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My brother is one of those weird smokers in that he can do without them for periods of time - a week, a month etc. Having said that, he's been vaping for a couple of years so all smokers are addicts however many or often they smoke, as we all know. He's been enquiring about my quit and encouraging me because he knows about the circulation problem in my leg. We were chatting on the phone about all this and he said, "Right, I'm chucking the e-cig away and joining you." If he's made up his mind he can do it and I'll keep the pressure on him. He's not really a forum person so I doubt he will join here but I can post updates for him. Well done my brother Nigel.6 points
I was told by my grandma...always carry a safety pin ....in case the elastic in your knickers snapped ...6 points
Confession: My grandma taught me to always carry a stamp in my purse, just in case (No a stamp isn't what aussies call a condom, that would be franga, or dinger, or raincoat, c0(k sock), because you never know when you will need to send something.....except anytime i was down the pisser and was shitfaced and they had those cardboard beer coaster thingies I'd scab a biro from the bar (or one of those little keno pencils if I was at the sport club or rsl) and i'd turn the coaster thinging into a postcard and stick the stamp on it and drunk mail it to someone, somewhere.... usually someone I knew and not some random from the phone book, but not always.6 points
4 points
Yay Phil and congratulations Nigel! We have a pretty good section of vape articles that even if he isn't a forum guy may be worth him checking out4 points
That's awesome, MB! I'm glad you helped inspire him. Congratulations Nigel. Quitting smoking is a great thing to do.4 points
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Getting ready to go to the Royal Court Theatre ... See a show called ...Women don't play guitars..... Well apparently they do.!!!!.....and very well ... Food and drink ,music ...perfect ....3 points
High Five Nigel... You have been his Inspiration...... He can always just read ...if he wanted too....3 points
Quitting is always a good thing whether he's a regular smoker or just occasional. Congrats Nigel on deciding to take back your life! Glad your example was able to convince him3 points
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Thanks, all. Don't really think of smoking these days. I will reiterate that without the support of folks, it wouldn't have happened. Total strangers stepping up to help others with their quit. And still doing it ....3 points
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More hellweeks to come! But who cares! I've got great things to look foreward too! Thank you all!3 points
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What the hell's going on here. How could this happen with 1/2 the chicks off on some sort of disappearing act? Gonna have to go look at the game thread. Probably a lot of cheating happening ...... where are the score auditors??2 points
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-2 hey now .... we've lost 2 of our most prodigious players in Andy and G-67. We gotta take what we can now .... whenever we can2 points
-3 I see The Sticks had fun playing with themselves last evening ! Congratulations on your mighty (ahem) win....yawn.2 points
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My memory is not the most reliable but i think it was mei who was the first to welcome me to the forum. And yes, we used to have fun. Remember the competition to be the first to respond to nope thread?2 points
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I've only ever watched Seven Samurai and The Hidden Fortress... now I want to watch more... you boys are a bad bloody influence.2 points
Happy Trails @Sazerac and I hope we see you soon. The Chicks vs. Sticks game will definitely be easier while you are on vacation.2 points
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Congratulations, Viv! That first week is a huge milestone! Be sure to reward yourself today, even if it's just with a well-deserved nap!2 points
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