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G’day NOPE .....Not One Puff Ever.... (replace Ever with Min Hour Day as required!)6 points
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What you're experiencing all sounds normal Jeff and I agree, your wife and daughter are likely on silent mode with fingers crossed You'll get through the wedding and will have a wonderful time I'm sure. Little further along in my own quit, my daughter got married. Not only that but we mover houses the week after. Was so busy and focused on stuff during that time, it didn't even occur to me until later that I never once even thought about having a smoke to settle my nerves. I will admit, I slept for what seemed like a month afterward though Just think. You'll be able to celebrate your 1 month anniversary just prior to the wedding. Both should be great celebrations!6 points
You're doing great, Jeff, and for the right reasons. I didn't tell my wife until I was in week 3 since I had failed so many times before that I didn't want to talk about it until I was somewhat sure of my quit. The lethargy is normal. Many of us have gone through the period of lethargy. It will go away. I took up running as a way to make myself feel good. When I initially started, I couldn't run to the end of the street and back and would be wheezing and coughing while I sat on the front steps for 15 mins to recover. After some months, there came a day when my legs felt tired before I ran out of breath - that was SO HUGE for me. I mean, I don't think anyone ever felt so happy that their legs were tired. My point is, find a way to reward yourself and feel good. Many people go for walks or take up running or cycling or some other form of physical activity. See what works for you. It should help you get out of the lethargy stage faster.6 points
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Hey Jeff, You're doing great. Since this whole pandemic and quitting smoking I've put on 12lbs. I haven't been as active as I would like either. Now that I've gone back to work I'm slowly bringing my activity rate back up. They things you seek will come in time. I'm sure your family is proud of you for quitting. They probably are trying to not jinx your quit because they secretly want this to be your forever quit as well. A wedding is supposed to be a joyous time. Have a good time, congratulations and keep at it. You got this.5 points
Wow!!..you have been busy ... I quit that many times ...no body took any notice either at first ...or so I thought.... It came out later they were all very proud of me ... Your energy will come back ..I'm more fit now than I ever was ...my legs and feet were too painful to do any form of excercise....due to no circulation ... Now ..you carnt stop me ....5 points
Dear Nicotine in all forms: I’ve wanted to get rid of you for years. You’ve caused a rift in my family. They knew I was using you but it was like this big elephant in the room that no one wanted to tackle. I thought I was hiding you but of course, they knew. You’ve caused me to be embarrassed and feel judged because in just about every social or work circle I'm in, I'm usually the only one using you. Remember when I hid you from everyone? Even doctors and coworkers? Then when someone would remark that I or the room smelled like cigs I was humiliated because them knowing I was smoking was better than them knowing I’d been lying to them. Now I live with people who don’t smoke, in a neighborhood where I rarely see people smoke. In fact when I am sitting outside vaping I’d see tons of people jogging, walking etc and just know to the core of my soul that I wanted to be healthy and that I’m hurting myself because of you. People at least ten years older than me, speed walking and cycling and I'd think about how if I didn't give you up I would probably never get to that point, I'd spend the last years of my life a fat old lady in a wheelchair with an oxygen tank. I don't want to go down like that When my chest started to hurt when I walked up hills or stairs I knew it was time to quit. I’ve been paying a lot of money to use you while you are causing damage to my body, and possibly even be killing me. The test results I just got back say I am prediabetic and my cholesorol is up. I know that without you my cholestorol should come down. I'm not sure about the prediabetes will resolve especially with the other lifestyle changes I'm making. I don't want to be my mother, smoking and not taking care of herself and dying at 62. You have such a hold on me that its been 40 years of letting you rule my life because every time I tried to give you up the cravings would be too much to bear, I thought. Even now, ten days without you, and even though I’m taking Chantix, you are screaming at me to come back. I almost have, a few times but if I do that, I will be back at square one. I’ve proven to myself countless times that there is no such thing as one dose of you, no matter how sure I am that there is. I need to think of you like I think of alcohol; be afraid to actually pick you up because I know I won’t stop. I'm in solid recovery now, free of everything addictive except you, at least 11 days ago.Oh, and