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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/21/19 in all areas

  1. G’day They say I’m only a Puff away from 20 a day. Recon they are right. Its NOPE for me C
    8 points
  2. Our friend is just testing the water ...
    7 points
  3. 7 points
  4. 6 points
  5. ...Got to be kidding me... have to bring my own then... cant trust these party people...
    6 points
  6. I see it, I see it! Boat's coming .................... Oops ... wrong boat. Don't worry, it'll be here soon
    6 points
  7. ^^Euro friendly explicit language version^^ Ohhh, I just cant wait any longer! 'I got my swim trunks, and my flippie-floppies...'
    6 points
    6 points
  9. 6 points
  10. One day at a time...sometimes one hour or one minute at a time....NOPE!!
    5 points
  11. Wow... this! Stroopwafels – the gems of the Netherlands The company Van Meer’s has created a Stroopwafel liqueur, which imitates the taste of our favourite Dutch snack, but with 14.7% alcohol added. With tastes such as cinnamon, caramel and slight nutty notes, this makes it the drink of gods. It’s already won a gold medal at a World Spirits competition, so we know it’s going to be lekker. https://dutchreview.com/culture/food/if-you-thought-eating-stroopwafels-was-good-well-you-can-drink-them-now-too/
    5 points
  12. I cant wait!! I'll bring a million stroopwafels! Sooo excited!
    5 points
  13. Congratulations Grund on 2 years smoke free! That's something to celebrate for sure! Hope you get out there and treat yourself to something really special. I'll bet you never get tired of those benefits gained by being a nonsmoker
    4 points
  14. Congratulations MLMR on your arrival to the coveted Lido Deck! In honour of this occasion we would like to present you with your very own Lido pin that you can display with pride from this day forward You've done such an amazing job with your quit and I know there will be a parade of people offering their own personal accolades and good wishes for this occasion. I don't want to steal any of their thunder by babbling on and on so I will just say that you have done an amazing thing for not only yourself by quitting smoking for a full year but also by leaving a legacy behind for others following in your footsteps. Your Introsucktion thread will be a guiding light for so many new quitters. Now let's get this party started!! This is YOUR DAY MLMR! Enjoy to the fullest
    4 points
  15. Congratulations and welcome to the lido deck MLMR it's been a privilege to watch your journey and I couldn't be happier for you. You had a mountain to conquer and watching you conquer it has been amazing. You've left a legacy for so many behind you and I really hope you realize just how important your thread is. So without further ado, I am channeling my inner Jane to bring you this in case she doesn't make it by:
    4 points
  16. Hi Jazzmine! Welcome to the Train and congrats on over 6 years quit I'm certainly no expert on dreams, but I would think it probably has nothing to do with you subconsciously wanting to smoke or still craving to smoke but rather some sort of imprint on your brain that was crafted during all the years you smoked and it is somehow summonsed when you dream? That's my best guess anyway but the important thing is that you don't act on it. What you do when you're awake is the critical thing so just keep the quit you have. That's all you really need to do. Feel free to hang around if you like. We're a pretty close group here who all have one thing in that we are all quitters and stick around to try and help others looking to put their nicotine addiction to sleep.
    4 points
  17. Watching the news and apparently Dim-Wit Donny has managed to piss off even Denmark by cancelling his state visit there due to comments made about him wanting to buy Greenland from them. Why the concern over this? If you look at a map of Denmark, it's almost the spitting image of Batman. Would YOU want Batman pissed off at you?
    4 points
  18. I'll take #3 cuz I have no idea what you're talking about
    4 points
  19. NOPE, for Wednesday, August 21, 2019
    4 points
  20. Yay! Michelle. Never give up giving up. NOPE is the best way to start. I am so glad you are back!
    4 points
  21. EXACTLY! And when I come back and browse and read through people's posts, I cringe at the words I read when people break their quit because they echo my junkie voice, and I want to shake them awake from it and say "that's not you! that's the chemical speaking through you!" but I know I could barely tolerate hearing that when I first came here for help.
