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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/18/20 in all areas

  1. HI! I am glad to be here! I have been reading different posts and other materials on this site for along time. I decided to become a member because I need all the help I can get. I'm addicted to nicotine, and have been for about 47 years. I started smoking in my mid teens. I have quit many times before. I just gave up a twenty day quit two weeks ago. A couple years ago I quit for seventeen weeks. I've quit many other times over the years for different lengths of time. I just can't make my quits stick. Guarding my quit is always part of my quit plan. But I just never guard it well enough. I have tried about every method of quitting Chantix, wellbutrin, cold turkey, patches. I have watched many hours of Joel Spitzer's videos, always making that commitment to never take another puff. But my commitment is just not strong enough! I get tired of lying to myself. I just started my current quit about a hour ago. I'm hoping I can somehow make it stick this time. Take Care! Jeff
    6 points
  2. Welcome, Jeff! Just decide that this is your final quit and it will be. Never forget that whether or not you smoke is always completely within your control, no matter how much it feels as if outside forces are affecting your ability to keep your quit. You say that your commitment hasn't been strong enough, but that's part of the choice -- if your end goal is really to quit, then chose to be all in and don't allow any excuses to become the fallback position. That doesn't mean that every day will be easy or that you won't have doubts from time to time, but stick around here and we'll all help you through any rough spots along the way.
    6 points
  3. Welcome aboard Jeff.... So glad you made the jump on board and take your seat ..... Congratulations on your great quit ....good to read you have been watching and reading all you can here.. Posting and joining in ..and supporting others....it all helps to make your own quit more solid ... Don't forget our daily pledge ...a great way to start your day ...looking forward to getting to know you better . You carnt play the counting game though ...cos you will combust.... Have fun here ..we believe quitting can be fun ...it's not all doom and gloom ...
    6 points
  4. 6 points
  5. No puffs in the next 24 hours for me...NOPE!
    6 points
  6. G’day Just for today... Not One Puff...Ever
    5 points
  7. Welcome Jeff, I smoked for about 20 years and made several attempts to quit over the past few that did not stick. I know that frustration all too well. What finally helped me was joining a support site similar to this one, reading, participating often, reaching out for help as needed, and helping others as well. Support and accountability can really help. Stick around. Read and participate and please reach out if you are on the verge of lighting up. Quitting smoking is very doable and is truly great thing to do.
    5 points
  8. Welcome aboard Jeff and congratulations on making this your forever quit I found that being active on my forum really helped keep my mind occupied and off my misery. We also have our SOS board if you feel you're going to cave to a crave. Post there and we will come running to help you off the ledge. You can do it!
    5 points
  9. When you are tired of obeying the lies of addiction, when you truly see those lies for what they are, you can start to build a successful quit. Take this one moment at a time. With each crave and trigger faced down, your resolve will strengthen. Re-visit all of Joel's work. Etch NOPE onto your consciousness, your sub-consciousness. Maybe this post will help, Decisions/Resolve Welcome to the forum and congratulations on your quit ! also, 10 Ways To Effectively Use This Forum To Stop Using Nicotine
    5 points
  10. Hi Jeff, Welcome to the site and congratulations on your quit. I was just like you. I tried many times to quit and never quite made it all the way. I smoked for over 37 years and I to started when I was young. The big thing that is working for me this time Is that I feel like I am finally ready and fully committed to my quit. In the previous attempts I wanted to quit but I never really said to myself that this is the time. This time Is different. I really don't want to smoke anymore. I truly am 100% committed to making that happen. This site has been a huge help with that quit. All the support, videos and articles are a huge part of this quit. It's makes it so much easier going through this long journey with other people. The other people on this site are in all different stages of their quit. I am on just over 6 weeks in my quit. So, lean on everyone here for the support you need to push you over the top. Don't forget our daily NOPE ( Not One Puff Ever) pledge.
    5 points
  11. We were looking for her also, Kdad. She surfaced late last week. She changed her user name, you know, to Mee. S
    5 points
  12. G’day Just for today... Not One Puff...Ever
    4 points
  13. Has anyone heard from Linda Thomas? Haven't been on in a while.
    4 points
  14. Crafting, Crafting, Crafting and making masks. I find during difficult times, I do best if I keep my mind busy. I started with making a few cute t-shirts for some seniors graduating from high school, that weren't able to have the usual ceremony or party because of the pandemic. What started as a thoughtful gesture, turned into so many people wanting them. So know that I have not forgotten you all.
    3 points
  15. Here's 23,640 (give or take) for you.
    3 points
  16. Dammit! I wish I had some words of wisdom to offer but I don't think "do farmer's walks" or "go outside and chop some wood" are applicable in the case of gallstones. I couldn't find the get well soon card I was looking for, but here's a Birthday card I sent to Doreen. Hope it lifts your spirits.
    3 points
  17. You quit has to come first ...it may take longer than a month ...to feel confident..... Don't rush ...it takes people at different times ...
    3 points
  18. 8 I"ll avoid them that month as i can
    3 points
  19. Glad you have a diagnosis and a plan and will be on to the mending up part soon. Fasting sounds like a real drag but if the alternative is more hospital food, it's probably worth it. Rest, rest, rest, and feel better!
    3 points
  20. Gday Jo better out out than in! Thinking of you jo Chris
    3 points
  21. Laughing at myself for not realizing that I turned the crockpot on but forgot to plug it in
    3 points
  22. Those look great, Mee! The 2020 classes (H.S. and college) are going to have some good bragging rights and will have learned a lot of useful (if not always fun) lessons by the time we get through this, and they'll have the shirts to prove it.
    2 points
  23. Hardwork will paid off, The urge to smoke is gone, The lungs can inhale oxygen a lot more. and now my nose is sensitive to smoke odor. Wish everyone stay committing to quit, forever strong!
    2 points
  24. LOVE them @Mee! No wonder everyone wants them
    2 points
  25. Talking rabbit is making sense hares
    2 points
  26. If 2020 is going to have a theme song, I nominate this one...
    2 points
  27. Welcome aboard Jeff. That's a good place to start. Being honest about your addiction and recognizing the truth about smoking is the foundation of a successful quit. The truth will set you free. It may smack you in the head and make you feel uncomfortable, but ultimately the truth is the way. You've made a great decision for yourself. Commit and be relentless with that commitment.
    2 points
  28. Hope all goes well and you're up and about soon
    2 points
  29. What are your plans for facing down a trigger like seeing your smokey friends ?
    2 points
  30. Hugs from the Pool Jo....Speedy recovery ♥♥♥♥
    2 points
  31. Crafty rats altered food traits Trait
    2 points
  32. I hope all goes well and as soon as possible. Good luck Jo and I'm praying for you
    2 points
  33. Bogus Jo, rest up and know we're all thinking about you from every corner of the world, xoxo
    2 points
  34. Here's my 21,697. And I agree with BKP @Mona
    2 points
This leaderboard is set to New York/GMT-05:00

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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