coffee but I'm not tackling that one just yet...but Its time for you to go. So I say goodbye to you. I've been quit for ten days; I don’t need you anymore. I never needed you in the first place. I just thought I did. I’m not spending incomprehensible amounts of money on you. I’m not going to put myself at risk of death for you. I'm not going to let you make my children have to lose their mother young. You aren’t worth it. Nothing is worth risking my life. Yes its hard to let you go, but if I developed a life threatening illness just because continuing to use you was easier than quitting…well how awful would that be? Or I could say letting you go is easier than dealing with cancer or heart disease will be. Letting go of you is easier than dying, thats for sure. Despite being DETERMINED to let you go, I definitely miss you already, esp in the form of vaping. Vaping is delicious and feels good going into my lungs but how crazy is that. I don’t want you In my lungs. I’m done with you. You aren’t going to kill me, embarrass me, make me sick, none of that ever again, just for today. One day at a time. Goodbye, idontsmoke5 points
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I thought I would write a little about how I'm feeling at this point in my quit! (Starting day 27) Cravings and urges are still around. They are less severe and they come further apart! I still think about smoking several times a day, but so far I have been able to talk myself out of it. I think I can continue to do so! I am very tired most of the time. I don't get much done, and I sleep a lot. I've been asking myself, if any of my energy will come back. I know that I got a lot of my energy from nicotine and caffeine. I'm not getting any nicotine and I have cut my caffeine intake in half. I don't feel bad physically or mentally, just run down. To be honest, I didn't have a ton of energy before quitting. 47 or 48 years of poisoning myself has taken a toll on my body! My wife's sister has been here for the week and will be here for another week. My youngest daughter is getting married on the 20th and my sister in law came to help out with the decorations and other things. Her husband and some other family members will be here next weekend. I will have to find some energy to get through this wedding! And for everyone's sake, I need to be in a good mood! I love my daughter and she had such big plans for this wedding. Then the virus came along and with all the restrictions at the church and the reception hall, everything had to be scaled back. I will help her to make it the best it can be. They don't want to wait until the restrictions ease up. I'm determined not to let any pressures or stress from what's going on around me effect my quit. I've never said this before, but my wife and daughter have not said one thing about my quitting smoking. I get along with both of them just fine! I have quit so many times before (four times this year alone) that I don't think they are too excited about it. I can't expect them to be. I have to do this for myself anyway! Take Care! Jeff5 points
I'm betting you've got the work/smoking link broken at this point Mac Possibly helped you that the work situation is I'm sure quite different at this point so your mind was more focused than it may have been had it been just another normal day at work?5 points
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Ok, off tomorrow and then starting Monday the menu prepping begins. We will reopen the restaurant Thursday 6-18-20.4 points
Made a list of all the states in the United States just to see if I could remember them all.4 points
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A lot of this sounds normal, Jeff. The tired feelings should get better with time, along with fewer cravings, etc. Keep up the great work! You are doing an awesome thing by quitting smoking.4 points
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I can only say I agree with all the above. I don't think about smoking any more but the thought has crossed my once in a while but it's just that ... a thought. In the 3 1/2 years, there have been challenges but smoking did not come up as an option. I now 'know' that it will do nothing for the challenges. Also, have no desire to be a slave to nicotine again.4 points
Hi Jeff, sounds like you've been busy! I didn't have any energy either after quitting. It felt like all my energy went to trying to right all the years of smoking damage I had done. Plus, like you, I cut my coffee consumption in half without even meaning to. Hopefully with time, and healing you'll start getting your energy back. As far as your wife and daughter not saying anything goes, they probably are just not to you. My husband didn't say anything to me but I knew he was happy because our friends would come over and congratulate me on quitting. I waited a couple days to tell him I had quit and hadn't told anyone else so he had to of. That's how I knew he was happy I finally quit.4 points
