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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/16/19 in all areas
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^^^^^^^ I see the cheating sticks are into self flagellation today, tee hee hee. and now back to our regularly festive programming3 points
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Still Nope-ing everyday!! Just not spending time online.Busy as hell.. but still onboard! #positivequit2 points
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I start with a Plan for most things, but I don't need a plan when I am in crisis, because when you are in the middle of the crisis, you just deal with it. Its afterwards when the crisis ends which is my personal enemy. If it is overcome, I celebrate in my mind, and draw comfort from that, or let everyone know of the event. If it still has repercussions, I diligently make some headway in trying to repairing me and the problem. After no lingering doubt remains in my mind and a genuine solution is being sought. I then add to or subtract from my original plan or change my plan completely. .. I am still a work in progress.1 point
1 point
Bakon and Sonic were out in the woods one day. Sonic said: "Hey look, deer tracks!" Bakon said: "Those are too big to be deer tracks, these are bear tracks." Fortunately, they both heard the train just in time to get off the tracks.1 point
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You think this is FUNNY ? Better watch out, mister mighty one. Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear...was that a bit harsh ?1 point
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