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7 points
hi everyone!! Remember to NOPE!! every day. all day. STAY SAFE Y’ALL and be grateful for not smoking. Now, more than ever xo Babs7 points
Hello everyone! As you can tell, I am new to this site and yet so glad to have found it. I have smoked for many years. I had some test ran last month and they found 3 spots in my left lung. Not sure if it is cancer or not, have more test next week. However, hopefully it is nothing serious but either way, it is time for me to quit smoking. I have been sick of smoking for some time now anyway. I called my regular MD and he is sending me a prescription for some pathes to the drug store this afternoon. My quit day is tomorrow. I plan on thoroughly reading this site in all aspects because I am serious like never before and education never hurts. Thank you for letting me join and thank you in advance for and help and or tips.6 points
G’day NOPE .....Not One Puff Ever.... (replace Ever with Min Hour Day as required!) And can I add.... stay safe6 points
I can’t believe it! After 30 years, I’ve finally made it this far. I want to thank you guys and gals for supporting me. I know I only post every so often, but your responses have been super helpful. Sometimes it’s good to hear different perspectives. I like the article and videos you recommended too. i am stepping down a level on my NRT. I know it’s not the greatest, but honestly think I would never have made it this far without using it. I feel ready to move to a lower dosage. To think I’ll be completely free in a few more weeks is exciting. i just talked to my best friend who is still a heavy smoker. She is being supportive. We did talk about how things will be different the next time we hangout. We agreed she won’t smoke In small spaces with me for a while. I won’t get mad at her smoke breaks either. I don’t know how it will feel to go outside with her if she’s smoking. i guess the good news is this quarantine may keep us from hanging out in person too regularly for a while. I haven’t seen her in 6 weeks. . We still do our nightly gab sessions on the phone. Do you have suggestions on how to keep my friendship strong without being too tempted?6 points
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Huge Congratulations AK....you have fought to get here....I'm so proud of you .... Let's move on to week two....Heck week !!!!5 points
Congratulations on four weeks of freedom Amierouge. There are things you can control and things you cannot control. You have little to no control over what they do. You have complete control over how you respond. You've made a commitment to yourself. You are having great success with that commitment. Be relentless with that commitment and stay the course that you have set for yourself. You are on a mission and someone on a mission is a force to be reckoned with.5 points
Welcome Rene. You are making a great choice in quitting smoking. There is plenty of support and knowledge you can get at this website so feel free to make yourself at home..5 points
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Welcome.. Joining this site and your decision to quit smoking are some of the best choices you are going to make. The information and the support that you receive here will help in all aspects of your quit. Of course it's your decision on which way you decide to go about it. I also did the cold turkey method and have lasted 24 days now smoke free. I contribute this success to the support on this site and my personal resolve to succeed. Remember that you are stronger than you give yourself credit.5 points
Welcome, Rene and congratulations on your excellent decision to quit smoking. Please avail yourself to our libraries and educate yourself about your nicotine addiction, our nicotine addiction. This thread may help is assisting you to build a successful quit 10 Ways To Effectively Use This Forum To Stop Using Nicotine5 points
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Congratulations on your Freedom ! You must protect your quit at all costs, any expense. This is your LIFE and the quality of your health we are speaking about. Second Hand Smoke is TOXIC. There is no reason a FRIEND would subject a friend to deadly poison and you needn't participate in anything concerning smoking. You don't go licking puddles in a toxic waste dump, do you ? You wouldn't do that even for your best friend, would you ? Stay away from smokers as long as you need to. My first encounter after I had quit wasn't even a trigger, the stench was repugnant and nauseating. My friends who smoke DO NOT smoke around me. They will lose my friendship if they do. It is a matter of respect. They are free to poison themselves away from me and I do not hound them about their choice...well, mostly lol. You should also be concerned about Third Hand Smoke. Butts in ashtrays emit toxins, clothes emit toxins, skin emits toxins, furnishings and walls ! Study up so you know exactly what you are exposing yourself to, it is so much more than the possibility of endangering your quit. It is about endangering your life.5 points
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Welcome Rene, You have just made probably one of the best decisions of your life when you decided to quit smoking. Joining this site is probably the second best thing you did when you chose to quit smoking. There is so much support and helpful information here to help you with your quest to abolish the nicotine demon. So, don't be afraid to ask questions or ask for health in any situation. I have recently quit and the support from this site is what I needed stay the true course. For that I am internally grateful. Always remember that you are stronger and more resilient than you think.4 points
Hi and Welcome Rene .... I'm sorry you are having to deal with this Health Concern ... Yes ...Quitting now is the right thing to do ...our bodies are amazing ,and it's surprising how we heal once we quit for good . There is so much great information here ....The main board has green pinned posts .a. great place to start . Watch all Joel's video,s....they cover most of your fears ... Why wait till tomorrow....putting more nicotine in ...when you need to quit ....just jump on ....4 points
