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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/16/19 in all areas
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What?!?!?! Say again? Well according to a few studies and some peripheral observations there ARE a few benefits to regularly using tobacco products. Lower's risk of total knee replacement in men. Lower's risk of Parkinson's disease. Lower's risk of obesity. Lower's risk of unwanted pregnancy..b'cuz you ain't getting any Ashtray-breath. The Joys of momentary gratification as you feed your habit. There are suggestions that smoking alleviates ulcerative colitis. No need to plan for your 80th birthday. There is some blurriness to this list. For instance, you may not need total knee replacement because you weigh less because of smoking BUT if you DO need total knee replacement as a smoker your chance's of complications are much, much higher. In just about every other way smoking increases your risk of acquiring or worsening every other disease or medical complication, for instance (and just to name a few): Alzheimer's Dementia Glaucoma Macular degeneration Coronary Heart Disease Aneurysm Peripheral vascular disease Stroke Heartburn Peptic ulcers Vericose Veins Crohn's disease Gallstones Osteoporosis Asthma Lower respiratory tract infections Stained teeth Premature tooth-loss Various gum diseases Premature aging of the skin (your largest organ) Persistent coughing Smelly hair Yellowed fingers Bronchitis High cholesterol Weaker immune system Infertility (see benefits #4) Major diabetes complications Blood clots Early menopause COPD High blood pressure Decrease in sense of smell Pregnancy complications New born complications An increase of varying degrees of just about every kind of cancer Renal failure Increased chance of falling asleep and dying in FIRE. Yes, this has happened. Increased chance of complications and lengthened recovery periods of many medical procedures and surgeries ...and most significant of all...erectile dysfunction (see benefits #4; again). And these are just the medical disadvantages to smoking. We won't bother considering the disadvantages related to personal expenses, taxes, social stigmata, or the medical disadvantages of second hand smoke that impacts those YOU ARE CLOSEST TO YOU, or the resale value of that ashtray-on-wheels you call your car or the stench rising from your cloths.5 points
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I saw a grown man throwing a temper tantrum in a gas station earlier today. He wanted his money back because he claimed his slushy drink didn't taste right. He was genuinely upset. Can't decide if I should pity this man, it was a pathetic display. Or perhaps, I should envy him. If your life is so easy that a slushy drink not tasting as good as you had hoped is the biggest problem you face today...Congratulations, you're living on easy street.5 points
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I just don't like the idea of smoking any longer. It seemed such and inseparable part of me for decades but now ...... I can't imagine myself with a cigarette in my mouth. That's a good thing but it's not something I expected to feel when I first quit.4 points
I didn't want to wheeze anymore I didn't want to stink anymore I didn't want to waste my money anymore I didn't want to waste my time anymore I didn't want to be a slave anymore My Dad smoked 4 packs a day for over 40 years and died at the age of 56. When I realized I was closing in on 50, I had to stop. I told my girlfriend (and myself) when I quit that I would never smoke again. That's all the motivation I need.4 points
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1 is the lie 2. I did yes puke out the side of a taxi on my first date pure classy. 3. Yes that was me3 points
3 points
You are up jillar. My daughter loved Stephen King, so when we went to Maine we took her to his house. He has a big black, wrought Iron gate, with spiders in it, in front of his house. We also bought her a signed book at his book store in Bangor. We took the cruise for our 25th Wedding anniversary. Never been to Poland.3 points
I'm not making a guess but I am hoping it is #1. I am a huge Stephen King fan and I know his house is highly guarded from unexpected fanatical fans. If you've been to his house, I'm highly impressed.3 points
Incredible list, @Sirius for so many years, the light was on lung cancer. Now the light shines on everything. I know it took a lot longer for simple cuts and scrapes to heal when I smoked not to mention the annual 'bronchitis, which I no longer have and lots of other things on the list. Hopefully, I quit in time but, even if it catches up with me, I know that I will never, ever smoke again. My quality of life is measurably better than the smokey days.3 points
I know she had a cleaning business. Could our jillar do her cleaning in the raw?3 points
I agree ...it's amazing how much more energy you get ,when you stop smoking .. You've turned your life around ...I'm so happy for you ...but you know ... You need your stamina to keep the two ladies in your life happy ...3 points
3 points
Got out early this morning, before sunrise, and did a bit of trail running. Did 6.8 miles on the Snow Falls Trail, out to Laurel Creek and back. I still like to reflect a bit from time-to-time. Back when I was smoking and drinking, it was all I could do to wake up and roll out of bed in time so I wasn't late to work. Now I wake up early and feel like going for a run in the woods. The process lives. Long live the process!3 points
Father died from tobacco related issues. My quitting was a final gift to his memory. Later, I realized the gift came back to me as well. Smoking would desecrate my father's memorial and that ain't happening.3 points
My apologies for overtwoing. 1. I only have one newspaper delivered. 2. Love watching sports, particularly football. 22-1 The only milk I drink is in my coffee but considering the amount of coffee I drink, that's a lot of dairy. #1 is the lie and it's Jillar for the win.3 points
Well hope this comes out ok. I am well into spending my saved money from quitting. Most all of you know I am having major dental work and most of the damage was created from smoking. Anyway had my last oral surgery today -- that was $1100.00 and will include a crown on another tooth. In 3 weeks I get my impressions for really high quality partial dentures and that will add $3800.00 on top of another 1000 spent for the first oral surgery. Anyway had some good meds at the office to get thru and some good meds to get me thru the next three days --- on the down hill roll now and in a month or so will be able to eat somewhat normally and be proud of my smile. Sure glad I saved that money, I would like to have travelled some but in the future I can take care of that. Anyway on the mend and on to a better smile. No regrets -- I did this to myself and I will get it taken care of now that I have the means and the motivation!!!!!3 points
