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For me, it has always been a vicious cycle. I have bipolar depression, and I started smoking after the onset of my first major depressive episode. The nicotine actually seemed to relieve certain aspects of my depression, but it created horrific anxiety with the craving/withdrawal cycle. It also caused me a great deal of shame, which fueled my depression. So I would quit. The anxiety would lessen, but the depression would increase as my dopamine levels plummeted. I'd start smoking again, and the cycle would continue. I've been doing a lot of personal research into nicotine addiction and mental health, and the more I understand it, the stronger I get in my quit. Thank you for sharing.8 points
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Before I Die, I Want To...write something meaningful. Before I Die, I Want To...take an amazing vacation with my Mom. Before I Die, I Want To...pay my debts.5 points
Congratulations old man coffee on getting past the hardest month of them all!4 points
Before I Die, I Want To....paint more paintings. Before I Die, I Want To....be a kinder person Before I Die, I Want To...have enough money to visit all my friends around the world or buy them tickets to visit me.4 points
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VV. interesting, thank you M'Life. "Looking at our current results alongside previous literature, we conclude this strengthens evidence for an effect of smoking on increased risk of depression and schizophrenia. Future work should attempt to elucidate the underlying mechanisms with a hope to intervene, inform public health messages or further advance our knowledge on the aetiology of mental illness. In particular, it will be important to consider other constituents of tobacco smoke to determine whether it is exposure to nicotine or some other constituent that increases risk of schizophrenia and depression. This is particularly important in the context of the recent growth in electronic cigarette use."4 points
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2nd run of the couch to 5k done - I am pretty unfit lol . Still 8 weeks to go !3 points
Congratulations @Old Man Coffee on your first month smoke free. Keep up the great work!3 points
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When I gave birth to Nicky ....the ash tray was on my cabinet next to my bed .... Puffing my head off...next to a New Baby ..... Now !!!!.....this makes me angry ....junkie ....3 points
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Here is a great thread from WhyQuit in which nicotine addicts tell of the crazy things they did to indulge their addiction. Desperate Addict's Parade We have some of our own stories on this thread Spoiled Brats/Nicotine Addicts We all have our similar yet unique stories, lets hear them ! My most memorable was after 9 months of abstinence from smoking, home birth, healthy baby...I was alive...to my midwives I said, ' Great...now I need a smoke' and one of them gave me a camel straight. I would collect my old snipes and roll them into a smoke, move refrigerators to find dog ends. Nothing was keeping me from nicotine and I was completely shameless about it. I didn't care. Now, I don't understand how I kept the denial of my addiction intact for all those years...2 points
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'It is well-known that smoking is much more common amongst people with mental illness – especially depression and schizophrenia. However, most studies that have looked at this association have not been able to disentangle whether this is a cause-and-effect relationship, and if so in which direction. Does mental illness increase the likelihood of smoking, or is smoking itself a risk factor for mental illness?' http://www.bristol.ac.uk/news/2019/november/smoking.html2 points
Congratulations, Old Man Coffee on your First Month of Freedom !!2 points
Thank you everyone!!! Words can't express my gratitude toward you all here on this crazy train!!!! I will never forget what you all have done for me!!! Thank you2 points
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I shudder now to think of the times I dug through the trash and/or dirty ashtrays to find smokeable butts. I would also steal cigarettes from my in-laws, who live upstairs, and sneak out behind the garage to smoke them. (This was, of course, when I was trying to hide my habit.) I once tossed a mostly-full pack of smokes out of my car window when I decided to quit. (I know, littering is bad.) But in a moment of weakness, I drove back to that site and pulled over, searching the embankments on both sides of the road for my pack! (Why I didn't just go straight out and buy a new pack I'll never know.) I did stupid things to feed my habit.2 points
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True ...people who don't like to show off play team sports TNP I played team sport once called pass the orange, the only team sport that allows you to get close up and personal without any violence.2 points
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Looking at pics from when we were in Australia, and my hubby booked us on this around Byron bay. Although it was out of my comfort zone, I dont do heights, I did enjoy it, though was glad to be back down haha...A case of Pass me my brown trousers!!!!!!!!!!!!2 points
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