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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/11/20 in all areas
It's 1:30am in Sydney, I've had a couple of drinks and just fought off the worst craving I've had in my young 19 day old quit. I was rolling around my bed, battling it out for literally 30 minutes considering having a smoke. I started to feel weak and ashamed... I mean after the reading I've done on the dangers of smoking, I felt I had betrayed myself for not immediately and aggressively shutting down the craving like I know I'm supposed to. Then I remembered this post (which I read this morning), and something just clicked. It helped me realise it's okay to struggle, it's ok that I've just been rolling around for 30 minutes just thinking about smoking. The most important thing is that I haven't smoked. Thank you @Boo you've stopped me from making a huge mistake tonight.6 points
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Your mind is a little bit confused, because you need to establish a pattern of thought and behavior which over rides the previous ones. So go and do that and remember it in someway that feels right for you.4 points
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It does get better, Joe. This is normal for a lot of people early on. Just keep up the great work, things to get better.4 points
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Au contraire: You ... and ONLY YOU are in control. You are in FULL control of your smoking status. You CHOOSE to smoke OR You CHOOSE to remain quit You. It is a conscious, willful decision that lies only with you. YOU and no one but YOU, When you can acknowledge this without making excuses ... only then will you be successful at quitting. Stay in contol, my man. EZPZ4 points
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thank you everybody for your support , it means a lot to me , I will listen read and learn about the power of nicotine addiction . it is not been so hard to quit this time around considering the length in and I'm out I smoked over the years. I am so determined, ready and willing to go to any lengths is it in order to quit smoking. I am developing strategies tactics and techniques. it scares me, when I hear about people quitting smoking for 1 year , and then having a relapse . I keep asking myself how the heck does that happen. Are The receptors in the Brain still saturated with nicotine . I seen the videos where people have cancer of the throat and have a hole where they breathe through then they put that cigarette in that perfect little hole and puff away. what is wrong with us . the journey through life I think is feeling good while you're alive. I have doing a lot of philosophical thinking in the past 27 days. I have been enlightened on a few things I asked myself, am I a spiritual being on a human Journey or a human being on a spiritual journey , I don't know. something has come over me since I stopped smoking, I don't criticize complain and condemn I give myself guidance patience and respect. No more puffing.that TaylorMade and smoking myself to death . short-term comfort for long-term suffering . NOPE... thanks for listening.4 points
Breathing a sigh of relief. The high winds and torrential downpours have passed. With the exception of a few downed tree limbs, we didn't experience any damage here at the house. A little bit of flash flooding in low-lying areas of the county, but the water levels are ceding quickly. I guess I'm entertained by weird things, but I'm kinda looking forward to firing up the chainsaw tomorrow morning.3 points
that was a good video and that foghorn sure is Erie. I think what got me going this morning, was that cigarette that I found in the bathroom drawer . I looked at it put it in my mouth started puffing on it but it wasn't lit I looked at myself in the mirror then pull it out of my mouth and threw it in the bathroom toilet . talk about trying to set myself up for disappointment. That's the truth . And I feel better now . Thanks3 points
Your body is messed up just now Joe.... It's used to be getting hundreds of chemicals 20 times or more every day .... It has to catch up to your brain ...be patient .... Your body needs time to heal ...it does get better ...3 points
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I am so upside down if I stood on my hands the blood rush to my feet. I was trying to catch a mouse I didn't have any cheese I was looking through this magazine and seen really nice picture of a piece of cheese so I cut it out and put it in a mousetrap and the next day to my amazement and there it was a picture of a mouse.3 points
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Way to go Rick92, That is how you keep building on that strong quit. This will become easier and you will feel more powerful standing up to these cravings.3 points
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Here are some links to videos, text and more resources from our friend, Joel Spitzer, to help understand our addiction. The Power of Nicotine Addiction Lost Long Term Quits Can Taking A Break From Smoking Help You Get Rid of Nicotine Tolerance ?3 points
Folks smoke after a long quit because ...they think they have conquered the addiction ...and One Won't Hurt ..... It does and it will.....wake up that sleeping monster who has been put to sleep ..... We can never have one ...ever....we are addicts .....Which is why we have a NOPE thread ... Not One Puff Ever ... Stay positive Joe....it's all about the attitude....remember you giving up nothing ....but gaining so much ...3 points
Welcome back albert , The first few times it is a bit hard , because you are not serious enough . But after some time passes you will slowly start understanding the seriousness of this addiction . Then you will start putting more effort to stay away from smoking . Anyway good luck staying quit . Keep fighting the dullness and try to stay fresh somehow .3 points
Hey Sky, Star, Planet gazers ! Dig this amazing Swedish photographer, Göran Strand. Website and Instagram3 points
The mental fog passes, it always does. What follows is a greater clarity than you ever experienced as a smoker. The challenges of quitting are temporary. The rewards of quitting are permanent.2 points
Not only is it okay to struggle, in hindsight I'm thankful for the challenges I faced early in the process. Facing the facts, dealing with some uncomfortable truths, and being thrown out of my comfort zone was exactly what I needed at that moment in my life. Accept the challenge and enjoy every victory.2 points
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@joe bossio up at the top of the main page is 'Chatbox' you can live chat there. Best let people know you want to chat as it isn't used v. frequently. Here is a link Chatbox2 points
Here is some perspective for you, upside down Joe. Life As A Smoker Is A Balancing Act Stay focused and committed, the folks above and I tell you, 'It gets better' and we don't lie. You may be experiencing The Great Smoke Free Brain Fog2 points
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Congratulations, Abby, and you did it with such admirable strength and style! Congratulations, and cheers to your fabulous future.2 points
Way to go Joe 27 days is awesome! Now that the nicotine is out of your system, the rest is much easier. This is a great place for friendship and support. There is nothing more exciting than helping others realize the power they have to quit. I am so glad you have found us.2 points
You are a non-smoker. You know what to do. The rest, from here, is easy peasy. EZPZ2 points
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I've always loved astronomy so I got a couple of telescopes and camera and managed to snap these. I only did it for a couple of years because it was such a faff to set up etc. I still like the subject but I lost my mojo for actually taking part in it. I was quite pleased with the results though. The one of the Sun was done with a dedicated scope. If I ever started again I think I'd just image the Sun, it was a lot easier to set up.1 point
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Yes, but to avoid panic amongst the populace, a la Orson Wells, I will officially deny it and have a cover up! Then folks can start conspiracy theories.1 point
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