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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/22/20 in all areas
5 points
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Hooray for me! Six Weeks today! Been a long and hard road and it still isn't over...4 points
G’day NOPE .....Not One Puff Ever.... (replace Ever with Min Hour Day as required!)4 points
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Keep up the great work, Up In Smoke. It might not feel this way but you are doing great. It can be a struggle early on but it is worth it in the long term.4 points
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That's FANTASTIC UpinSmoke! Congratulations, I've been where you are so I know the struggle and you have handled it like a champ Celebrate your freedom, you're doing great!3 points
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I've been following these storms. It is rare for two storms to hit this closely at the same time. Last time it happened in the Gulf was in the 1930's (according to the Weather Channel). Stay safe @Sazerac and others in these storms' paths.3 points
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You are a rock, Doreen. It means so much that you continue to support those of us who are still new in our quits. You are like a beacon of light that shows us the possibility of longer, life long quits. Thank you, and congratulations!3 points
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Vote? .........There's an election? I'm throwing my hat in the ring right NOW! What's the position we're voting on? President, Prime Minister, Supreme Ruler? I'm committed to getting myself into shape for this election campaign Piggy for President! Has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?3 points
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Congratulations on 1 year smoke free @mightyboosh This is a huge accomplishment. I hope you do something big to celebrate today.2 points
Yep, one year eh. I've had some very stressful events happen this year including the death of my dear old dad who was 93. However, it never crossed my mind that having a cig would help with or lessen any emotional trauma that I was going through, not once. In fact it strengthened my resolve and belief that those awful sticks of poison are good for absolutely nothing. I will never become complacent though, I've learnt that lesson before.2 points
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Thanks for all your encouragement. I'm at work writing this hence it is brief. I'll log on when I get home tonight.2 points
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I bump this to provide encouragement to people inquisitive about quitting Cold Turkey and to cold turkey quitters. again, all quits are good quits.2 points
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Hooray Doreen! Congratulations on 7 years smoke free and saving your life! You are such an inspiration for us all. So supportive and always so funny! I can't count how many times you made me LOL!! Thank you for you and congratulations!2 points
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Freedom Force is well out in Front people's....if its not your face choice best click and submit.1 point
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Because you are American and you can't say remember the correctly ....the word is pronounced al-you-mini-um...your welcome. If a kg of water and a kg of wet cement way the same why doesn't a litre of water weigh the same as a litre of wet cement?1 point
Fun fact...had she been born on her due date, Australia Day, she was going to be Matilda.1 point
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