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G’day NOPE .....Not One Puff Ever.... replace Ever with Min Hour Day as required!7 points
7 points
Yay ! Your higher brain kicked in ! Crazy how quick the addict takes over, horrifying really. So happy today is your quit day. I'll get the band...7 points
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That whole "soon" thing was the nicotine talking. I recognize that now. I've been through this before, I had simply forgotten. Thank you all for the reminder. NOPE!6 points
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You are probably feeling sorry for yourself by now, but NOPE (Not one puff ever) ever ever. Begin again even stronger than before and stay close to the Forum every day.5 points
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Sad to read this thread Albert !!!!! Dust down ,and take your seat ..... Nicotine kills....please don't put anymore back in your body .... Reread ....all the good info here...... We all know you can do it .....5 points
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Big congratulations to @Martian5 for 2 years smoke free. Thanks for all the support you give here. Celebrate big today.4 points
Congratulations Martian5 on your TWO Years of Freedom, Stay vigilant and please, have a big celebration !4 points
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Woohooooooo ...........................................Step on up to the two year podium.... BBIG CONGRATS TO YOU....4 points
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Contemplation. Preparation. Motivation. This is what we told ourselves we were doing. Procrastination. This is what we were actually doing. The process of quitting could not be more simple: don't put things in your mouth and set them on fire. Commit this one rule to memory and you're good to go.4 points
So sorry to read this Albert. You had a wonderful quit going. Those cigarettes do nothing but shorten your life. Don't let them control your life! How about hopping back on the train!4 points
I'm glad to hear this, Albert. "Soon" is the addiction trying to trick you. Glad you see you NOPE. That is the way to go. Realizing that nothing good will come out of taking another puff and resolving to never take another puff is the key.3 points
Thank you all. It seems hard to believe that two years ago I was thinking how am I going to make it 2 weeks for a quit. But with perseverance and a lot of help from all of you here I am 2 years quit and going strong and not regretting a moment of it. It is a good ride on this train and all is so much better!!!!!!3 points
Two years on Earth is equal to 3.7 years on Mars. Impressive.3 points
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Congratulations on your second year quit Martian. And thank you for continuing to pay it forward. I hope you have a great day3 points
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@Mona Thanks a lot for the reply , i am encountering too much blocks , kind of getting frustrated by all that The worst thing about cigarette is that you have to continuously worry about cigarette related illness A bit of a waste of time . I am back on track once again Thanks3 points
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Hmmm...interesting that you posted this in the SOS section AFTER you smoked. You're supposed to do that BEFORE you smoke! Anyway, hope you quit again soon. The longer you wait, the harder it gets to quit again. Good wishes to you!3 points
I used to think that a period of contemplation was necessary before quitting but I don't believe that now. I had compromised circulation in my leg and when I was told on the 22nd August 2019 that it was 10% worse than my 2018 test, I quit on the 23rd August. There's no point putting it off, it will just be harder to bin the damned things if you wait. I know you won't want to hear that probably but it's just the simple truth. My leg is improving each and every day now.3 points
Love Jesse Winchester, @garry mhudson ! Two more and something a little lighter,3 points
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G’day Been at the beach in the surf all morning. Fish and chips for lunch. An ice cream and a walk along the water front. Think I’ve earned a grandad nap...... I’ll need it..... got a date with a hot granny, tonite. Might be on a promise too. Never know ya luck2 points
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Sorry to read about your relapse. Start afresh ASAP ,putting it off is just making excuses to smoke another day.. week....month.............2 points
Sorry to read about you losing your quit Albert Why not start it back up today? No use waiting right?2 points
Definitely a NOPE today -- my two year anniversary will not be marred by a cigarette!!!!!!!!!!!!2 points
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