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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/10/19 in all areas
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LOL - I went to bed at 9pm woke up at 2am and now I'm 10 days ahead in the future already - hahahaha! I had to go check my Wth calendar LMAO! Either way NOPE!!!!8 points
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@hellkatbaby To get your ticker going ..... enter the info. on the ticker page as you have done. When the screen with a selection of ticker styles comes up, right click on the image you want and select save image. Then go to your profile and open it. Select Account Settings in the menu below. On the right a new window opens. Left click Signature. Your signature window will open then you go down to the body of your signature window and right click there. Select Paste from the menu choices. Your selected signature will appear. Click save at the bottom and ..... you're done5 points
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Yay! Thank-you! Have been out traveling in areas of no internet. Nope. Smoking is not an option.4 points
I echo Linda in being in awe of your positive attitude through all this. It's truly what's going to see you through to the finish line I play games at royalgames.com and there's a ton of games to choose from. And of course we have our own fun game section n our social forums you might like4 points
@hellkatbaby, I am so in awe of your strength right now. Your positive energy will keep powering you through this difficult time. You are going to come out the other side a champion! I wish I could have made some of your kind of improvements in my life, while I was younger. We all pay for them in our elderly years. I could go on about my son and grandchildren forever. How many children do you have? Do you have any grand children yet? Where about in Florida are you. My husband is retiring in January (I am already retired) and we plan on spending some winter time, in Florida. I would love to meet this strong lady I have met here. We could celebrate the end of your treatments. You can play free games on the computer at Pogo.com. I love scrabble. I used to play with my mother in law. I play the robot on the computer and feel as if I am playing her in heaven. Scrabble and crossword puzzles are my passion. I still love getting my newspaper so I can do my daily crossword puzzle. So glad you have been able to find some sleep. I find comfort in reading your posts. Comfort in knowing you have such a positive attitude towards this battle. Know that we are all here to listen and help you through. I know that after you fill in the ticker information that you have to save it. There are others that can explain the ticker better, I know they will jump in. Know you are in my daily prayers. Linda4 points
^^^^^^^Yipper looks like we are trying to get thru August on the fast track!!! Well nothing hurts when you say NOPE a little early I guess!!!!!4 points
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Thank you Linda! I try to keep things as positive as possible because during all my research I've learned that is the most powerful medicine - taking care of the body mind and spirit and let the Dr's do their job. Not to worry about the things that are out of my control but within my reach! I actually turned 50 this year and also wish I would have made these improvements YEARS and YEARS ago but life never hands you more than you can take. So I'll take it in stride. I'm actually in North Florida some years we spend Christmas on the beach and other years the winters are bone deep cold! But that's Fl. Raining one minute and the sun shining the next. I have only 1 son who's 26 and he's too gung ho to even think about settling down lol. A few have tried but he's one ambitious young man. Thank you for your prayers and I would love to celebrate the end of my treatments because that is my master plan!! Boo - I could not agree with you 100% more. Exercise and the anxiety link do go hand and hand. As you said the mind-body harmony makes a lot of sense. Right now I feel I've just been going and going in more of a 'nesting mode' - cleaning, getting things in order etc. feeling accomplished and feeling good but also being totally out of my routine and my emotions naturally bouncing all over the past few weeks I feel it's time to just settle into a nice healthy routine that just incorporates it all - as you said find that good harmony! I did download an exercise program from the Brio-blog for cancer survivor wellness that helps beat the fatigue and anxiety during treatment and it includes nice mindful deep breathing to help reduce the anxiety and exercises to help build and keep the muscles active when I'll need them most. Between that and a good healthy diet and a lifestyle change it can do nothing but benefit me and that's the key! I did get some extra rest today but did not sleep and that's ok. I'm saving that for tonight. But just relaxing and working some puzzles I picked up today really helped with the recharge I needed and by the time dinner rolled around I was ready to go and felt good! Saved some yogurt for dessert and topped it all off with a glass of 100% OJ!! I also found some ice pop molds and picked up a mini chopper to make my own natural juice pops, banana smoothies or marinades and salsas! This food thing is getting fun! Thanks to everyone for the encouragement and the tips on the game sites! I'll definitely put those to use. And I got my ticker!! Now it's time for a nice long warm bath to relax and then off to bed - hopefully I'll make it past 2:30 this time lol.3 points