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Welcome aboard Rene and congratulations on taking back your life. Yes, read, read, read. We have so much great information to help you beat this addiction. I had never been a part of any forum before I quit smoking and I'm convinced I wouldn't have succeeded without the support of my fellow quitters. I want that for you too. No one knows better than us what you go through when quitting so there's no better place to be than here. Stick close, check out all our different forums. There's lots to do here from educating yourself to celebrating milestones to socializing to keep your mind off the constant thoughts of smoking.4 points
Hi and welcome ... Congratulations on your great decision to set yourself free from this horrible killer addiction ... We have tons of useful information on our Main Smoking Board...to help you along ... Getting yourself to Freedom ....this can be done the fast route or the slow route ..your choice .. Just get there ....4 points
Welcome Teresa, you'll have to figure out what works best for you. I quit cold turkey too but we've got a lot of members who have successful quits using NRTs so you'll just need to figure out if you want to remove the bandaid quickly or slowly. The beauty with quitting cold turkey is that you get the nicotine out quick, then it's just dealing with the mental part of the addiction. With NRT's you're still putting nicotine into your body and prolonging that part of your quit. Whatever method you decide on you'll have our support so stick close, we love a quitter4 points
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As an NRT quitter....I do suspect a certain (most) degree of the feelings of the pressure to go cold turkey or that cold turkey is better than our method comes from within rather than the words of others. There are a minority who take cruel to be kind to the nth degree but the reality is as a whole the negativity to NRT and feeling inferior is more an internal thing than external. Trust me I've been thinkin about this in depth and looking at it from all angles... See the longer we hang here the more we learn and we don't even need to hunt all the info is here...and we are not stupid, while we are proud to be smoke free we know, in our heart of hearts while using NRT we aren't really free, just dancing on the edges. We know we are still feeding our addiction and the shame and insecurities we feel are because we know this. We know we are tempting fate each time we use. Honestly, after thinking about it those feelings of guilt or inequality or whatever associated with NRT are more about being ready on one level to leave it behind and being too scared to take that final step. So those feelings aren't necessarily a bad thing...they show a growth in knowledge and awareness and are the final sign that nrt is on its way out...those feelings are really a bit of a positive, a sign that the end is near. I'd rather see a fellow quitter using NRT longer and not smoking than falling off the train...and I'm torn on starting NRT 3 days in ... I kinda think if it's the difference between having a smoke and not having a smoke is it really so bad...3 weeks in I'd be waving my hands no, stop, don't.4 points
Welcome to our merry little band of quitters, Patches. People have successfully quit smoking with patches, following the prescribed step-down program. We support all quits here no matter the method. I quit cold turkey because I wanted to face my nicotine addiction head on and get the poison out of my body as quickly as possible. Cold Turkey isn't crazy hard, it is just making a commitment to yourself that you quit smoking and be willing to go through some uncomfortable moments if needed. You may still go through uncomfortable moments using any NRT, this is just the nature of nicotine addiction. There is NO magic bullet except your steadfast commitment to never ever smoke again. Here is a thread to help you around the site 10 Ways To Effectively Use This Forum To Stop Using Nicotine The more information you gather about nicotine addiction the easier your quit will be. So study all the links Planning can also cause unnecessary anxiety where jumping in with your commitment allays your pre-stress about quitting. You can avoid a lot of qualms and fears about quitting as soon as you make that commitment to yourself and start living as a Free person. Here is a vid and resources from our friend, Joel Spitzer, concerning Cold Turkey Whatever You Do Don't Quit Smoking Cold Turkey4 points
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Congratulations @Amierouge Yes, definitely keep your guard up when you are around smoking friends but the temptation to light up will decrease over time. It is good that your smoking friend is supportive of your quit. That should make things better. Keep up the great work4 points
Congratulations @AK47 on making it through hell week. Keep up the great work!4 points
Woohoo, congratulations on four weeks smoke free @Amierouge That's awesome! I think you're wise to be concerned about being around smokers this early in your quit. I stayed close to home my first couple of months and only ventured out when my never smoker husband could go too because I didn't trust myself. But the more time that passed the easier it got to be around people who smoked. So my suggestion is that you or they leave the area and go somewhere else for ten minutes or so. Maybe hang out inside while your friend goes outside to smoke. It will get easier and easier over time so try not to over think it. You may be fine by the time the stay at home orders are lifted4 points
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Good Morning, I am planning to quit smoking. I am thinking of using patches. May you please give me some input and thoughts about them?3 points
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Welcome aboard, Teresa. I am not that knowledgeable about patches (although quite a few here are) but I can say that you are making a great choice in quitting smoking. Stick close to this site - there is a lot of knowledge and support you can get here.3 points
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Congratulations on your quit. You are well on your way to a healthier and smoke free life.3 points
Awesome job AK. You got through hell week. I knew you could do it. You are stronger than you give yourself credit.3 points
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Congratulations.... on your 1st month Smoke Free.... Yes !!!....can only agree with the posters above ...maybe stay indoors ,while your friend goes out to smoke Why temp fate !!!......until you have stronger quit ....I bet when you smell that stink ..you,ll be glad you did ...3 points
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