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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/04/19 in all areas
8 points
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It's a good day 4 th July and Kdad is back ...and I say NOPE !!!!....perfect .!!!!....7 points
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Good morning fellow NOPErs...now something tells me today is a special day...so Happy Birthday Queen Sonja of Norway or one of those Viking countries...nah just joshin .... Happy Independence Day to all our Yankee Doodles... Make sure you have a great time celebrating your nationhood. Nope... Not to day, not tomorrow, not ever, forever.6 points
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5 points
This is a great question and I've been straining to come up with an answer and have none. I was tired of the social stigma, the smell, the cost, the fact that my day revolved around when/where I could smoke, jonesing for a smoke when on a flight or any other situation that I couldn't smoke, standing out in rain/cold to smoke. It was frustrating that I was stuck in this addiction and was dead-set on quitting and getting my freedom back and have a real peace of mind (not the false peace of mind when you finally relieve a craving by lighting up). So my answer is nothing. Don't miss it or anything about it AT ALL.5 points
The fact that you are addressing the issue and looking for answers is a great start. Anger has its time and place, but carrying too much of it around is bad news. I sincerely hope you find what you're looking for...good luck. I had never heard of the 7-4-7 method before. So I guess there are people who do seven rep sets...bunch of freakin' weirdos.5 points
Confession: when I get angry I swear, a lot. Hmm I think maybe it should just say...I swear a lot.5 points
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5 points
Yep, it's coming back. We're trying to figure out why the anonymous login isn't working.4 points
4 points
Stevo1 - You are 3 months into your quit now - congratulations! You must be starting to enjoy some of the benefits you have been seeing since you've quit. Stop around and tell us how you're doing; we'd love to hear from ya. Hope you celebrate the occasion of being a quarter year quit and treat yourself to something nice. It's raining 3's!!4 points
4 points
@hesteralumni23 As an example, when I do have a crave for a cigarette, I admit it to myself that "Yes, I have a crave" but I then say to myself "I'm not going to succumb to it". Now, I understand that this "Haze" that you speak of is not the same thing as a crave to you, but since you already admit that you're in The Haze, you could maybe soon after tell yourself "I'm not going to succumb to it, instead, I'll do something else"....just a suggestion. As mentioned by others on the board, you may have other issues and traumas that you're dealing with. Here's a link to a channel I found on Youtube. It's by a former therapist, named Daniel Mackler. Please do have a look at it. https://www.youtube.com/user/dmackler58 Here's another video that may help you. Pay more attention to the part he starts talking about the "craving monster". If it makes things easier for you, you could replace the words "craving monster" with the words "The Haze monster". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tTb3d5cjSFI Hope this helps.4 points
Wouldn't that be those who follow the 7-4-7 method? Confession: I Google. And I think I might need a subscription to Men's Health magazine.4 points
4 points
I was the same way and unpacking that thought process was a vital step in dismantling the misguided beliefs in the power of the cigarette that I was holding onto. I "needed" that first cigarette of the morning to get me going, but I "needed" that last cigarette at night to calm me down. The cigarette that I smoked in the morning was identical to the last one I smoked before bed. Yet I convinced myself that the one woke me up while the other helped me sleep. Upon further review, I started to think to myself that this whole smoking thing didn't quite add up.4 points
I decided to quit the day before I did quit so there wasn't much time to think about anything let alone one specific thing I would miss. There was just a dark cloud of trepidation as to how I would possibly be able to quit doing something I loved doing and had done all my life pretty much. Funny how one's perspective can change so completely in such a short period of time. I don't miss anything about smoking now - nothing!3 points
3 points
Hey hesteralumni23, Smoking masks underlying issues that surface when we quit. A lot of us have had to face it and eventually we do learn to do without the crutch. Hope things work out for you. You have the right idea and I think you'll succeed. Smoking was the hardest thing for me to quit and it took me many attempts. You will likely do it in less.3 points
3 points
Ducking in and out of the house doing outdoor chores cuz it's +45C (113F) today with humidity factored in so getting into the AC from time to time is a blessing. I was thinking about how it was just back in Feb. sometime it was at around -40 (-40F) for a bit. That was just over 4 months ago. Unreal how the temperature can swing that much in 4 months. No wonder Canadians complain about the weather constantly. It's too hot .... It's too cold3 points
I think that is such a smart move on your part. You have dealt with so much at such a young age. We are here for you sweetie.3 points
Im sorry. I need to get off this board, I totally don’t belong here and i am scared that describing what im going through and what ive decided will throw you guys off your own journeys. but thank you to everyone for your support. ill come back if its right for me but its not right for me right now I love you all soooo much and im going into therapy for my childhood shit and going to be okay on that3 points
Hey !!! Try Qi Gong ....it's a great way to unwind ....I do it every day ....Chinese Art of relaxation...carnt hurt to try something new...follow it on you tube !!!3 points
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Your challenge, should you accept it, post a song with a US state in the name...3 points
My stat is I was quit all day today. That's 1 more day quit than I ever had when I was a smoker.3 points
I'm not big on nationalism, I am a worldly woman but, this mother ****** nailed this song for ever more.3 points
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2 points
Good thing we do not live around the corner. My husband would love a bowl. We are doing beer can chicken on the grill and having the neighbors over.2 points
@hesteralumni23 I hope you find what you're looking for. All the best!!! P.S. - I hope my replies in some way didn't influence your decision. Take care2 points
We do have a swear thread in the Off the Record...sometimes it's good to unload ,as long as it doesn't hurt anyone ...2 points
2 points
@Rozuki, if your mom smoked a pack a day (20 cigs), at $3.00 a pack ( I was guessing) and quit July 20, 1991: Oh and congratulations to your mom @Rozuki2 points
Official video has some creepy cartoon smoking a cigar, so this one is track only.....no video.2 points
2 points
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