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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/08/20 in all areas

  1. NOPE....defo not on international Women's Day.
    8 points
  2. Thanks all...I have been doing a lot of reading tonight which has helped, and I firmly believe that had I joined up on my first quit, I may not have thrown it away so easily, but it's now time to stop dwelling on that, and give this one my all
    7 points
  3. 7 points
  4. I have been lurking for quite a while, even during my first quit, and decided to join. Been smoking for around 40 years and decided to quit for the very first time on the 14 Feb this year... Needless to say, I blew it 48 days into the quit....I'm still trying to get my head around the fact that all the hard work, sleepless nights, headaches etc went up in smoke, simply because I felt like a cigarette. Nothing dramatic happened...I just felt like a cigarette. This time around I'm struggling a little more with constant thoughts of smoking. I know I will get through this, once I accept the fact that I will feel the urge to smoke every day for the next couple of months and that having that cigarette is non negotiable. I would like to add that quittrain is a great site with some amazing members! I'm still catching up on reading some of the older posts which are very relevant for me. Thanks for having me
    6 points
  5. G’day NOPE .....Not One Puff Ever.... (replace Ever with Min Hour Day as required!)
    5 points
  6. G’day NOPE .....Not One Puff Ever.... (replace Ever with Min Hour Day as required!)
    5 points
  7. Nope....not even on a long weekend, with a parade.
    5 points
  8. NOPE!!!!! NOT TODAY!!!!!!
    5 points
  9. To all my strong sisters out there ....have a great day !!!!
    4 points
  10. 4 points
  11. Thanks jillar.....will be exploring a little more as time goes by. The times I struggle the most with are evenings after work, and weekends when I'm the most relaxed. I feel lethargic at times so dont feel much like doing anything except having that damn cigarette, which is when I go inside to read or take a nap My mistake Jordan7...that would be Jan 14
    4 points
  12. Welcome, Irene! I also quit for the very first time after about 40 years of smoking so I know you're fighting a lifetime of habit along with the addiction, but, more importantly, I know it can be done -- you just have to make a firm decision that no amount of wanting, craving, or any outside factors will change -- and those early tough days will soon be behind you. Congratulations on getting right back at it after giving up your 48? (or 18 days from Feb14?) day quit and I think you will be very happy that you joined up, because everything is easier with friends to cheer you on.
    4 points
    4 points
  14. The patch didn't work for me cuz the dosage was either too weak or too strong. I would pull it off and smoke one eventually. They made me feel wierd too, like I had used an antihistamine or something. I quit once with the gum for 12 weeks, then started up after a major loss and remained hooked on cigarettes AND the gum for 20+ years. I'm paranoid of hypnosis and afraid to try Chantix. So, I decided to do it cold turkey. It was cheap and no frills and worked for me. The first time failed after 28 hours cuz I was just too saturated with nicotine from the combination of cigarettes and nicotine gum. Six months before the second cold turkey quit, I got off the nicotine gum and did several months of preparing which consisted mostly of researching the chemical dependency and mental aspects of nicotine addiction, withdrawals and what to expect in that regard, lurking on this site and watching Joel Spitzer and other videos including various Ted talks and YouTubes, and devising a quit plan containing all my reasons, triggers, coping strategies and food shopping lists. All of that preparation has gotten me through the worst first weeks, and now I am 50 days clean of nicotine! Cold turkey is totally doable if you are mentally prepared for it. Some people really can turn it off like a light switch....but most of us can't. I'm for cold turkey now, but whatever works is great so long as it's legal and safe!
    4 points
  15. Don't do it, JW! Day 6 was the hardest for me! Ride it out and remember your higher calling - the desire to BREATHE and maintain your health, or whatever higher purpose you quit for. Cravings get better. Take a shower...pump some iron...have milk and cookies, or pickles and cheese! Good luck!
    4 points
  16. Hey Irene, I smoked for 42 years and could not quit until I landed on this forum. Everyone that attempts to quit consumes their minds with that last cigarette and thinking it takes so long to not crave them anymore. Surprisingly it did not take that long for either. It takes a couple of days to get the nicotine out of your systems and then you learn to redirect those craves. Come here and post an SOS if you feel the need to smoke, we are very good at letting you know why you do not need to smoke. Stay close to the forum and have fun playing some games. You can do this.
    3 points
  17. Welcome, Irene! I am a newbie here too and this is a great place to get support. Congratulations on restarting your quit so soon - you can totally do it again and keep it going! Remember your motivation - mine is to NOT be on oxygen and to be able to breathe when I'm a senior citizen. Fact is, after 34 years of smoking, it's just time to lay em down! I find all the researching and hanging out at the forum, plus Joel Spitzer's educational videos, help tremendously. The folks here are super helpful and supportive. Choo Choo! Glad to have you!
