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G’day think about smoking every day..... NOPE .....that enough thinking for 1 day9 points
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yay Juan ! You Quit Smoking ! Remember what @Sirius says, "The next time a craving plunks down on your face ask yourself, 'What price you are willing to pay to own yourself?'" Have you seen this short film ?4 points
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Hope you are doing good, @Roark, Craves should be getting farther and farther apart but, stay very alert for triggers...many triggers are seasonal and it is just a matter of living through the first year. Triggers sometimes jump out of the blue but, they will be the dying embers of your smokey days.3 points
Don't forget our daily Nope thread ....this is a great way to start the day ....a promise to yourself ...you won't smoke in the next 24 hours ....I found this a powerful tool.... your doing great Juan ...3 points
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Goofing around on the internet because I don't remember how to be a night owl anymore. Took a nap earlier. Now I don't feel like going to bed at my usual time. Sugar Britches and Cash are both asleep already. I'm rested and ready. Don't have a damn thing to do, but I'm rested and ready nevertheless.2 points
I don't remember where but I read someone suggesting that smoking dreams may actually be a physical reaction to your body (specifically, your lungs) pushing up and out some of the cigarette waste. The taste of whatever it is triggers your memory. You somewhat taste tar so your brain kicks into gear and provides the context (a smoking dream) to explain it. Because that was the last time you "sensed" whatever it is. That being said, 6.5 years later seems a bit long for the lungs to still be getting rid of smoke crud.2 points
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Have I come on here and jinxed the ticker? Doh! everything works fine then I come along...……………….2 points
Thanks all. As is always the case and in line with what I've learned - today was a lot easier. It comes and goes but days like today will be more common and days like yesterday will be less. As long as I don't cave and start the whole thing over. Thanks for the insight everyone. Happy to be here.2 points
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@reciprocity and @mightyboosh since my ticker is working but your tickers aren't I decided to do a little experiment last night and created a second ticker as a test ticker. What I found was the ticker that i copied the code and pasted in my signature did not update. So I then created another one and instead of copying the code I copied the actual ticker and pasted that in my signature and it updates. So I would suggest deleting your current ticker from your sig and then making a new one by copying and pasting the actual ticker1 point
I planned on waiting a month then seeing the doc with stronger cards to play now I've given up. They never said it directly but I got the impression that they would be unwilling to do much surgery wise if I wasn't going to help myself by quitting.1 point
Sending good thoughts your way and wishing you the very best (and hopefully some sense of relief) as you start Round 2 of this battle tomorrow. I hope you've been able to rest up along with getting some healthful eating and exercise in to put yourself in a good mental and physical place as you continue to plow through all the obstacles. Cheers to you and to winning this battle one day at a time.1 point
This has been all over our news as well - my son is a vaper and I've been really hard on him about it! I might not be able to play hypocrite with others but I'm no holds bar when it comes to him regarding smoking/vaping. He will get a straight throat punch (out of love) if I see him with one of those darn things in his mouth much less a cigarette. And sadly I see more and more vape shops opening everywhere .1 point
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