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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/28/20 in all areas
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Awesome @NOPEster! You should be proud. What a wonderful quit! NOPE for me too!8 points
7 points
Nope !!!!....good to see you @NOPEster.....nice quit ... Also good to see all the fabulous peeps noping today !!!!!7 points
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No no no nope no no! Three years cig free coming Feb 5th. Incredible for this former 2-3 pack a day chain smoker. I bicycle and play pickleball now. My family is incredibly proud of me. Not One Puff Ever. Anyone trying to quit I wish you the best. It WAS hard at first, the first few months. But it just got easier and easier from there. Stay close to this site; the folks here helped me through it all.6 points
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Damn. That's some bad action. I hope you are on the road to recovery and feeling better now. Stay strong and be well.4 points
G’day Jillar Im sorry to hear that you’ve been so sick. I had no idea. Here’s praying that you get better sooner rather than later I know it’s easy to say don’t worry about those nodules but please they are more likely to be benign. I have more than a passing interest in growths in the lungs. I have them they were discovered in the tests before my prostate cancer OP. Multiple under 1 cm and in both lungs. The prostate cancer was more advanced so I went into the OP for that. The nodules are still there 3 1/2 years later and aren’t growing. They recon they are the damage left from the pneumonia that lead to me giving up the cigs in the first place. Crazy thing is the last ct scan the doc that gave me the results said “are you going to start smoking again! “ Now that’s not happening I can tell you that. Hang in there. It will all go well Chris4 points
Howdy! Quit cold turkey 9/26/2016. It has been one helluva ride. Made it through turbulent waters and now I'm coasting in laminar flow. Early on, I relied on (too heavily probably-)the words/poetry of Mike Piano and Bassman Two gents from another site. Newbies should find soft landing here Stay awhile and nurture your quit. Some quitters prefer a more hard-ass approach. Not me. It was not as easy as Allen Carr promised. Some days, the craves crashed over me. I nearly drowned. But I did not. Every so often I feel a twinge. An ache. A temptation. Nostalgia's whisper is a scream. I vowed NOPE from day 1 of my forever quit. I've kept that promise. As for the picture -- for those that know me, know that I haven't figured out how to post those clever mimes, gifs, crap whatever y'all call it... Yep to NOPE! L4L3 points
3 points
Congratulations on your quit .... Always check any concerns with your doctor .... We are not medically qualified ,to advise you .... but stick around ,we can help you with your quit .3 points
Whenever you're concerned you should go to your dr. I can tell you that the cilia n your lungs is starting to regrow and begin it's job of trying to clean out all the junk in your lungs so shortness of breath is sometimes a symptom of that as is chest tightness BUT we aren't Drs so for your own peace of mind it doesn't hurt to give your dr a call and maybe get checked out. Congrats on 15 days quit, you're doing awesome3 points
3 points
That sounds like a horrible thing you went through Jillar. Very scary. Glad you're back home now and making progress. I'm not sure that would be the case if you hadn't quit smoking a few years ago. Be sure to advocate for yourself when it comes to your medical care. It can be very frustrating, but it's your life and welfare we're talking about. Best wishes for a rapid recovery and peace of mind.3 points
Aww Sweetheart ❤ You have been through it .....so sorry you have had to deal with this .... You are now on the road of recovery .....some much needed TLC .... Sending a Hug !!!!.3 points
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Hi everyone! I'm on day 15 of quitting. Sunday night I had a volleyball double header (had been off 6 weeks and this was the first night back). I felt fine during the game, but the past 3 days since I've kindof felt short on breath, chest feels tight/sharp pains while breathing. Also while laying down on my right side it hurts (feels better laying on left side). I'm thinking I may have just pulled a muscle in my chest or something after jumping back into volleyball after not playing over a month. I wasn't sure if the stopping smoking may have had an effect on this also? The pain seems to be going away a little each day so wasn't sure if should go to the doctor or wait it out a few more days?2 points
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That is horrible, Jill. I am glad you are home. Rest up and I hope you have a peaceful recovery.2 points
Holy shit Jillar!! WTF!?!? What a scary week!! I’m glad you took action. Good on hubby too for calling ambulance. Rest & recover friend! XOXO L4L2 points
Holy crap, Jillar ! So glad you are still on the planet ! WTF...your bad quack...you are right, we must listen to our bodies. Sending all love to you. Rest and Feast. Rest and Feast. s2 points
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I'm now on Day 10 of my Cold Turkey smoking cessation! That's 240 Hours Nicotine free! It's now 3:05 in the morning and I've just picked up a YouTube hack about cooking bacon and eggs in the microwave oven so I cooked them in the microwave oven and made some toast in my toaster and had a toasted bacon and egg Sandwich. YouTube is very handy for convenience timesaver cooking hacks! At 7:10 this morning it'll be 240 Hours Quit from nicotine cold turkey!2 points
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@DeadlyChicken, I agree with saz. Three months is awesome to be quit but your body needs much more time to right the wrongs we did to it by smoking. But yourself a waterpik and use a mixture of mouthwash and warm water to give your gums some much needed TLC. Or better yet go to the dentist and tell him your concerns. As far as weight gain goes, don't worry about that right now. Gaining weight for most people is normal when quitting and the next goal AFTER you're secure in your quit. Trust us when we say this too shall pass, onwards and upwards and my favorite...2 points
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This is so great to see all of you. No I am not participating as yet, except to say its nearly 12 months non smoking. I never do selfies, I never divulge my age or Gender if I can help it. I never ever want to smoke again.2 points
2 points
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