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Hey Nana, Hang tough. Breathe through this and calm yourself. Craves do not last all day. Time them. They are actually short lived. In the beginning, I opted for obsessing over the crave which prolonged my distress. I had a few epic tantrums. Then, I started to cut the thoughts loose and purposefully change my thinking by looking at something beautiful or listening to something beautiful while in the throes of a crave. Even though I was kinda sorta faking it, my brain caught on and found more beauty to admire. If you smile, even smile a fake smile, endorphins are distributed automatically. I used this to great advantage. Chocolate also, lol. Hang in there, Nana. You won't be here ever again as long as you keep your commitment to NOPE.8 points
7 points
Lets do it. I am in need of a quit mate. So we will help each other out. Lets NOPE our way, all the way.7 points
Yeah most of my post even though they are to other people are mostly about me working through my quit. It sure hasn't been easy. I am doing this quit so differently than I have in the past. I have kept for me what works, but I am building this quit off of me. Like normally I would be eating sunflower seeds until I just can't eat anymore and then I am forced to put them down, but the thing is all I did was transfer my addiction over to the sunflower seeds. So when I get to the point where I can't eat sunflower seeds I end up relapsing. I am not using sunflower seeds this time. My last quit I used Chantix and I quit smoking, I allowed my junkie side to persuade me into believing that a road trip would be to much to handle 5 months into my quit and said I will only smoke for the weekend and when I get back on Monday I would put them down. So I let my junkie side talk me into throwing that quit away. Not this time. When I get off the Chantix this time I am going to stay on Burpropion for at least a year to make sure it is a solid quit. I am taking what has worked for me in the past and helped me quit, but not aide in a relapse. All I know is this. I can spout that I want to quit because I want to be healthier and I want this or I want that. The point of the matter, brass tax, or the truth IS I just don't want to smoke. I am tired of smoking. I am tired of always having to light up because I just need a fix. I don't enjoy the taste of it anymore. I mean not really once in a blue moon I would light a cigarette up and be like ohhh that taste so good. No that never really ever happened. There were times when I didn't mind how it tasted, but for the most part if I had to imagine what ass taste like it would be a cigarette. Even with that disgusting image in my head I still smoked. So to say that I am quitting because of that, no. I am quitting because simply I just don't want to do it anymore. An now I am having to fight, but I got this..7 points
Oh yeah I know we definitely have to work at it. The ironic part is when you start smoking (the very first time the time that started this all)you have to work at doing it because it taste nasty, you cough, and you find it vile and disgusting. Then the nicotine monster starts to get its claws hooked in you and all. As the nicotine monster is doing his job you junkie voice kicks in saying you got this. They are starting to taste good now, they are starting to make you cooler, and you don't cough anymore. Then the junkie voice then tells you to keep on going you got plenty of time to quit. So you do. Now here you are damn near 30 years later and your stuck in this push and pull you want to quit so bad that every time you smoke a cigarette you pray that you could quit. Then something happens or you really start to think about it and you finally make the decision to quit. the whole smoking process is a battle. you battle to start, you battle to smoke. Whether it be your battling with yourself to quit or your lying to yourself and trying to convince yourself that you like it. It's all a battle. Then you battle to quit and then you battle to maintain that battle. If I am going to fight a battle it's going to be the quit battle and maintaining it. So I am choosing to maintain my quit by coming here and posting.7 points
7 points
I am still a nicotine addict and always will be. There is no erasing addiction. You can and will get to a point where you live very comfortably without feeding your addiction but as addicts, we never can reset our brains to forgetting about addiction. That's why we must adhere to the NOPE principal for the rest of our lives. That may sound daunting to some but it's not! The key is abstaining from smoking while you educate yourself about nicotine addiction. Knowledge helps one understand that smoking .... feeding our addiction to nicotine, does nothing good for us - nothing! That's the place we need to get to where our addiction is no longer a threat to us!7 points