I think everyone is different. I smoked most all of my adult life except for a few years in my thirties and although I don`t feel the craves 3 years plus down the road I can`t say that it has not crossed my mind a couple times. An addict is an addict. Perhaps I could smoke only one and walk away from it for 3 more years. I won`t take that chance. It gets better and I think most of us with a few years under our belt realize we will always be recovering addicts.4 points
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Good old honey and lemon juice in hot water (like a a tea) really works. You can add some ginger (or rum, or brandy or whiskey) if ya want want. Even just a teaspoon of honey will help with the itchy throat feel.4 points
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@reciprocity I tried that a couple weeks ago because I was tired of "the look". How do you like my new look? Before After3 points
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I remember you asking me all kinds of questions about my avatar pic and name when I first joined. I was in the midst of hi-level withdrawal to begin with so I didn't know what to make of that. Whether your were gay and checkin me out or setting me up for some kind of ridicule. Later I discovered poking fun at others was well .... that was just you and you only do it to those you like I also wondered what that thing was Stewie had as his original avatar. Was a little scary at first. He was one of my biggest boosters though and for that I'm really appreciative to this day! Sonic (aka Meathead) always had the coolest pics/gifs3 points
NOPE NOPE NO-PITTY NOPE! (oooh look what I did....no-pity. As in no self pity. I didn't do that on purpose but I like it)3 points
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Nobody remembers anything about someone else? who was your quit buddy or biggest fan? Secret crush? i had my share of eggs that were special....3 points
It's normal as you mentioned. It reminds of the time when I had armed myself with cough drops and felt so bad when the cough wouldn't happen. Those days my brain was foggy as well and I used to question if my quit was 'normal' if there was no cough. Why wasn't my system going through the cleansing that everyone else seemed to go through. I also felt bad about having wasted the money for cough drops. So I think you're lucky to have the symptoms that I wasn't fortunate enough to have.3 points
Not allowed in bars/clubs or restaurants near me. Another quality day at work with no real smoking urges to speak of.3 points
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My voice totally disappeared for a while ...after a trip to the doc ....he reassured me all was well... Our bodies have alot of healing to do .... decades..... If your worried always get checked out ....3 points
@Mac#23 has shown much interest of late in running a poll....So I just did one for him...well actually it's going to be 2 but ya gunna have to head to the music thread for the second one. Usual rules apply...the votes are anonymous but you can spruik your choice below, campaigning is encouraged...pools close 28th June at 1:42am Melbourne time which will be some time on the 27th for all you mob not in Aus or NZ. To help you decide here are the candidates... 1. Return of the Mack 2. Call Me a Mack 3. Mack the Knife* 4. Jimmy Mack 5. Old Mac Donald Had a Far * There will be a cover or original poll on this in the music threads. So boys, girls, and others which Mack song is best!2 points
I took some advice and rewarded myself this afternoon. Since I'm recently-ish single again I took my ownself out on a date. SOMEONE has to! So this awesome chick named idontsmoke and I went for a mani-pedi and then got a burger. Masks, gloves, plexiglass and distancing were in place, so we were safe. Anyway, I kinda like this lady. I may have to treat her to nice things like that more often.2 points
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Good to see you're still on the train @idontsmoke! When you truly want something and it's worth fighting hard for, you get an extreme sense of pride when you accomplish your goal. Whether that be a daily, weekly or monthly goal so ..... keep fighting the good fight2 points
Aww I love a poll....Ok... I've gone for Martha and the Vandellas.... I love a bit of Motown ...reminds me of my fun youth days !!!2 points
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I went for Old MacDonald Had a Farm. Might as well start brushing up on the kiddie tunes now.2 points
First what Saz said 100%....I once gave myself a fully blown panic attack about using my sewing machine because the world time before when i did i craved so bad....it was a total waste of energy because when i finally pulled me head put me arse and just used it ... I was fine. ... Don't waste time on maybes...you got this mate. Right now I'm wonderin if smoking is still allowed in bars/clubs/restaurants where @Mac#23 is?2 points
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What about you calling young Action a pimp ???? Cos he was polite with the ladies ..... Jealousy...pure Jealousy ....2 points
What I immediately thought of ... Bacon asking Boo...was his picture a Helmet.... Boo replied ...No wonder you never made Detective..... I nearly wet myself ...Hilerious !!!!......2 points
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