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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/13/19 in all areas

  1. I am feeling some bits of despair in the ether from people who have recently been here and relapsed. I don't blame them for feeling low down. Addiction is serious business. So serious that it takes your full attention and focused intention to have a successful quit. I can only recommend learning as much as you can about addiction. Read the materials here and from other places. Read until your eyes bleed. Even if you think you know all about it, you must imprint this information on your brain with indelible ink. Get right with yourself, make the commitment to NOPE and stand by your commitment. Do not waver. Hold yourself accountable. We are talking about saving your life, the quality of your life and the quality of your family's life. Stay in touch with this community. Post often, tell us how you are feeling and post support for others. The more invested you are in your quit, the greater chances of your success. I hope y'all come back with a renewed passion to quit. Everyday is a good day to quit smoking and the sooner the better.
    6 points
  2. Well - I think my new profile pic is appropriate lol! And sleep I did! From 9:30pm til almost 4am and it was a GOOD SLEEP! The mind and body feels so 'recharged' especially after yesterdays news. Today after my treatment I have my weekly follow up with the Radiation/Oncology team. Just the basics to go over how I'm feeling and to check my cognitive responses as well as to see how the trial medication is going. So far so good so nothing to complain about. Just still taking it all in stride one day at a time. It will be a busy week for me after today. The A/C people will be out here Wednesday for the change out. So for me that will be a chill day as they have to turn off the main unit so me, my mom and the pups will be chilling in the den with the window unit until it's completed. A nice Netflix and chill day - maybe I can get her to watch Deadpool with me as she's never seen it!! Then the following days I will spend sorting and cleaning my soaping detash supplies and getting those packed away for the buyer. Whew - that will keep me busy for sure and quite the sorting job but it's good therapy and it's has to be purged. I have so many candles and wax melts I've made that smell so good! I want to burn and smell them as I've always used 100% soy wax, but it's the fragrance oils I'm not so positive about considering smell/the chemical aspect and my lungs - so why chance it. I'll gift those out in appreciation to my WHOLE TEAM! A nice goodie basket of handmade soaps and candles. I went out and bought me a mini smoothie mixer which the 'blender' part also converts to a cup so I can put all this good fresh fruit into a nice single serving and blend away! I think I'll start with the strawberry/blueberry, banana, mango and pineapple mix first. Then make me some nice frozen ice-pops for later. Can you tell I'm really getting into this whole healthy - you are what you eat kick lol. Yesterday I tried lentils and brown rice for the first time and I'm just amazed at all the good food I used to snub!! But better later late than never and my BF is a great cook so that helps a lot! He's also ready to make the move to hop on board - snub the smokes and the drinking!! Even though I'm facing what I am he's just over the moon at the changes I've made in every aspect of my life in spite of it all and hopefully that will give him the strength he needs. He wants to wait until after my radiation before he attempts the 1st step as we all know how stressful quitting anything can be. I told him I would support him every step of the way and that together we would get healthy and happier together! I'm really looking forward to today - I finally feel like things are calming down with the body and mind, the house is nice and settled and everything for now (knock on wood) is just coming together like a well oiled machine for the first time in ages and the 'teamwork' between home and the Dr's are starting to show. HARMONY! Yup a good day indeed!! Again - thank you all so much for your encouragement along my journey! Keep up the good fight - throw out the trash and keep the lessons of the day to carry on!!!! Team DEADPOOL!!!
    6 points
  3. Listen up !!!!..... Smoking kills ...not a nice peaceful way ...it is a very slow painful death ...robbing you of your dignity.. If you don't worry about yourself ...what about your partner. Your family ..they have to watch you slowly losing all your capabilities....they will become your nurse ,your carer... It just doesn't effect you ,it's a family affair ... Fight to free yourself ...never give up...never ....
    5 points
  4. The course of the war is always decided by the last battle. Never give in and never give up.
    5 points
  5. I think you got rid of all the sticks in order to do that?
    5 points
  6. 5 points
  7. Sazerac sorry been Silent today. Had some medical stuff going on. Still not smoking. I haven’t had any problems with the Chantix. I’m still coughing up stuff. I’m not having any cravings at the moment. I haven’t really thought much about smoking the last few days. I’m sure they will come up for time to time. But for now the are nonexistent. So I’m just enjoying that peace for the moment and not questioning it.
