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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/25/19 in all areas
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A very wise post and a reminder for all about the dangers. You may remember in my introductory post that I said I gave up for seven years in 1997 so, an addict is an addict is an addict until we're pushing up the daisies. My late mother in law had quit for more than thirty years and detested the smell etc. of cigarettes. She never wanted one but once said that if she did have one, she'd be back on 60 a day immediately. She had never read up on addiction but she knew instinctively what it meant.6 points
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Protecting Your FOREVER Quit Nearing my six year anniversary, I am examining how I protect my quit. This quit is as precious today as it was during it's infancy. I know that. I continue my vigilance. I am not in full battle Riot gear anymore but, I still NOPE, if only to myself, every morning. In the evening I am grateful for the day, grateful for my quit. My commitment stands firm. So, to newbies....this isn't a struggle anymore, hasn't been a struggle since the v. early days. It is now a conscious reminder that nicotine addiction doesn't magically disappear OR stay asleep if provoked. Addiction must be acknowledged and our commitment, our fidelity to NOPE ~ Not One Puff Ever WILL protect our quits...forever. This ritual of NOPE is a part of me now, it takes no extra thought but, I haven't forgotten what it means. Hanging out on QTrain keeps my eyes open and helps me to absorb the facts of addiction in a deep and daily way. I am grateful to be able to watch new quitters begin their journey. It is an elixir. Here is a fresh off the press video from our friend, Joel Spitzer. He is the one who helped me (and many, many others) understand my nicotine addiction. I am so appreciative of his continued teachings. Video describes resource pages set up to help people who have already successfully stopped smoking to maintain their quits over the long-term. Resource pages discussed in this video: Resources/Videos Related To The Implications Of A Puff Once You Have Quit Relapse Prevention Can You Spare About An Hour And A Half To Help Save Your Life ? Joel Spitzer's Daily Quit Smoking Lessons5 points
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My late mother in law had quit for more than thirty years and detested the smell etc. of cigarettes. She never wanted one but once said that if she did have one, she'd be back on 60 a day immediately. She had never read up on addiction but she knew instinctively what it meant Being addict ... I understand this ..there is no such thing as one ...ever ....5 points
Thanks all. Still hard to believe I did it. Why oh why did I ever smoke? Maybe cause in my day almost everyone did and it was accepted! Imagine, a doctor smoking at his desk during your appointment, and offering you a cigarette! No more! Eye squinting, headache making smoke UGH! Time to dance to the music.5 points
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Yeah - nicotine addiction is a bitch for sure but once you are able to put it to sleep, it's easy to maintain providing you just don't do anything stupid. I think part of the reason I stick around here is to remind myself of that initial struggle to get to a place of little effort by following the early days of other quitters. We try to pass on thoughts and ideas that resonated with us when we quit. Not sure if any of that helps much or not because in the end, it's what we choose to do or not do individually. I can't save your quit and you can't save mine. This is one thing in life where each individual alone is responsible for their own ultimate success. Smoking or quitting ..... each is a choice!5 points
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Red is my color! I also worked on an assembly line for a fancy schmancy cosmetic company for a while in college....putting liners and caps on jars of expensive skin creams, boxing up bottles of perfume and cologne, etc....at times it was like that episode of I Love Lucy with the candy coming down the conveyor belt...lol. Can't tell you how many times my thumb would go into the little jars as they would fly by....5 points
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I don't even remember the last time I craved a smoke. Distant memory. I can't imagine a scenario in which I would choose to light one up. Unthinkable. I don't miss smoking at all. Not one iota. Three and a half years ago I seriously doubted my ability to quit. Now, it's hard to believe that I ever smoked. Hang in there newbies. The only thing that kept us trapped as smokers was a perception of ourselves altered by addiction.4 points
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I smoked roughly 25 cigs a day which consumed approx. 7 minutes each one. That's 3 hours a day just smoking. Whether it's work breaks or personal time - you've got more of it now. You need to find productive ways to fill that void and you will. It seemed to just happen naturally to me - no plan and no strategy. It just got filled with other, healthier things. There's a post around here somewhere called "Filling The Pages"; or something like that and it speaks to this issue exactly4 points
000000000000000 Congratulations Chicks im really pleased for you.zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz4 points
I thought you were going to post a pic of boxes or something. I'd work there. The grass is always greener though I suppose. Anyway, I quit whilst I was off work and when I went back I didn't know what to do with myself at break times. It used to be a case of desperately watching the clock so I could go to my car to inhale poisons and make my car messy and smelly. I've found other useful things to do now but it is weird at the beginning, weird but good.4 points
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Seriously though officer bakon, congratulations on 7 years quit. And thanks for all the insults you bring to the board. I hope you do something special for yourself to mark this milestone. Here's one idea:4 points
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You Bunch of window lickers never remember my quit day. This ain't the first time...You know I had to quit to be a member? Think I was born a quitter? No! I joined and quit, but no...nobody thinks bakon needs remembered. thanks a lot jerk faces.... going to bed, maybe tomorrow will be better... asshats.3 points
Very sweet picture! Please don't ever give up on your quit. You're quitting for you which I guarantee that is what your Dad wanted. Make the day you quit a very special day. Mark it on the calendar and have it mean something that you protect and keep it safe from everything, no matter what happens.3 points
Congrats on 7 Months Sammy! Wow, the time is really adding up now for you. Hope you're enjoying the benefits of being a seasoned quitter Celebrate the occasion today with something special3 points
Wow, @jillar what gruesome news and a reality check. There is nothing good about tobacco and nicotine addiction. Nothing. I hope your Mom listens to somebody and stops. I am so relieved that you built a sturdy quit, Jillar. This is frightening and so damn sad.3 points
The small things count as well. It could be, "Have I got my fags?" "Damn, I've forgot my lighter. Oh no, It's empty, I'll have to nip to a shop on the way to work. Have I time?" I've got eight fags left....erm....is that enough until I get home tonight? Let's see, two on the way to work. Six on my breaks. Bugger, none for my journey home. Mmmmm... not enough but I've no money left. I'll ration them better." Etc.etc. All that palaver is gone now. The freedom comes in many guises.3 points
I worked in Jaguar car plant ,when I first quit ...so I know about only having certain smoke times .. The smoking area,s were so few and far between ..I was glad to stay put and have a much earned drink and a sit down and rest ,instead of a stressful break of cramming my cig in ...and getting back ... Rejoice .., You can relax And enjoy that much earned break ...another positive .....3 points
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Absolutely! It's not as fun as it might look. It's very thankless. I'm struggling to find stuff to do at break now that I'm not hurrying to smoke the whole time. It's actually a nice time!!3 points
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Thinking of you mrs, Depending on if those patches were viable or not, your body is pretty close to being nicotine free. Now, it is a matter of retraining your brain to deliver endorphins for good things instead of the tie to nicotine. So reward yourself ALL THE TIME !3 points
I started out smoking Marlboro Reds and eventually switched down to mostly Camel Lights and Marlboro Lights stupidly believing that the "light" part made them a bit safer (another marketing trick). Those were my three go-to brands. I remember bumming a few Winstons early on but I mainly stuck with the brands I just mentioned. Doesn't matter, all cigarettes are garbage. It is sick how big tobacco marketed them.3 points
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