reply @darcy Oh yes it is a big accomplishment and i feel happy without any hyper mental activities2 points
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Thank you for the cheers everyone! It is getting easier and easier as each month passes. Not smoking is becoming my new normal and I love it!!!2 points
Hello! I just took my first dose of Chantix and am looking for continued support on this forum. Please help!1 point
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Congrats, JohnQ! Four months quit is fantastic! Celebrate and reward yourself for what you have achieved...it is a big thing!!! KTQ!1 point
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Hello and welcome aboard ... Congratulations on the great decision to stop this horrible killer addiction... I didn't use chantix...but I'm sure those here who did ,will be along soon ... Read and learn all you can here ...watch all the videos.... understanding this addiction will help you through your journey ... We have some great Newbies to travel along with ... Looking forward to getting to know you better...1 point
Welcome amyen and congratulations on deciding to take your freedom back. Have you stopped smoking yet? If I remember correctly when I tried it I continued to smoke the whole first week but noticed I craved cigs a lot less after the first week or so and quit altogether. I managed to stay quit for three weeks and stopped taking it and almost instantly went back to smoking so I HIGHLY recommend to stay on it for the recommended duration of I believe three months. Plus you'll love the dreams lol You'll get as much support as you need or want here as well as a ton of info on our addiction plus a Social section that's pretty good at getting our minds off smoking for a while so take a look around1 point
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