In my opinion exercise is the best tool to deal with anxiety. There have been numerous studies and a lot of research done on the link between exercise and anxiety. I won't get into all those. I will just focus on my own personal experience. Not only does exercise leave me feeling calm and anxiety free, I also benefit from increased mental clarity following a good workout. I've experienced this time-and-again over the last three years: something is weighing on my mind, I obsess on trying to find a solution, then after a good workout...the answers just seem to come naturally. My opinion is that the body doesn't quite know what to do with feelings of mental anxiety. We've been hardwired to translate certain feelings into an immediate threat. The mind is just trying to sort itself out while the body is going into fight-or-flight mode. Exercise gives the body an outlet to release feelings of stress while the mind focuses on the task at hand. When the mind-body connection is in harmony, life just seems to make more sense.3 points
Sending thirds on being in awe of your strength, positive energy, and 'let's just do this' attitude. I'll add that you are inspiring me to borrow a bit of your spirit and determination and put more effort (and joy) into healthful cooking and eating, exercising and just generally getting back in the game, all of which I have been slacking off on for too long. So thank you for sharing your amazing self with us. Regarding walking for exercise, one (admittedly boring) option is to time a 30 minute fast walk throughout your house once the air-conditioning is up and running. I do this when it's too cold, icy, or hot outside, and mix in a few intermittent laps around the yard, trips up and down the basement stairs, and short laps in the vicinity of the TV for a little distraction. Decidedly not very exciting, but doable in any weather.3 points
Good morning everyone! Well - some sleep did find me between a nice power nap yesterday and maybe a good 5-6 hours tonight. Hopefully I will be able to power back down after a few. Right now I'll take what I can get. I tried to set my ticker and while the quit date is here the little ticker wont seem to stick that gives me the hours/smokes or $ saved. Any tips on that would be appreciated! Right now I just need to ramble - get the junk out of my head so to speak. Just been doing all sorts of research since yesterday was pretty much my 1st day alone after treatment which I find I didn't quite mind so much. Listing questions for my Dr's and going over some of the things I've been 'avoiding' reading out of just sheer fear. I don't like to google a lot about it because - well that's just a whole nother scary rabbit hole. I'll let the medical team worry about their job, things that I cant control and focus on the things that I can control. Body, mind and soul. While I have tons of energy I would like to start some sort of routine exercise program for myself, help build up my strength. Even tho I feel as I've been going and going since I got out I need a nice routine program to help maintain and keep going and getting better. I think that would also help release a lot of my anxiety and help me sleep more better at night. Walking of course is always best - but in this Fl. heat it's just NOT an option at the moment. And it seems if I try to walk somewhere in doors I end up spending money I need to be saving lol. But I could start with just the basics. Some small leg lunges with the aid of a chair. Wall presses, neck head and shoulder rolls. Maybe start with a 1lb hand weight. Just things I'd like to run by the medical team Monday at my next appt. so I know exactly what I can and can not or should not be doing during treatment. And though I have been diving into the whole diet research part, things that will help my condition vs harm I might as well take advantage of the nutritionists on site that cost me nothing. Go over the food list I have, how I'm slowly incorporating it and not just making a drastic jump as that could do more harm then good. Get some professional feedback and assistance with that. I did my 1st mini food prep last night with kidney beans. Aside of opening a can of them never even tried it before lol. That was quite interesting but a source of good healthy protein that's not red meat or just crap going in. So I did the presoak last night and will get to the cook maybe today or tomorrow. I can eat them as a side, toss them in some chicken or fish wraps or throw in a salad with my berries and nuts. I've learned how to cut and store fresh pineapple - some in the fridge rest in the freezer. How to make my own 100 juice pops - definately need to get me a mixer or blender so I can also puree all these good foods into a smoothie, a marinade or my own salad dressing as well. Picked up some kiwi, mangos and avacados part of the 'clean 15' as they call it. Asparagus which I find isn't as bad as I thought if cooked nice and crisp vs boiled limp like my mom used to try and force us to eat (bleh!)