G’day NOPE .....Not One Puff Ever.... (replace Ever with Min Hour Day as required!)6 points
Well day 5 and I woke up pissed off and really craving a cigarette. So as far as days go this is by far the worst. Got mad at my husband for something he didn't do and to top it off I yelled at him for it. Then I been having cravings like all get out. I am NOPE'ing my way through and sticking close to the boards and staying away from everyone today.6 points
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6 points
It's gone yet? Time to set off the fireworks? You can do this. Nana and I just decided this morning to become quit mates so we can lean on each other to support our quit. Since you also quit at about the same time, join us. We'll march together to our freedom from smoking.6 points
Welcome aboard ... I agree.....trash all rubbish ....vape included.... I used regular gum ....it kept me busy .... Take time to read all you can here ...that will keep you busy too .... Best decision of your life ...6 points
Welcome idontsmoke and congratulations on posting an SOS and getting past that craving Gum, mints, candy are all great ideas to keep your mouth busy. I was hooked on soft peppermint puffs for my entire first year of quitting lol. Throw the vape away too. You won't be needing that anymore! We're glad to have you join our merry train of quitters. You'll find members from all over the world and in all stages of quitting.6 points
You got this. Treasure your 5 days quit Nana, stay on the Board. I'll be your quit mate, I'm looking forward to post anniversary celebrations at the same time with you every month, every year going forward. Let's do this, NOPE all the way.6 points
6 points
Hello ! Trash it ! Get rid of your vape and anything else related to smoking ! You QUIT and have no further use of it. Why give it to someone else so they can injure and addict themselves ?6 points
That's it Nana, stand your ground. Nothing good in life comes easy. We usually have to work for it. Quitting smoking is no different. So, stay safe, make smart choices and always remember the NOPE pledge.6 points
6 points
You're right Jeff! Brain fog and No Man's Land don't lest forever as they are merely quit symptoms and they fade away relatively quickly. They seem like a big deal at the time, early on in your quit but, they quickly become a fleeting memory a year or two down the road.6 points
From what I have learned, the brain of a former smoker will never be the same as that of a never-smoker. We can put our addiction to sleep but we will always be addicts. Regarding feeling back to "normal", everyone is different. Prior to this quit, I had been quit for over two years. It didn't take too long to feel good, maybe a couple of months, but I felt different than I did as a smoker. As a smoker, I didn't need much sleep. I was expecting to have all this extra time as a non-smoker but that didn't end up being the case because I needed more sleep time. It took quite a while to learn how to deal with emotions as a non-smoker, maybe 6 months. That is also the amount of time it took to stop thinking about smoking for long periods of time. Based on your comments, it sounds like you're pretty close to your new "normal". Enjoy!6 points
From what I have learned about all types of addiction, I have to agree with the reply above me @reciprocity, Our brains where forever changed when we became addicted. That is why we can't have just one puff. Our brains don't work like a non smoker. When we take that one puff, our brains go right back to the same way of working as they did the day before we quit. Yes, we did do ourselves permanent damage when we became addicted. Maybe damage is too harsh a word. Let's say we changed our brain's way of working forever. The good news is that this change in our brains, or mind, can be worked around by never giving ourselves nicotine again. The receptors will give up on asking for the nicotine over time. I don't think Brain Fog or No Man's land lasts forever. I think that those issues are part of the quitting process and will eventually go away. This is just my opinion, I'm not a long time quitter! Take Care! Jeff6 points
Today has been sooooo much better than the last couple days, thanks to everyone who came to my aid on the SOS board. I ditched my vape into the garbage and got some sugar free candy and mints. Its getting real....5 points
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5 points
Yep I was with a slightly different username. I was embarrassed to come back with the one I used before LOL *blush* Thank you for the support. And yes you're right....I"m getting rid of it today. I've already thrown all the juice out.5 points
Nana..... Our bodies have alot of healing to do ....we poisoned it for decades ....it takes time .... Be kind to yourself .... All is Temporary...... I Think having a quit buddy is great ......5 points
