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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/20/20 in all areas
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You're doing great Jeff, I used an air cigarette too, my JAC (jillars air cigarette) for almost my whole first year and totally recommend it for tricking our minds into thinking we're getting the real thing6 points
Great job Jeff, I believe you have the makings of a really strong and productive quit. It's one thing to just hear the advice that is given to you but it's another to also act on our implement it into our lifestyle. You need to believe that quitting is the best thing for you.6 points
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It's the nature of the addiction Jeff to ignore our health .... The addiction comes first .... Quitting brings so many benefits ..no matter how long we smoked ( 52 years here ).... Before long you will start noticing some changes ....smell was the first for me ... You can do it ....one day at a time ...you just need to want it bad enough ...5 points
Thanks everyone. First day home...and becsuse we are scaling back iso my parents insisted I go there for the day...where I got the joy of homeschooling...today's class were PE...where she went for a 45min walk to the lake (pond) and back....science where we did some elemental chemistry and I got to explain isotopes and mass numbers and protons and electrons....Fit for life (fake sport, its about diet and work life balance and tai chi and yoga and meditation and emotional health and I can't believe it's a subject) where she had to cook something healthy and record the process and feed people...dunno how she turned my 30min quick feed pumpkin soup into a 2 hour marathon but apparently it was lovely (not on the list of food i get yet)...then watch footy with my dad...he has been taping old games that my team won for me because we have had no footy....and then he made me laugh do much I might have bust some stitches.5 points
Thanks to all who replied to my last post! I am taking in all the advice and encouragement that's being given to me here. I'm now done with day two. It wasn't as easy as day one. I had a lot of urges and cravings in the evening, after supper. They were manageable by creating distractions as soon as they hit. I use crushed ice, a walk around the outside of the house, etc. I also use a short straw at times, with a little cotton in the end of it to create some resistance on the draw. I've found that it sometimes fools my mind. Not always, but at least it is a distraction. jillar Thanks for the link! I will do that when I get through these first days or weeks of my quit. I hope to feel stronger about my quit by then. Sazerac Thanks for reminding me that this is a marathon and not a sprint. Sometimes in forget that. I think forgetting that leads to complacency which leads to losing a quit. Mee I understand what you are saying about being retired and dealing with health issues. I've been retired for five years and last year I had to have a pacemaker put in twice. It's a long story, but it all comes down to paying for those many years I've ignored my health. I fell very lucky that I don't have cancer or COPD. Well it's on to day three! Jeff5 points
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Jeff ...just wanted to add....your doing great...it will take time to find your way about it ... No matter where you post ...we will find you .....4 points
on the bottom left of each post is a quote button, you hit it and it will show up in your reply. That way you can respond individually to others. You can post anywhere you like, Jeff and about anything you want. Keep smoking in smoking discussions and social in social that is all but, if you don't the mods can always move stuff around for you. We are really easygoing. Personally, I really like it when a quitter keeps adding to their original post with that individuals concerns. It helps with referencing what issues they faced and what resources they were shown but, it really doesn't matter. As long as you are posting and growing yourself a sturdy successful quit, feel free to post everywhere. We have a rocking game section that really helps with distraction from nicotine or real life right now. Glad you are re-visiting Joel's work. Every time I post a link of his, I also revisit the resource. It only serves to imprint the knowledge. I will never know enough or retain enough knowledge. So happy you are here, the benefits of quitting will be shining on you.4 points
@JH63, if you type an @ symbol and then an initial, i.e. "j" a list of members will pop up. Type another letter, i.e. "I" and you'll see the list goes to those members with ji in their names. The more letters you type the more you can hone in on the member you want tagged. Click on the name you want to tag and it will turn blue and insert into the post. You can also quote an individual post and that member will see that you've quoted them in their notifications. As far as continuing to post here or on a new thread, that's up to you. Some people use their intro post for their whole journey while others choose to start a new one on maybe the main board.4 points
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Congratulations on quitting and here is Day THREE ! Most of the nicotine will be gone from your body today. Your cilia is busy scrubbing all the tar from your lungs. Celebrate this day, every day and reward yourself for every crave beaten, every trigger conquered. The Significance of Rewards4 points
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1,230 nico-sticks! roughly... gad...the second-hand smoke here is killing me!!!4 points
Jeff, we are close in the same periods of our life. I have been retired for three years and my husband retired this year. Being able to finally quit has really given me hope that we are going to enjoy our retirement and hopefully not dealing with health issues. It also feels good not wasting money on something that was killing me but spending it on travelling. There are so many positives to quitting. You can do it and stay quit.4 points
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Hi Jeff, thanks for your service to our country You have great reasons to want to make this your forever quit. Think how proud you will feel when those grandbabies hug you soon and tell you how good you smell instead of stinking like stale smoke! Another thing that helped motivate me was creating a ticker for my signature https://www.quittrain.com/tickers/. It was so inspirational to log on everyday and see all the time, money and cigarettes not smoked add up3 points
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It can only get better now Sweetheart..... Hope your soon feeling better ...❤❤❤❤2 points
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Glad to hear you are home, take it easy, and feel better soon (((hugs)))2 points
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It's the middle of day three! I'm alright. Been reading here and watching videos. Some of the Joel Spitzer videos I have already watched in the past, but it won't hurt anything to watch them again. I don't pick up on everything the first time I read or listen to it anyway. I'm headed out for a brisk walk. I will post again at the end of the day. Thanks for the support! I have been trying to figure out a few things about the use of this site. Please help me if you can! How do I respond to a specific post made by one person. So far I have been submitting a reply at the end of this tread to everyone. Example; I get a message from jillar. How do I respond to jillar's message? I know that my relpy will be seen by others on the tread, but I'm not sure jillar knows I'm responding to jillar. This is the Introductions and About Us thread. Now that I have introduced myself, should I be posting in another thread? Thanks, Jeff2 points
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Good to hear your out of hospital ....much better to be out of there ... Sounds like your folks had it all figured out .... Enjoy getting spoilt ....nothing wrong with that..... Take it easy ....give yourself time to heal ...XXX❤❤❤❤2 points
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Hugs to you, Jo. I guess 8700 miles is adequate social distancing for a hug, so sending you a couple of extra. Rest, relax, and ask the kid to make you dinner.2 points
Thanks Kate... : ) Guys, will keep posted on progress.. this week seems bit lighter and better... looks like i am getting to see light in that dark tunnel but not so confident.... Thanks2 points
1,738 and counting, toss 'em on and watch 'em burn I"m even happier about the money I've saved2 points
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