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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/30/20 in all areas
7 points
"...The study shows that quitting smoking could do much more than just stopping further damage to the lungs. Researchers believe it could also allow new, healthy cells to actively replenish the lining of our airways. This shift in proportion of healthy to damaged cells could help protect against cancer." The research, published in Nature today(Wednesday 29th January), is part of the £20 million Mutographs of Cancer project, a Cancer Research UK Grand Challenge initiative. Link: Never too late to quit6 points
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I'm sorry to hear this, SamDy. It is best to quit again as soon as possible. I would suggest right now. You can't unfix your mistake today but your quit does begin after your last cigarette. Yes, you may have an empty feeling early on but things do get better the longer you are smoke free. And yes, post all you want. If it helps you, go for it. Don't be afraid to reach out.5 points
Why didn't you post another SOS? Nd why are you waiting until tomorrow? You're quit starts the moment you put out your last cigarette5 points
I,m so sorry to hear that. At first there is a very empty feeling and a sense that something is missing. It’s very much like a bereavement feeling. Don’t be discouraged though, getting straight back into it is the best thing you can do. I found eating something helped me, and keeping busy. Posting every minute on here if you need to also helps.5 points
5 points
Welcome aboard S.... You can quit ...there are others here who have quit with smokers in the house ... All you need is the will and the determination...... Read all you can ,on the main Discussion Board you will find green pinned threads ...this is a great place to start ...you are still very young ....quit now before all the crappy illnesses appear ....5 points
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Welcome aboard SamDy and congratulations on deciding to quit. You will get as much support as you need/want so stick close and trust that we are all proof that you too can quit5 points
@Linda Thomas I'm not giving up. I'm quitting, however many attempts it may take. @everyone thank you all. Tomorrow is a new day, with new chances. I'm heading to bed now, goodnight all.4 points
SamDy, the little bit of discomfort you will experience while quitting, is nothing compared to the smoking related illnesses you could experience. I smoked for 42 years and never thought I could quit. The wonderful support here showed me that I had the power to do it. When you get that urge to smoke, close yours and breath deep CLEAN AIR. Imagine your body starting to heal. Stay close to the forum and post an SOS if you need us. You can do this!4 points
Welcome aboard SamDy. You made the right call when you decided to give up the smokes. You can. It's a simple process: don't put things in your mouth and light them on fire. One step and you're good to go. Commit to the process and you will be rewarded many times over.4 points
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Stick close SamDy post often and use us to get past these hard few days/weeks. We will do all we can to help you past the craves. Good job on posting and saving your quit4 points
If I had the luxury in those moments, I took a bath. I took a lot of baths in those early days and it helped. Naps were good too. Those cravings/mindgames ALWAYS pass and you'll be proud you held steady. Good effort, SamDy. Being a non-smoker is worth every temporary moment of angst. The only rule, don't smoke.4 points
NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE nice to see two splendid 'elders' @cprofits and @Runfree and the rest of you smoke free creatures.4 points
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Most of the price is made up of taxes. In the early 90s the Aussie government bought in a prohibitive pricing policy to phase out smoking... Initially this was 2% increase twice a year...in the mid naughties this was upped to a 9% a year increase per year (3x 3% Inc's per annum). Then in 2016 the annual increase was set at 12.5% per year (4.5, 4 & 4) up to and including 2020...at this stage I am not sure what the plan is come 2021...oh and the excise tax is before the 10% GST. The tobacco excise is supposed to support quit initiatives and go into the health system....not sure that happens though. So even as a smoker I was pro inhibitive pricing....yes the argument is it just punishes the poor and creates class divide but I am that poor...well more like working class....still see it as a positive step. I couldn't anymore! Would much rather spend me hard earned on other stuff.4 points
Welcome, @SamDy and congratulations on making the decision to quit smoking. You CAN quit. There are no circumstances preventing you from succeeding. Here is a video and resources from our friend, Joel Spitzer, How Can I Quit If I Live With A Smoker It is important to learn everything you can about nicotine addiction so, please avail yourself to all our materials. You may find this thread helpful in navigating around the site and building a sturdy quit. 10 Ways To Effectively Use This Forum To Stop Using Nicotine4 points
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I'm contemplating getting up off the couch. I'll let you know if I make a decision.3 points
https://au.finance.yahoo.com/news/womans-grocery-v-cigarette-experiment-230005444.html3 points
SamDy, NO EXCUSES! We would not make fun of you. Our wish is for you to be able to quit. We are here to support you. The first week of quitting is tough but doable. Once you get the nicotine out of your system, it is a matter of redirecting your thoughts. I loved that you posted your digital art and think that is a great way to stay busy. You need to start again right away. I promise you, your life will get so much better when smoking is off the table!3 points
You will never be a burden on here, you can post as often as you like. No one is making fun of you here, we are one big family helping and encouraging each other along i really hope you quit again right away.3 points
G’day I was just getting to $1 a cig when I quit. They say it’s more like $1.5 now! Our notes go $5 $10 $20 $50 and $100. A smoker told me if you want to buy a pack of cigs with a single note you need a $50...! More than one packet a $100.....! Thats mind numbing. It was hard enough finding the money 4 years ago but now? I suppose when I think about it the extra tax went to subsidising the champix that was my crutch ( or pole vault ). I seem to remember 3 months cost my about 3 packets of cigs back then even....3 points
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Hey Chook, 3 words for ya mate...it gets better.... Unfortunately there is no magic date or time because we are all bloody different. Side effects and changes of quitting are different for all of us too. I felt crap when I quit...had all these wired side effects, insomnia, hand tremors, hot flushes, cold sweats, diet issues, concentration problems....in my case nicotine had been 'medicating' (MASKING) some major thyroid issues. Quitting literally saved my life. Your body takes ages to purge the crap smokes have left behind. For me, when I stopped expecting to feel better I suddenly did.3 points
3 points
Welcome to the site, SamDy. You are doing a great thing by quitting smoking. I was afraid of quitting too but it is very doable, and definitely worth it. Education about nicotine addiction and support from a site like this really helped me. Read up on nicotine addiction and reach out to us when you need help. You are taking your life back from nicotine addiction. That is an awesome thing to do.3 points
Welcome to the board, SamDy, and congratulations on your decision to quit! You absolutely CAN do this, so take the "if" out of it. You just need to make the decision that there are no circumstances in which it is okay to smoke. Deciding for your whole life is hard, so just decide one day at a time, NOPE, Not One Puff Ever. We have a thread where you can pledge each day, promising you will not smoke, just for that day. A hard thing for me was to realize that there is no such thing as just having one (or even a puff) when things are stressful, or you are partying, or someone offers you one. We all started where you are now and if we can do it, you can, too!3 points
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