I am on Day 5 of my quit it has seemed these last couple of days the mental craves have been much harder the last couple of days. I guess when I am faced with a really strong crave I come here. I don't always feel like posting and when I don't I read, but then there are days I do and I will post often. I am here for you if you need me.5 points
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5 points
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^this from @JohnQ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ is a huge part of what makes this place so great. Newbies helping newbies. Thank you for your encouragement to all of us, John.5 points
It's going to be a rocky day today for me dealing with a major issue, so I need to come here to pledge NOPE.5 points
So proud of you, Nana. You are building yourself a strong and sturdy quit. This is awesome to watch.5 points
Not giving it to someone else so they can injure themselves is something I thought of but kept coming up with reasons why it was okay..."me giving it to them wont hurt them any more than they are hurting themselves" "why waste it when someone else could use it" "its in perfect condition, its a shame to throw it away" but reading what you wrote snapped me out of it. Its not OK to give it to someone else. Thank you. I'm going to throw it away today. I feel much stronger, thank you5 points
5 points
Breathe through this incident. Keep an eye on your blood sugar, sip on some fruit juice. Think of a reward when you emerge nicotine free . Rewards are super important. The Significance of Rewards How are you doing ? Still with us ?5 points
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5 points
I started smoking at 13, I think, and hardly remember what it felt like before that. My life was all about smoking. I smoked everywhere, anywhere. All the time. This was my life for 40 some odd years. I have been quit for nearly seven years now and haven't had a crave or a trigger in six of those years. The first year had some challenges where NOPE, my commitment to myself kept me Free. I knew in my heart of hearts I would not smoke again but, there were temptations to address. After that, I stayed current with myself by renewing my commitment to NOPE every morning and thanking myself for staying free each night. I maintain this vigilance. It is not a burden, it is etched into my consciousness. Here are some resources that address your issues, Being An Addict For The Rest Of Your Life The Differences Between Physical and Psychological Urges Craves Or Triggers That Occur Over Time5 points
So after having some really bad dreams about not being able to find my husband pants. After dreaming about an oops. I have now woke up to the realization that it was all a bad dream and a real to life hard craving. So I came straight here to post and to pledge. So here I am pledging to NOPE!!!!5 points
Well bit sad to read this post but I get it....pretty sure 26 yo Boo (not sure wot 26 yo Boo was up too but he gets dragged out pretty regular) would never have thought he'd grow up to be so sage and wise and that he would have such a fricken positive influence on so many lives of people all around the world. Or that he'd get a mental Aussie "Looney bird" to add country music to her playlist and not just think of it as noise pollution. You better get back here from time to time to brag about princess baby boo or ill be usin' me latent ASIO skills and I will find you and nag you until you do, I can be clever like that. Or-right hooroo for now and enjoy the shit outa whatever rolls ya way. You will be missed mate.5 points
5 points
Sweetheart ... Changing names won't make your quit solid ... unless you change your way of thinking ... You have some quit buddies ...you can do it .... Same rule as ever ...Never Take Another Puff Ever .....Ditch the Vape.....be kind to your lungs Don't be embarrassed.....let's get the job done once and for all ...4 points
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4 points
Thank you so much Johnny! I'm doing so much better. I underestimated how much talking about it and asking for support would help me You guys are great.4 points
I feel better already. Thank you all. I'll stay close to the board while I'm out and about today. Lets celebrate when I throw the dumb vape away!4 points
I will miss reading your posts Boo. They are always packed with wisdom and delivered in a gentle way. My best to you and your family. Take care4 points
Thanks for letting us know Boo You've done a great job here helping others find their way to quitting and yes, you are at a huge junction in your life right now with baby coming into the picture. That will not only consume your time but will change you in ways you can't yet imagine (all good though). Soak it all up because it's awesome See you when you check in on us!4 points
4 points
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