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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/20/20 in all areas
8 points
G’day NOPE .....Not One Puff Ever.... (replace Ever with Min Hour Day as required!)7 points
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NOPE I'm craving a smoke right now, which is odd, because it's been weeks since that last happened. Stress, I imagine, and frustration with stock analysis. However, NOPE, because one doesn't just throw away an almost 6 month quit over company valuation analysis overwhelm. Think I'll have a cold beer, instead.4 points
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Well I have made it 7 days, which has not been fun. I would have been much further along if I had not relasped. But I am trying to hang in there. Today was a struggle3 points
G’day NOPE .....Not One Puff Ever.... (replace Ever with Min Hour Day as required!)3 points
Congratulations on the new job!!! Also for posting and asking for help to fight the nicotine crave. Hang in there3 points
3 points
NOPE is right. Nothing is worth smoking over. Congratulations on your new job. Do something positive to celebrate this event. A new job and a new life smoke free are great things.3 points
NOPE NOPE NOPE IS RIGHT I'm feeling better after posting. I'm filling out onboarding paperwork and am planning a big sloppy bowl of ice cream tonight3 points
NOPE Why would you even consider poisoning yourself while you celebrate your good news ? A fleeting moment because of old patterns, sure, but to seriously consider throwing your quit and failing yourself ? NOPE NOPE NOPE3 points
Bumping ...A Great reminder of why NOPE is so Important !!!!3 points
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Yay .... I WIN!!! Oh wait, we need an official anointment before I'm crowned2 points
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You just learn to enjoy the moment without ingesting poisons and intoxicants. One of my biggest fears when I quit smoking and drinking was that I would become a dreadfully bored malcontent. Those fears are gone. I have no regrets. Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.2 points
You should be super proud of yourself Michelle for caring enough about yourself to post for extra support to keep your great quit Well done2 points
2 points
That's wonderful news Michelle!!! You celebrate by splurging on your favorite restaurant or having an ice cream sundae just like never smokers would That is great news so why ruin it with nicotine?!2 points
I had a motorcycle accident just after marring my second wife, I stopped getting married ever since I go with #3 just cuz soccer isn't all that popular here so not sure any of the Uni's even have soccer teams?2 points
I'm not surprised #3 is the lie. I think you seem pretty comical reciprocity! p.s. #1 and #2 sound very traumatic...sorry to hear about those.2 points
2 points
Lol .... OK; You WIN!! #3 was the lie (which only goes to prove, I spent much of my childhood suffering from physical or psychological pain )2 points
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Is that ALL you're doing @Rozuki?........ You'll have to keep us posted!!!!!!!!2 points
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