Jillar - I never even thought of that!! See - you people just rock with the ideas! I might not be able to walk the dogs (the heat is really bad) but it doesn't mean that I couldn't help in some of the other areas where there need a volunteer! Answer the phones or help with paper work or intake stuff. I will definitely check w/my Dr's 1st to see if that's ok even for just a few small hours a day! I think the biggest danger is me being a HUGH SOFTIE and accidently brining a new one home and saying BUT IT FOLLOWED ME!! . There was a time where I had sooo many animals people thought I was crazy. 3 ferrets, 3 cats and 2 dogs all at once! Now I was in my 20's at the time so it was much easier - but it all worked out and I loved every minute of it. My ex-husband was a tree surgeon so I've also raised baby squirrels and birds (I'm talking straight naked from the nest). The only thing he would not let me raise were the racoons which of course was the VERY thing I wanted to do!! I think the most 'exotic' pet I've had were sugar gliders - nocturnal but very cool! They even 'bark' and make this little noise that reminded me of a Pikachu character. Whoa - talk about going down memory lane! But on the bright side of things this AM - I slept til 4:15am! I didn't go to bed until almost midnight but I didn't wake up in between like normal so it feels like a full nights sleep almost. Ahhh yes! But the dreams are always strange, this time one of the tech's or Dr's had food poison and had thrown up all over my lab work. I just remember in the dream them telling me 'had it been just one more day' then I would have ended up with it and everything would have to be pushed back. More of a nightmare than a dream, but at least I was able to wake up from that! Also I don't feel that anxious this AM either - the need to wash that last dish I had or wipe down the counter just because. Very nice indeed. Just a small cup of coffee for comfort before I start my day. Also now that my steroid intake has been cut in 1/2 for the past week I don't feel as hungry as I used to. Before I was eating constantly and now it's tapered off enough it's a bit of a regular eating schedule of just good healthy foods. Also those steroids have their other 'side effects' that I've been taking Colace for so I have that bloated UGH feeling going on as I literally 'sit and wait' lol. So if nothing happens by today I will bring it up tomorrow with them just as a side note. Also they did mention if they were to cut back on any medication it would be that trial drug Memantine. It's not mandatory for me to take since it's a 'trial' non FDA approved so I need to do a bit more research on that before I think of upping the next dose as scheduled. The side effects only list dizziness and caution while driving - but again something I want to dig a little deeper into 1st before deciding. No big plans for today yet so we shall see where the morning takes us (with my wallet at home!). My mom is very active at the senior center and Friday's are her Mahjong day and I told her NOT to miss out on that. I'll be fine and will manage to keep myself busy - or maybe even chillax a bit more. But she insists on being at every treatment and Dr' appt. (same as I would for my son) and I'm so grateful for her being there and being so patient with me when I sometimes tend to 'lose it'. Oh and during my mass cabinet clean out yesterday I totally forgot about these 2 cabinets above my fridge because there was always so much crap cluttered on top. Well turns out I found 2 jigsaw puzzles, a jinga game and a crossword book along with a tiny little note book to carry in my purse! I don't know how many years those have been up there collecting dust but they are all cleaned up now and ready to play! One of the puzzles is double sided so it's really tricky and I remember it took us weeks to get it together so that might be a nice relaxing focal point for my day. I hope everyone has a great weekend! Remember to take time out for yourself and to stop and smell the flowers!!3 points
I think that's a great investment!! Healthy teeth and gums are just as important to the body as not smoking. Lots of salt water rinses help during the process as well BTDT. You are going to rock that brand new smile!!3 points
I know any visit to the Dental Torture -ist is serious business. Drink delicious and healing smoothies and sleep as much as you can. Imagine how crazy this would be if you still smoked ! Hope you are back with choppers soon. s3 points
That's great, Martian5! You just don't realize how damaging smoking is to your teeth (and your arteries, skin, heart, etc.) I go every 4 months for a cleaning now to keep on top of things...after having a lot of "deep cleaning/scaling" to head off periodontal disease....(ouch!). My dentist is impressed at how much my teeth and gums have improved since quitting....so am I!3 points
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I love Steven King so I'm hoping that's true. I'll guess 3 is the lie because who travels to Poland?!2 points
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Glad you're on the downhill end of it now martian. We'll be looking forward to seeing that shiny new smile2 points
I have most certainly maintained my Quit since having a bilateral pulmonary embolism. It was diagnosed as “Unprovoked” meaning no cause found with testing. Smoking causes blood to clot faster than normal so I really have to wonder if mine was due to smoking....just no proof. Who in their right mind would smoke after this? ?2 points
I was 55 a year and a half ago getting annual physical. Doc asked me if I was ever going to quit. I said I knew I should or at least cut down, but not anytime soon because I wasn’t ready to. So she said she wanted to send me in for a lung xray to see where I was (baseline thingy) for possible future medical treatment. That hit me hard; I realized I was playing around with my health, I wasn’t getting any younger and I was heading for a horrible sickly lifestyle in my older years. I quit a month later using Chantix.2 points
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