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Let there be no confusion on this. Please, allow me to make this crystal clear. So that there is no miscommunication about my intentions on this day. I'm going to have to state, unequivocally,and with absolutely no reservations and with incredible conviction. That today........ I'm gonna have to give ya a big ,fat NOPE !!8 points
Ah Thanks guys, So proud of my Son and his wife for giving me a beautiful Grand daughter Elyana Ava I am so in love with her. She so tiny...6lb 6oz. Had lots of cuddles with her tonight....feeling blessed and so glad I don’t smoke any more, she is far too precious to be handled with stinky fingers!!7 points
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GranD baby was born at 1.01am just 3 hours after we left the hospital. She had a hard time bless her, but baby is fine, and DIL getting her strength back. Son only rang me this afternoon, he is exhausted too, they went hours without sleep. So happy for them, not sure if it’s a boy or girl, they are keeping us guessing till we visit later on. Sooooo relieved, normally I would have smoked my head off with such anxiety, but this grand baby is not gonna have a stinky nanny ...yay7 points
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The first days can seem like the longest days of your life. I’m sitting here this morning counting all the reason I’m quitting. So many wonderful reason but still the beast is calling. I’ll have a bite to eat and I’m so accustomed to having that after meal cigarette and then I realize I don’t really need it. Come on here and read some post or watch a video. Thank goodness for this forum. And all the wonderful members who take the time to help all us newbies.6 points
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OK I had to try the pirate name generator -- not sure if I can go with but here it is ---- Rum Balls Joe.. Don't think this is good for martian's!!!!6 points
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Don't worry my marriage survived my quit. I was a meek and mild sweet person but when I quit I dropped so many F bombs my husband was in shock. Things did calm down a few months into my quit but I still drop an occasional F bomb to keep my husband on his toes.6 points
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If you go there you will self combust,best stay away ...your brain will fry !!!5 points
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Ha ha Joe Hurricane Diane is currently going through the house throwing all the crap out. Hope no one misses anything that got in the way5 points
Anticipation is way worse than actually doing. That applies to most life situations you don't really want to do but know you must do. Jump in, all in and stay on the forum for education and support. That will help you. Quitting won't kill you but continuing to smoke just might. One day at a time my friend. It IS possible for anyone to quit!5 points
**** THIS IS NOT A TEST**** The National Weather Service has issued a warning for the Palm Beach area for about a month or so. All people( Especially Diane's Husband) are advised to seek shelter immediately ! Do not aggravate Diane in any way . Do not push any of her buttons during this critical time. Do not drive through huge puddles,cuz that's just stupid. Do not tell Diane to calm down,because that is pretty stupid also. You are in for one hell of a ride. **** THIS IS NOT A TEST**** ( Except for Diane's husband...this will be an unbelievable test for you! )5 points
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Joe my hubby would agree with Hurricane Diane lol. I haven’t been in the best mood! Poor man has to live with me. I’m staying as far a way as I can when the smoke is coming out of my ears lol5 points
G'day Jo ! I'm just wandering around this place in total awe ! There is so much to distract and entertain ! WOW ! Songs,music and games.......I'm just gonna live here...over there in the corner, I don't eat too much and I'll keep the tunes down.5 points
Let me share something...…. During one of my many craving episodes( you will have them), I could feel it coming.... I didn't want to eat anything, I didn't want to read anything, I didn't want anything but for the craving to stop! I sat on the side of my bed and grab the back of my head and rocked until that crap passed(and they do)! The whole time my husband is standing in the doorway watching me! I shrugged my shoulders and said. "that was all I knew to do" we laughed and that was the end of that craving...... So what did we learn(In my mother voice) We do whatever we can, however we can, whenever we can not to take another puff!!! Be encouraged Joe if I can do this so can YOU!!!!5 points
Welcome Joe, I stayed on the Train and read all that I could. If you don't know what to do, don't do anything!! Just ride out all that you are feeling and going thru. This process right here is taking me some place marvelous!!! and I've got to stay on to get to that place!!!! Don't let anything come between YOU and that marvelous place!!! A NONSMOKER!!!! Happy Quitting You are a nonsmoker RIGHT NOW!!!!5 points
waiting for my Grand child to be born....over 30 hours in labour so far........ come on baby .....5 points
Oh my! Here is my pirate name Decayin' Jasmine Bellamy. Lol this is a little too much fun. I’m not suffering nearly enough4 points
I hope we are entertaining @Eight-Toe Joe (and distracting him from smokey thoughts) ! I'm in hysterics. @Martian5 Rum Balls Joe sounds like a christmas confection or another porn name.4 points
That could also be the worst porn name ever. Although....there was an actual male porn star that used to go by the name Buster Hymen. I mean...c'mon! That's trashy even by porn standards.4 points
I'm more motivated than ever to join a local clean-up volunteer group. 1 person may not make a huge difference but I will make at least some difference. That's important because I too was a major contributor to this problem for more years than I care to admit!4 points
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It can't be worse than this Brain fog. Hmmm....an attempt to hide the blemishes from the new guy. A " Don't pay attention to the wizard behind the curtain" move. The classic" Yellow Brick Road maneuver. But I trust these women with my quit. Surely, they are honest. Surely ,they are angels sent from heaven, or from the Nicoderm headquarters. I will follow Doreens advice and stay away from the chicks and more importantly, the sticks. For all I want in life is to swim like a dolphin and not to self combust. Is that so wrong? and Sazerac put up a sad emoji thingy, and I can't live with that kinda pain.4 points
Not only are the women scary, but they're notorious cheaters in the Chicks or Sticks game.4 points
Well done Joe ,you have arrived here with the right attitude.i have tried to laugh my way through my own quit . After all ...it's mind blowin....being able to laugh at ourselves is a great start.. Quitting isn't all doom and gloom !4 points
Edy welcome aboard. Just focus on the here and now then make the commitment to quit -- one day at a time. Then come here often to educate and socialize -- it will truly help!!!!!4 points
You are right Diane. Those first days seem to be a total obsession with fighting off the cravings. And the irritability is off the charts. I still recall standing in the "15 items or less" line at the supermarket and my head nearly exploded as I counted the 21 items that the sweet, elderly lady in front of me unloaded on the conveyor belt. When she pulled out her checkbook to pay I just lost it. "Are you %#&ing kidding me!?!?!?!" Calmness and sanity will come back. And the freedom from "needing" to light up every half hour will actually make your life much more peaceful. Keep up the good work. You're on track.4 points
This is very true. Sometimes there's nothing to do but grit your teeth and ride out the craving. They won't kill ya, just not pleasant4 points
jillar- WOW ! " It takes a village to raise a non-smoker." So I'm just going to build a small grass shack on the outskirts of this here town. Maybe run for city council someday This place is awesome!4 points
When they reach the "D's" . I hope it's Hurricane Diane ! " She came ashore in a fury ! " Blew everyone away !" " " Changed her course and quit smoking! " Good Luck !4 points
Diane......Failure is not an option anymore. We gotta do this. I think we found the perfect group of people to help us. I'm with you on this . Be prepared for the shit storm on the horizon. Hunker down and hold on ! All we have.....is our future ! Stay strong, my friend !4 points
Joe you are quite funny! I love it life is full of Debbie downers.4 points
You can spend time in the games threads...they are heaps of fun...except the stupid sticks and chicks game..there is no point playing that one it would just be a waist of ya time.4 points
tomorrow ... thank you both.. i am already totally stressed and irritated .. and feel that cribbeling .. therefor i think it is regardless smoking .. and smoking may make it actually worse ..4 points
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