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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/18/20 in all areas
8 points
I think he's talking about how smokey everything is here on the West Coast. Makes you feel like you've been smoking non stop. @Sirius can you clarify for us?7 points
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I'd rather take the frying pan to the noggin then smoke. A head ache only lasts a day.6 points
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6 points
ROFLMAO! Not smoking nicotine. But I've been inhaling smoke with every breath I take, (as has everyone around me) and it sucks. Air quality is considered hazardous. Seriously, step outside and the world smells like a campfire. Stay outside for any length of time and its very irritating. This has been a valuable education for me as I got to revisit the affects of smoking without actually going off my quit. Let me tell you all that there is no romance in the smokes. It's the Riviera of Hades.6 points
OMG, my heart broke thinking he relapsed but I think he is just talking about all the smoke in the are.6 points
6 points
I think you're right Jill. I was wondering what "Having had the chance to revisit the whole smoking habit involuntarily" meant. Now I get it. lol Totally got me!!!6 points
For me, I look back from time to time to remind myself how pathetic of an addict I was, how it actually took a lot of enjoyment out of my life. It really helps me to get over those cravings easily when I reflect back. This nasty addiction had controlled my life for almost 40 years. Anywhere I went I had to worry about where/when I can smoke, it took a lot of enjoyment out of all those family vacations, celebrations, events, parties, even business trips, etc. Not only that, my wife and kids hate smoking, I'm sure they were disappointed every time I sneaked away for a smoke, sadly addicts have no dignity! Yes, Smoking was extremely costly for me (much more than just the money). Now I'm really looking forward to my next family vacation where I can enjoy spending the entire time with my family without worrying about where/when to smoke, but we won't be able to go anywhere for awhile due to the pandemic...6 points
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Hey Steven - great job quitting right away again! You know what to do. Understand why you relapsed - your trigger - and take steps to prevent that from happening again. Just keep at it and you will succeed! That's how I did it -- just kept finding and eliminating excuses and triggers until my quit finally stuck. Going on 8 months now. My longest quit. I am determined to live the rest of my life smoke and nicotine free. Believe you can do it because you CAN!6 points
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I have been reading a lot of useful things on this site. It is the worst addiction there is. Thank you for welcoming me back.5 points
I agree with JohnQ. It took so much time that I could have been enjoying and living life. It got to the point where it was much easier to stay at home than having to sneak out and find a place to smoke. It also took my confidence. I was so ashamed that it was more important to me than life. It makes me ill thinking of how much money I wasted on the habit. The good news is that you can move past this. Quitting has given me my power back. I am one badass lady making up for lost time!5 points
I’ve been off line for a few months. This is the first post I read. You damn near got me!!! Glad to see things havent changed too much in the shenanigans department. Wish I could send some of this water in the SE out West.5 points
5 points
Sorry about your dad dying so young! Mine did too but probably not from cigarettes. It took my mom via COPD. It's too bad we don't understand the true cost of smoking when we're young.5 points
Giving in mentally to a craving, loosing your focus happens Steven but the reason the SOS is so important is that it means you have to type out what you are experiencing then wait just a little while until you start getting replies. It's that delay time that could save your quit! It's not necessarily what any of us might say to you but more that the craving will have subsided at least a little and you have time to really think about what you are contemplating doing by lighting up again. If you haven't already, write an SOS message to yourself in advance. There's a thread in on the SOS page called Pre-Respond to Your Own SOS. After you send an SOS message for others to respond to, go there and read what you wrote to yourself in a more lucid moment. It all helps Steven5 points
4 points
I was with Nicky in OZ ,when those fires broke out .... It's was amazing ,now quick some days the smoke swept in ... I feel for you guys ....❤4 points
4 points
Hey @Sirius, maybe you should get out of there for a while. It can't be good to breathe all that smoke in on a continuous basis. Hope things settle down soon! Btw, very clever post! ha ha4 points
Steven, good to see you get right back on the train. For me, the major difference in this quit is learning about the addiction by spending tremendous amount of time going through the various materials on this site. I used to think the same "want to be a non smoker", now I look at it differently "I no longer want to be a pathetic addict", treasure your freedom, protect your quit! You can do this!4 points
4 points
Yes John ... I have been known to smack some sense into someone ,when they are thinking of losing thier precious quit ......Be Warned...3 points
Doreen, your frying pan is all I need when I get a craving. Want to smoke? Here you go The best SOS tool!3 points
3 points
Still Friday afternoon here, but I'm already committed to NOPE!!! on Saturday!3 points
3 points
Heard one of those memory lane songs this morning on Willie's Roadhouse. My grandfather used to like to dance with my grandmother to this song. Good times.3 points
3 points
Sorry to see this. I guess this is a good lesson to us newbies: Never let your guard down, take your own personal pledge of NOPE every morning when you wake up. Hope you jumped back on this train @Sirius3 points
I'm sorry to see that you relapsed. I hope that you will find your way back to be a non smoker again soon. You know the routine and have been through it already. I wish you luck on this decision that you have to make. Hopefully we will see more of you in the future.3 points
Wow, that's really sad, after over 6 years of not smoking! Hope you plan to quit again real soon. The longer you go, the harder it gets to quit again.3 points
Thanks Reciprocity and everyone! I really appreciate all the support and comraderie here. This is such a great group! I am pretty much over the I-ain't-got-no-nicotine blues now, too! Woohoo!3 points
This is good Steven, Way to get right back to your quit. Don't let pride get in the way of asking for help. We are all hear for you so just ask. You can do this because you are stronger than the addiction.3 points
Steven, good for you getting right back on the train. You can do this. Reach out if you think you are going to cave.3 points
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