    4 points
  22. more cocktails while I'm on my Euro Trash Tour
    4 points
  23. Thank you for the reminder @notsmokinjoI told myself it would be small potatoes and when I woke up this AM the cap had slipped off and the hair was piled inside and still coming out. So - bald and beautiful it will be. I just need to figure out if I'll use a #2 guard or a #1?? Any suggestions would be welcome! I've already taken a few old t-shirts and cut them off right under the arms and learned to make a turban with them. I put that one on this AM and seem to work pretty darn good!!
    4 points
  24. Bald is beautiful.. it says I'm a fighter. It says I am strong. It says I have untold power and strength.... And yet it's still daunting when it happens, I was fine when the hair fell out had one if the kids I tutored buzz it off for me but the day I wiped my eyes and I was left with a handful of lashes, I broke....cried and cried and cried. Not sure what it's like where you are but over hear we have free wigs , if you want to go that way. Check with the support groups they will know what is out there. Just think, often it grows back differently, and you will have virgin hair again, never coloured or permed. Mine came back darker and curlier. Completely different.
    4 points
  25. Nearly 10 days. Real headache, binge eating and feeling down.. What did you guys did to overcome ?
    4 points
  26. You just ruined my dinner! I want that stuff
    4 points
  27. I found this site online while I was searching for the answer to a question. I quit smoking almost 6-1/2 years ago and have not had one puff of anything since. I despise the smell of cigarette smoke. But WHY do I still smoke in my dreams? At least once a week I have a dream and I'm smoking in it. After this long, certainly the habits and cravings are long gone so why on Earth do I smoke cigarettes in my dreams? The only "answer" I found online is I'm craving nicotine, which I'm clearly not. Thank you in advance for any insights. Jazz
    3 points
  28. Congratulations on your first year MLMR! Well done!
    3 points
  29. Thank you all! I have woken up, upset that I've broken my quit. It's so strange to me! I definitely think I romanticized smoking in the sense that I always felt it calmed me, which is a normal reaction to feeding an addiction. There are still RARE times I think having a drag would be amazing, BUT then I think it would taste like ass and I see other people smoking and it looks and smells disgusting. I also would never disappoint myself by smoking again. Being a quitter is amazing!
    3 points
  30. interesting question Jazzmine. I too have dreams where I am smoking to this day -- and I mean I fully experience smoking so much I feel like I have broken my quit upon waking up. As said above I believe it is imprinted in the brain as are other experiences you have gone thru. So long as it is not in your daily waking life and you are not really craving I believe that you are good. And by the way awesome job on the 6 1/2 year quit!!! By the way not a weird question, I have asked or mentioned here a couple/three times!!!!!!
    3 points
  31. #1 is a big fat lie. If I had to try to eat sushi once a week I would be fasting once a week. Love seafood, but cook it please (except maybe a raw oyster here and there), and hold the seaweed. Not a big fan of other fish in general, and raw is not an option. Somehow even the vegetarian sushi tastes like fish oil.
    3 points
  32. 3 points
  33. Due to some health issues I'm taking it slow! I did some strength building last night. Today I'm gonna do some gentle yoga....
    3 points
  34. Their names are Tank (the rottie) and he's almost 6 and then our Big Booty Girl Luna who's almost 5 - we think she's part kangaroo part mastiff lol!! She really wants to help but she has no thumbs!! I know the hair will grow back but it's such a big step to think about shaving it just yet since the top is all still there. However the slightest movement or touch and the rest of the in- between layers are just all over my clothes, the floor - just everywhere which is why I just went to the shoulders and tucked it under the cap for now. I figured if it was still coming out like this over the next few days I'll go ahead and just have it buzzed off. I did some googling and found a place 5 min from me called 'in the pink' and they will do it at no cost. They also offer free yoga classes for cancer patients and survivors every Wednesday at the beach so I'll check with my Dr. to see if I can get the OK for something like that. It would be nice to get to socialize a bit and meet some new people who 'get it'.
    3 points
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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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