! The list of foods just goes on and on - and I used to hate cooking. I'd go out of my way to make my own homemade soaps and body butters, bathbombs and candles and loved it and miss it!! Of course now I cant mess with any of that stuff so cooking is the new soap making/crafting hobby! I have so many new recipes jotted down it's not even funny lol. But that's a good thing! This is all for my benefit so I need to educate myself as much as possible! I've also stopped buying the individual cases of bottled water - I found that I would have all these bottles 1/2 drunk bottles laying around and not knowing how old they were or who's they were and realizing the waste of the plastic and water combined. So went to the jugs and just pour what I need - simple and eco friendly! Just being so conscience about other things as well has helped if that makes sense. The A/C people called and will be out here next week with the new unit - YAY!! So BF is going to seal the windows inside and out just to help a bit more and then cool seal the flat parts of the roof to reflect the heat. There are still somethings we need to go thru and clean out and throw away. But Rome was not built in a day so each day we do a little more at a time. Clean house, clean mind really do go hand in hand. I almost know where everything in my house is again right at the finger tips! I do need to find some good memory/mind games/puzzles etc as my treatment might or will take effect on my short term memory. Again the whole honing in on what I know and just doing it better. The length of the side effects can last months or even years and again that depends on the patient and how much involvement they put into what they can and should control. And I want to be top of my game. I've read where too many patients just don't do anything. They still smoke, eat like crap, sit around all day and wonder why they aren't getting better when the power is all theirs. That will not be me!! Yes I will have my bad days - but I don't plan on staying there!! Today my son is coming over and we are having another lunch date and just hang out for a bit - the real highlight of my week! I don't care how old he gets he will always, always be my 'little boy'. I'm sure you parents can relate. And now the calm comes again. Time to make some oatmeal, chill in the lounger and snag a few hours of rest or possible sleep. Ahhh hopefully some sleep.3 points
JB ...how strange a post this is ...for someone coming back to the forum asking for help again, to help you Quit . I too have read through all the replies you received when you gave up your quit .. What I see is a board full of people who supported you in quitting again ...you say rude ...I say honest posts . How boring this place would be ,if everyone said the same thing ...I think you should go read them again ,this time with a open mind .. Yes our jillar is one great peep...but it seems you had your difference,s in the past ,and I'm happy to hear the hatchet has been buried... I hoping you have come back here in earnest to have support ,to help you Quit again ... Not to slate the members who do thier best to support all quitters ...3 points
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NOPE... This will be good until I get back from the Jersey shore ....going to Wildwood NJ for a few days...fun in the sun! Have FUN Roz2 points
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NOPE... This will be good until I get back from the Jersey shore ....going to Wildwood NJ for a few days...fun in the sun!2 points
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Welcome NNC sorry I missed this post - but kudo's on your goal for that sticky quit! It's a familiar road for alot of us as well. This place offers a treasure trove of information/education and just plain good old advise right at your finger tips 24/7! Use it to empower yourself - you got this!2 points
The foggy headedness - sometimes that does last a while. I always kept thinking I was leaving something - Stopping at the front door right before leaving digging thru my purse like a check list before I dare lock and close it. Keys, wallet, phone, glasses etc? Yup all here aside of Ahhh the pack of smokes! V8 head smack. Or be in the middle of a work thought and just go blank like what WAS I doing again??? Fumbling in the car for what? Ahhh the old familiar - DOH. It's all a normal part of the process just keep your course and remember you are doing this for a very wise reason because after this foggy restlessness you will start to notice so many good things. Smell!! Taste!!! And the 1st time you can take a deep unwheezing breath of fresh air that it almost scares you because feel light headed from just AIR!!!! Crazy I know lol but it's true. Wishing you all the power you need for your weekend!2 points
Me too I can’t take anything like that til after Monday. I’m having surgery not allowed to take it because of the Anastasia. But if it doesn’t get better after that I will definitely tried taking it a lot earlier . Thanks for the tips.2 points
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