    3 points
  18. Oh dang, I don't dare click play on this because it's my sister's and my theme song. Anytime we hear it we call the other, I change "I got all my sister's with me" to "I got my big sister with me" and then hang up lol. Hmmm, i should have put this in Confessions
    3 points
  19. hi irene, welcome and congratulations on your quit, take it a step at a time, be kind to yourself and read everything as knowledge is power, jump in on the games and the social side too as this is a great distraction, post and reach out when you need to, we have all been exactly where you are right now at some point, keep going and don't let go of the rope.
    3 points
  20. thankyou. I will be trying to hang out some more
    3 points
  21. Welcome Irene. Continue to read up on nicotine addiction. Knowledge is power. Also, feel free to reach out for support as needed. Quitting smoking is very doable and life without cigarettes is a truly wonderful thing. You are doing a great thing by quitting smoking.
    3 points
  22. Our SOS board has saved quits. SOS Do not hesitate to post an SOS and wait for us to respond. Also, this thread is important, Pre-Respond To Your Own SOS In your own words, it reminds you why you quit and helps up respond to you
    3 points
  23. Hello and welcome Irene.... Glad you decided to jump on board.....quitting is better with support ....and sometimes fun .... Let's make this quit your sticky ....knowledge will help you fight ....learn all you can here ... We have all been where you are .....we understand your battle ... Do the daily pledge ...this is a powerful way to start each day ... You can do it !!!
    3 points
  24. It's important to listen to your body right now as it tries to repair all the damage smoking did so if you're tired, rest, hungry, eat, etc. You may find yourself craving certain things too and again, listen to your body. I was addicted to soft peppermint puffs the whole first year of quitting and oddly enough haven't craved them since lol
    3 points
  25. Welcome aboard Irene and congratulations on taking back your life That's a bummer about your relapse after 48 days but at least you know what to expect moving forward! And you'll get as much support as you need/want here I'm glad your reading up on our addiction, there's so much information here. Our search feature is awesome too if your looking for specific threads. Just type in a search word/words and the threads will come up containing them. We also have a great social section when you need to take a break from the constant thoughts of cigarettes. The games forum really helped me keep my mind off my misery. So again welcome
    3 points
  26. Last time i had alcohol i had cravings too , then it went away after 2 days . i was glad i did not inhale the nicotine poison please avoid the smoking thoughts , your health will benefit from it
    3 points
  27. Congratulations A..... You have to put your whole self in to quit ....it's no good going in half hearted ....you have to want it bad enough . This you have done .....youv,e got this ...
    3 points
  28. Welcome jw0510. Four days quit is great because those are the tough ones. Once the nicotine is out of your system, it is a matter of changing those craving thoughts. Concentrate on your body cleaning out and breathing in the fresh air. Each day you add to you quit, the more powerful you become. Keep posting those SOS and we will help guide you through them. You can do this!
    3 points
  29. G'day mate...holding in there?....try a chewy or a lollypop...something that gives your mouth and action, like a placebo. Smoking doesn't make the grog taste any better...the nicotine receptors in your brain are just exploiting the fact that your inhibitions have been lowered by the drink an forcing the issue. Your quit is still new. You have years of habbits and ritual to reprogram...see in the past your brain associated drinking with smoking...you can't just switch that off...the nicotine receptors in your brain will be wigging out wanting that smoke...you just have to hold tight to the quit...hang on with 2 hands...you can do this.
    3 points
  30. any budding Yogi`s in here? I have just started doing Yoga and I LOVEEEEEEEEEEE it! I always dismissed it before as I preferred more action and motion and to be honest was as flexible as a telegraph pole but its great, I'm definitely more flexible but have a long way to go, its surprisingly good at strengthening and toning and relaxing the mind, I like to mix it up a bit with some weights and a resistance band So if like me you thought it might not be for you, you might just be surprised, I hope you give it a go
    2 points
  31. WEEELLLL.....if we are doing the confession thing....I may have once danced on stage to this song wearing wearing what I referred to as 'the Macca's condom and skirt'...in front of 1000s...in Sydney when the pope (good ole JP2) came to visit for the beatification of Mary MacKillop...I still remember the corre.
    2 points
  32. that's awesome Jo and just look at your awesome self go now congratulations too much sparkle maybe??? lol
    2 points
  33. You have done marvelous work by educating yourself, Angeleek, and have built yourself a fine, sturdy quit. I am so glad you are sharing your quit with us ! I quit on a whim, cold turkey, and did not prepare at all. I just decided I would try not smoking for a year as an experiment, if I didn't like it, I could always smoke again. Days in, I found Joel Spitzer's Video Library and my education began. I couldn't 'turn if off like a light switch'. It took almost a year of craves and triggers for my brain to be really Free, reliably free, consistently free but, I knew from the very first day that I was committed to my 'experiment' and the power behind that commitment propelled me through the gnarly times.
    2 points
  34. But Jillar...it's not me...those questions are based on my knowledge of Reci....if it was me they all be lies.
    2 points
  35. Congratulations on 1 month smoke free Andrew!
    2 points
  36. Way to go Andrew .....your doing great ....you ll soon be back to having good sleeps ....!!!!
    2 points
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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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