    5 points
  8. Get in !!!!.....Chicks have scored.... The smutt sisters win for the chicks !!!
    4 points
  9. Welp - I guess it's time to start the blog and not clog up the threads: This is my 2nd try but it doesn't seem to show up?? But anyhow!! TEAM DEADPOOL is officially GAME ON! Today was another good day! I'm 1/2 way through my radiation treatments with only 5 days to go (excluding weekends)! After this AM's treatment I met back with my radiation/oncology team. They have reduced my steroid intake to only 1 pill a day which means the treatments are doing their job. They plan to wait 60-90 days for my next MRI to make sure everything is A-OK and that is the best waiting time to get the best results. He knew they were waiting on that 'thumbprint' gene however had not known that it was confirmed and immediately ran out to check my files. When he came back he seemed as relieved as we did yesterday! He wanted to make sure I wasn't having any side effects or vision changes (which I haven't) and advised again that in the up-coming weeks I may start to see my hair falling out. Again - small potatoes but considering I have long thick hair and they keep looking at it like 'we just don't know' and I also feel they don't want me to 'lose' site of the fact that it may or will happen just so I'm prepared. But in all honesty I do expect to lose it - and that's OK and the least of my worries at this point. All my vitals were totally normal and now that I'm down to just the 1 steroid a day sleep should hopefully come a lot easier now and I'll be over the whole 'zinging' around with this unfiltered energy at odd hours of the night. Fingers crossed!! I made my 1st frozen fruit juice pops this AM and got to try them when we got back - I have to say I'm impressed with myself lol. My mom even liked them and said it took her sweet tooth edge away. Later on I cut up some kiwi and had her try it, she actually ended up stopping by the store on her way home to pick some up she liked it so much! You go mamma!! Tonight we dine on whole wheat spaghetti - this will be a 1st for me so we'll see how it goes. A nice fresh salad mix with berries, nuts, a tad of parm cheese and homemade dressing! MMMM - cant wait!! I'm just feeling really good!! I didn't push today and even rested and recharged which was what I needed as the last thing I need to do is burn myself out. All positive thoughts and trying to find that balance with everything seems to be pulling together at last. Gearing up for the next level so to speak. I hope everyone has a great night and no matter where you are in this battle never give up - never give in or Team Deadpool will come kick your ASS!!!!
    4 points
  10. I am so glad you are with us @hellkatbaby So happy you quit smoking, you need smoking like a hole in the head what with all you are going through. Will definitely check in on TEAM DEADPOOL and watch you get healthier and stronger every day. You are touching a lot of people with your experiences. Be well, baby. Stay strong in your quit. s Here is the link to TEAM DEADPOOL for those on devices that can't see the list of current blogs.
    4 points
  11. Thank you so much everyone!! Ya'll really do lift my spirits as well and I so appreciate that. I have created my blog which can now be found under TEAM DEADPOOL - hee hee. That way I wont be flooding this thread and have a new space to post, ramble or do whatever I wish!
    4 points
  12. THIS!!!!! All the would have/could have and denial of the addiction that I was in - quitting only to relapse only to quit and relapse over and over was MADDENING!!! THERE IS NOTHING AND I MEAN NOTHING GOOD ABOUT SMOKING PERIOD. But you know this already...…...we all did and do. I blamed all my relapses on anyone and anything I could - but in all honesty I was weak!! I was an addict who thought like a junkie and now I am fighting for my very life due to that very denial. You have to stop the fight with your mind and commit yourself to the battle. There is no in between. It's not easy but nothing in life is. It's in these moments that you will find your greatest resolve and all the will power and strength you can muster to continue forward and commit to NOPE! You can make each day easier or each day harder - the choice is always yours. DO NOT make the same mistakes I did and sit in denial thinking it will NEVER happen to you and that just one more puff will be okay. I promise you it is NOT WORTH IT. And I have to echo Sazerac in that: Everyday is a good day to quit smoking and the sooner the better! I truly wish you the best of luck!!!
    4 points
  13. Waking up to take a tablet two that I can go to work in the morning and hopefully back asleep in 10-15mins
    4 points
  14. Right, I knew you were having a procedure. Hope that went well. Glad the Chantix is treating you right. As for the coughing up stuff, your cilia is shedding a lot of gunk from your lungs. This is temporary, just your lungs cleaning themselves. Of course, if you have worries consult your MD. You are doing GREAT. Stay focused and remain vigilant. YOU QUIT SMOKING !!
    4 points
  15. You go girl. That positive attitude got you through the fear and unknown and it is going to carry you through to the end. It is so exciting watching you make all these wonderful changes, in you life. You have become a bright spot in my day. I love to start it with your posts.
    4 points
  16. Woooooo - Hoooo!! Today is YOUR day Christa! 1 Year smoke-free today. How great is that? I hope you celebrate wildly today in recognition of all your hard work Pull up a deck chair and let's get this celebration started!
    3 points
  17. Go Team Deadpool, and look out world, there's a Hellkat on the loose and she's just getting started!
    3 points
  18. Had to be done, Porcini. Does this mean we enjoyed it ? Very likely.
    3 points
  19. I don't want to talk above my pay grade here but...I think your attitude and outlook are going to be great assets going forward. I believe that our mental state directly affects our physical condition in ways that people who are far smarter than me don't fully understand yet. The mind-body connection is not just symbiotic but also mutual. You've done yourself a great favor with the way you've handled recent developments in your life Hellkatbaby. Stay strong and fight on.
    3 points
  20. Our @Nancy won this game too, honorary Smut Sister, for sure !
    3 points
  21. 3 points
  22. Congratulations Christa. Welcome to the lido deck.
    3 points
  23. Congratulations, @Christa326 on One Year of Freedom. I hope life is v. good for you and you continue to celebrate throughout the years. You Quit Smoking....Life is Grand. S
    3 points
  24. Thank you all!! so proud of myself for sure and forever thankful for this site
    3 points
  25. 2 points
  26. Oh Hellkatbaby, I am so thrilled for you. I hope this news gives you the much needed peace to relax and sleep. This is going to be just a blip in the road and a new outlook on life.
    2 points
  27. Yeesssssss! How absolutely fabulous is that?!! Clearly this trespassing junk doesn't stand a chance against you and your crack team of doctors. I'm so very happy for you, Hellkat -- and healthy living for the win!
    2 points
  28. Christa welcome to the lido deck-- such a great achievement so well deserved. Enjoy the day and celebrate this first year of being a non smoker, you rock. Congratulations!!!!!
    2 points
  29. Congratulations on your first year of freedom! You are no longer a slave to nicotine! Celebrate yourself today!
    2 points
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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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